Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 322

322 The Phantom Ghost, Elijah

“What is going on, here?” Adele demanded as soon as she made it to the underground entrance.

It was the VIP entrance to access the club and currently one of their customers seemed to be unsatisfied with their services.

The valet already had sweat forming across his forehead. He lost the car under his supervision. How was he going to explain that?

The valet claimed that the customer himself came back to collect his car and was wearing the same clothes but the man in question denied such a thing happened. So how was that possible?

“I’m just coming out from the club and you’re feeding me this billshit?” The man was beyond livid, veins bulging from his neck and face.

“Sir, please calm down, we’re going to resolve this issue as soon as possible,” The manager of the club said, unsettled by Adele’s presence already. It would be seen as a shortcoming on his side if he couldn’t handle this issue as soon as possible and Adele steps in.

Unfortunately, Adele made no effort to interrupt them and stood at the sidelines, trying to see how the case would be handled.

“What do you think happened?” Adele asked Aziz by her side, testing him as usual.

“The incident doesn’t seem like it happened by chance and must have been planned even before the customer stepped into the club. Looking at his dressing, he must have lost his coat to the perpetrator who stole it and posed like him, having copied his keys. Unfortunately, the nonchalant valet was not observant either and let the perpetrator off. In one word, the car has successfully been hijacked. ”


“Brilliant as usual,” There was a hint of proudness in her voice when Adele said that, although she didn’t show it, “We have to find the car as soon as possible else that would be a loss on our side and as well, teach those culprits you don’t steal from the Luciano for a reason. Check the cameras, they should reveal everything we need to know and give us a headstart on tracking them down.”

However, Adele didn’t have to bother at all because almost immediately, they heard the loud screeching of tires against the asphalt and a car heading in their direction.

“Oh my God!” the VIP customer exclaimed while pointing at the incoming car, “That’s my car. It’s my f*cking car!” He was excited.

At once, confusion furrowed Adele’s brows. What was going on here? Why was the stolen car returning? But one thing was for sure, something was not right here. Adele suddenly had a bad feeling about this and was already reaching for the gun strapped to the inside of her thighs when it happened.

It all happened all quickly.

Just as the car neared them with great speed, the car window slid open and revealed the driver, a man with a painted face and her face drained of all blood. Oh shit.

Even if Adele hasn’t seen him, she has heard of his tales. The phantom ghost, Elijah. The man she was assigned to find and sadly, he found her first. Did he know that she was searching for him? Was that the reason that he came after her this time?

Adele tried to reach for her gun but he was faster and already shot at her. The only thought in Adele’s head at that moment was, so this was how she died? She saw her life flash before her eyes and the only regret in her heart was, that she didn’t have a family.

As someone who was always looked down at, mocked, bullied, and criticized all of her life for being an illegitimate child, Adele had dreams of starting her own family and giving her child the love she never received. Sadly, it was quite a pity that she wouldn’t live to see that happen. Or so she thought.

Adele shut her eyes, waiting for the pain that did come but not in a way that she expected. She felt someone bump into her and together, they fell to the ground.

The air was knocked out from her lungs upon the impact when they hit the ground and at the same time, the car took off. Despite the pain, Adele stood up and fired at it but it did little damage to the car and the phantom ghost disappeared as usual.

Adele would have gone after it, which was kind of stupid considering that she narrowly escaped death. However, knowing that she tried at least to catch him would save her bruised pride.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t do much when she heard a groan by her side and looked down to see Aziz still on the ground and bleeding.

“Oh, God!” She went pale on the face, her heart missing a beat when she saw the blood.

Adele went to his side and got on her knees, examining his wound. Aziz took the bullet for her and fortunately, it hit him on the arm else she wouldn’t know what to do right now. Someone dying for her wasn’t what she wanted or expected.

“Shh, it’s okay.” She calmed him when he moaned from the pain, “You are going to be fine. We just have to stop the bleeding and get you help as soon as possible,”

After Adele said that, she turned to the manager and snapped, “Call Doctor Ben immediately!”

At that moment, she looked feral and ready to kill had he delayed obeying her instruction for even one second. He has never seen Adele this mad and he called the doctor immediately.

Doctor Ben was a criminal doctor reserved for the Luciano crime family, to be precise, those high up the hierarchy. The fishes at the bottom of the organization had their clinic where they are attended to.

Adele went over to the VIP customer that was currently traumatized by what was happening and tore off a part of his clothes which she used to tie around Aziz’s wound.

He screamed when she touched that injured arm and her features softened at once. She was not going to let anything happen to him. She would keep him safe. He was her lifesaver.

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