Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 312

312 It Was Her Child

“You’re leaving?” Eric commented as soon as he saw her climbing down the stairs, all dressed up and with her handbag in her hand.

“Ah, Yes,” Natalie breathed, tugging her brunette hair behind her ear, the gesture catching his attention, “I need to look around the city. You know, get some air into my head and you know, it’s been a long time since I was here. There’s bound to be changes.”

“Sure, there are,” Eric confirmed her thoughts yet his gaze wouldn’t leave her as he said, “Also, you look beautiful,”

“Thank you,” Natalie smiled at him, color rushing to her face.

“Would you be free tonight?”


“Since you wanted to look around, there are many pretty amazing places we could have dinner tonight. You’re going to love it so please don’t say no.” He was hopeful.

Natalie pulsed her lips as if she was thinking over it and then nodded, “Sure, why not?” She gave in.

“Moreover,” She added, “Your brothers have proven to me that I’m old and no fun anymore. I’ll have to bother you tonight then?” Natalie hinted at the fact that none of the brothers had returned home to welcome her.


“No, don’t say,” It wasn’t funny to Eric but she didn’t notice it, perhaps due to the fact she was used to every one of his moods, “You are far more interesting than you give yourself credit for. Moreover, I’m sure my brothers are just busy or something. They would come running here the first opportunity they have,” He prayed.

Those brats hardly come home anymore, each of them invested in their own lives. But he wasn’t going to tell Natalie that. He didn’t want to burden her or make her feel uncomfortable.

It was a huge miracle to him that she finally managed to return to the city. To this place that marked the beginning of her sorrows and also the end of them. For that alone, he was thankful.

She was exactly where he wanted her to be, so he could keep his eyes on her. And maybe, you know, just maybe, with time, she would be able to see him as more than a brother to the children she raised. Yeah, he hoped so.

“Thank you,” She appreciated him for the compliment, “If you say so then. I’ll be on my way,” Natalie waved at him, smiling as she took her leave.

Now she thought about it, Eric was kind of charming these days. Or maybe, she’s just thinking nonsense, Natalie tilted her head unsure.

The door was opened to her as soon as she approached the car and she climbed inside gracefully. Sometimes, old habits were hard to forget. Having been practically raised like a princess, her body was used to strict etiquette no matter how hard she tried to break free from them over the years.

Who knows, her father would have married her off to the prince of some nation if she hadn’t met that man.

Realizing she was venturing into her dark past, Natalie instantly sealed her memories and pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She can’t think about this now. It had taken her years to recover from that incident. Natalie refused to revisit her past.

Just as she told Eric, Natalie spent the rest of the day shopping, going to the spa and the saloon. Her chauffeur drove around the city aimlessly as she wanted when she stumbled upon the café.

She went in and ordered an Ice Cream. Not long after, her gaze fell on the young couple that walked through the door. Natalie couldn’t explain it but she felt drawn to them or maybe it was because she was a lover of act and the couples were so beautiful that they looked picturesque.

Natalie wished she could take a picture of them but knowing that was an invasion of privacy, she respected herself. Moreover, now she stared at the man, he was beginning to give off that vibe Eric possessed.

That young man was not ordinary and as if he could sense her watching him, he turned in her direction but Natalie had looked away already, concentrating on her Ice Cream.

Having been with the young masters for a while now, Natalie had picked up on some skills and was confident she could defend herself from an opponent. More than one opponent and it might become a bit difficult.

However, Natalie still couldn’t look away and found herself stealing glances at them once in a while. She had to admit, they were quite a sweet couple and sparks were beginning to fly.

From the awkwardness surrounding them, it seemed that both of them hadn’t admitted their feelings for one another and that brought a smile to her lips. She had been in that position years ago, Natalie smiled at the bittersweet memory. Nonetheless, it was only a matter of time till they realized it, she had good feelings for the couple.

Suddenly, she saw the young woman knock down the coffee by mistake and the contents poured all over her date and she shook her head. Tsk tsk, that young lady was quite clumsy, kind of funny but she wondered which of the parents she took after. Natalie gulped, her child would be around the same age as her.

Natalie forced her eyes closed and took a deep breath. She came here to unwind, not to blame herself for the decision she made twenty-three years ago. Moreover, it was for the best – for her future.

So she focused her attention back on her Ice-cream and decided she would leave when done before she embarrassed herself. However, that was when the child began to cry.

At first, Natalie would have ignored it but a second child joined in and the cries became quite annoying to the other customers who deserved their peace.

She sighed, as much as children were cute and innocent, they can be quite annoying and embarrassing in public settings. So Natalie decided to help the distressed mother out when the young lady beat her to it.

Wow, she’s quite kind as well, Natalie thought as she watched the young redhead take the crying child from the mother who thanked her. Her mother must be so proud of her, she reasoned.

Natalie took her spoon and was about to dig into her Ice Cream when she heard the young lady begin to hum a tone and she stopped. Normally, she wouldn’t care what lullaby one whispered to a child but that particular tune sounded oddly familiar and her heart was beating fast at the sound of it.

Although the young lady didn’t sing the words, Natalie knew that tune any day and anytime.... because she was the one that composed it.

Natalie went as still as a rock as the young lady continued to hume that tune to the child and questions filled her head. She took off her glasses with shock and focused all of her attention on the young lady as if the others didn’t exist.

Where did she hear that song? Only one person knew that song unless.... apprehension gripped her. Could that be....?

That was when Natalie took a good look at her and by chance, the young lady turned around and she saw those eyes that were as green as her own. Her breath hitched at once and Natalie cupped her mouth to stop her from gasping out loud.

It was her.

It was her daughter.

She could feel it in her bones.

But the young lady didn’t feel the bond, if anything, she smiled at an incoming figure and Natalie followed her gaze only to realize she was watching the young man from earlier who went to probably clean up in the restroom.

However, the young man wasn’t looking at the girl, but at her and her heart nearly jumped out of her throat. Natalie instantly lowered her head before putting her glasses back on.

Oh God, what has she done? She was reckless and didn’t think about her identity. However, Natalie didn’t think much about it and surmised he must have caught her, staring at his girlfriend creepily. Who wouldn’t be concerned about that?

Thus, Natalie stood from her seat immediately and decided to leave the place when the young man tactically blocked her way.

She raised her brows, her eyes hidden behind the aviator glasses. Natalie put on a haughty demeanor that belonged to an arrogant aristocrat as she asked him, “Do I know you?”

Her brows were raised questioningly and her posture suggested that she looked down on him hence he answered, “No, sorry, my bad. Forgive my rudeness.”

He shifted out of her way and she let out a huff showing that she was annoyed by his action. Natalie walked to the entrance with her head lifted high, however, she knew the amount of self-control it took her not to look back.

It was her. Her child.

She was so close to her and yet she didn’t know. Natalie felt her heart breaking into a thousand pieces and knew she wouldn’t be able to get a good sleep tonight.

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