Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 297

297 Her Personal Bodyguard

“That was all he said and left?” Mimi asked her after Arianna narrated the encounter between her and Marcel.

“Yes, that was all.” Arianna sighed, staring at her best friend.

Mimi had come to visit her as usual and unlike the other times they stayed in her room, both ladies were outside this time taking in the fresh air.

An umbrella stood over them, shedding them from the sun while they sat on an outdoor recliner, relaxing.

“So, what’s your plan now?” Mimi was curious to know because her friend was not the type to give up on her goal.

Arianna shrugged, “I honestly don’t know. I was thinking of causing problems for him but that plan is bound to backfire on me. I’ve witnessed it firsthand, trust hand. Marcel is not the type of man you push around. He doesn’t take bullshit from anyone, lady or not. You hit him, he hits back twice.”

“In one word, you’ve run out of ideas. He wins.”

“No,” Arianna told her, ” I’ve might have run out of ideas but I have not given up. Marcel thinks more with his fists and depends on his ability, unfortunately, I depend here....” She hinted to her brain, “And my charm.”

“A-ha,” Mimi had a hard time believing that.


“I’m serious. All I have to do is to just think intensely and I will.....” Arianna was still saying when she felt someone approaching because his shadow fell on them.

Both Arianna and Mimi lifted their gaze to look at the intruder only for a whistle to leave their lips. Geez, where did this guy come from? They haven’t seen him around here until now.

Both ladies didn’t even realize they were practically drooling until he waved at them, saying, “Hi, I’m Luca and your personal guard from today’s onward,”

“What?!” Both Mimi and Arianna shouted at that same time, stunned by the sudden news. What was going on here?

At once, Mimi stood to her feet and went in front of him, blocking Arianna from his view, “Hi, I’m Mimi and that is my sister, Arianna,” She stretched out her hands for him to take.

“Nice to meet You, Mimi, Arianna’s sister,” Luca shook her hand firmly and all Mimi could think about was, damn, the muscles on this man. This man was like an exotic delicacy. So yummy.

Luca was tall, like really tall, six feet plus probably, and then with muscles on his body that could make even a married woman have sinful thoughts. The shirt he wore was so snug around his middle that they could see the outline of his strong chest. What she would do to make that guy take his shirt off?

And then his face was crafted by God himself. His black hair was curly and fell over his soft brown eyes. Although his skin was pale, it was blemish-free for a guy who seemed to have seen hard work. How did this Adonis get here?

“Your mouth is open, Mimi,” He said, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

“Oh!” Mimi palmed her mouth, laughing awkwardly. This was so embarrassing.

However, she glanced up at him saying, “So, uh, Luca, right?”

“Right.” He said, standing up straight. The height of this man.

“When you mentioned ‘personal guard’, do you mean ‘for me’? Or ‘Arianna’?” She added, “or ‘the both of us’?” Mimi pleaded in a lower tone even though she knew the answer already, “Please pick me.”

But Luca chuckled, “I’m sorry, but boss Marcel said I’m to keep an eye on Arianna. However, you can call me too if you’re in lucky but my priority is Miss Arianna.”

Mimi groaned, “Lucky Arianna,”

Arianna in question looked at her innocently. How was she lucky? Marcel just made escaping here ten times more difficult.

Sadly, Mimi saw that look and face-palmed, “You are so naive sometimes I don’t know whether to be happy or sad for you,” Mimi said, and went to sit back down on her recliner with a pout. Why does Arianna get to have all the handsome guys and doesn’t even know how to use them. This word is unfair.

“Hi, I’m Arianna,” She was on her feet to welcome him this time,” However, I don’t understand something, you are here to be my personal guard? I don’t even know you,”

“Yes, I’m not from around here but boss Marcel called me to be in charge of you. He told me that both of you discussed it already.” Luca said to her.

“Discussed it already?” Arianna frowned. Why would she be stupid enough to ask Marcel to put a guard on her..... And then, it hit her.


“If you’re going to have your men on my tail, I just need one of them. It makes me uncomfortable to be under their scrutiny, not to mention all the time.” She demanded.

“That would only happen if you promise not to shoot any of my men again,” He made his demands.

“Fine, I won’t.”

“Anything else?” He asked.

“Yes,” She said.

What now? Marcel rolled his eyes mentally, women were so demanding.

“Make sure he’s handsome.”


“Whoever you’re sending to watch me for twenty-four hours, seven days. I need to feast my eyes on a handsome face,” She grinned at him knowingly.

*end of flashback*

“Oh no,” Arianna looked pale as she withdrew her hands from Lucas’ who knew from her face she finally remembered.

“What is it?” Mimi was concerned after seeing her expression.

“I think I just shot myself in the foot,” Arianna felt like crying.

She had intentionally made that demand to Marcel knowing that he would never fulfill it. Marcel was very possessive and interested in her as well, what male in his right mind would risk his love interest falling for another? Definitely not Marcel.

But that was what she thought. Facing her now was reality – Luca was here. And Marcel really got her an attractive male like she wanted. No, this was impossible. It was not like Marcel. He must have threatened the poor man into doing this.

So she asked him, “Luca, right?”

“Yes, Ma’m?”

“What would happen if you hit on me?”

He blinked, supposedly surprised by her question. But Luca cleared his throat and answered confidently, “You can rest assured that would never happen.”

Arianna was intrigued – and challenged as well. This was the first time a man was telling her in the face that he was not interested in her.

“How can you be so sure of that? I’ve been told by many that I’m a siren beauty,”

“That’s actually easy because I’m gay,”

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