Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 291

291 Who Gave Him The Right To Destroy His Face

“I won’t take your life but I’ll stop you from winning,” The guy declared with a crazed look on his face. He was determined to keep true to his words.

However, Elijah wasn’t there for child’s play nor did he have the time to waste.

Hence, the guy was hardly through with his words when he charged at him, his movement so quick and fluid to the point the guy didn’t see him coming till he was directly in front of him and had knocked the dagger out of his hand.

It all happened too quickly for the guy to comprehend, because as soon as the knife was knocked out of his hand forcefully, Elijah squeezed his hand hard behind him and he screamed in pain. At the same, he kicked the falling knife at the hilt and it cut across his leg.

The guy cried at once but there was no room for mercy as Elijah kicked him on the good leg and he buckled from the imbalance till he was kneeling on the ground.

“You? W-what are you doing?” He was suddenly afraid. If he knew that the pretty face was this strong, he wouldn’t have picked at him at all. He knew he should have learned when Aziz defeated John, but he blamed it all on luck.

John must not have been in his best form that day, moreover, everyone else had reached the finish line save him.

He thought if they ganged up, Aziz would be easy to defeat. He was friends with the colleague that took off. But had he known, he wouldn’t have agreed to be the scapegoat.

“Listen to me!” Elijah boomed, and he nodded his head instantly. He didn’t want to die yet and Aziz looked like he would murder him soon.


He went on to say, “You would announce to the others that I’m not easy to bully!” And with that, Elijah punched him in the face, knocking the daylight out of him.

Looking down, he saw the weapon the idiot had hit him with. The guy whacked him in the face with the heavy branch of a palm tree. No wonder, it stung his face.

Elijah collapsed to the ground, “Damn it,” he cursed as he felt a little lightheaded and wiped his face with his palm only to come up with blood.

Oh no, no, no.

For someone who was used to flaunting his good looks, it was equivalent to being in a nightmare when he suspected injuries on his face. He began to think of the worst-case scenario? What if he became disfigured after this? Oh no, that can’t happen.

At once, his face distorted in fury. What he would do to that asshole when he gets his hands on him! Fueled by anger and revenge, Elijah got to his feet immediately. This was not the time to dally around but to win his prize.

Elijah knew he was at a huge disadvantage but from his calculation, that guy couldn’t have reached the finish line nor was he the type to give up with a fight. Looking down at the timer, he had about ten minutes before the competition was over. He was halfway to the finish line, he would make it – if the asshole doesn’t arrive first.

This time, Elijah was driven by nothing but a mad thirst for revenge and the adrenaline pumping in his system was two times greater than the first time. If the world’s fastest man was here to watch Elijah run, his jaw would have dropped to the ground at the sheer speed.

His body was tired and hurt like hell but Elijah had gone past the point where he still feels pain. Right now, he was nothing but a shell with one purpose, win the race and beat the hell out of his colleague.

Honestly, his colleague committed no crime by hitting him since there was no limitation in this competition, but the idiot touched his face. Doesn’t he know his face was a national treasure? Arianna hadn’t even seen his real face, what gives him the right to destroy it?

Meanwhile, the colleague in question was close to reaching the finish line and because of that, he let his guard down.

He was dead tired and leaped towards the finish line, after all, there was no one here to challenge him. He never thought of winning had his best friend not made that sacrifice. He would repay him later but now he had a race to win.

Looking ahead, he saw the others at the finish line and they were cheering for him, but only for a moment because there was a sudden commotion and their cheering grew louder and more confusing. He could almost say they were encouraging another person.

Curiosity got the best of him and he turned back to investigate what was going on only to see the Aziz he thought he defeated charging towards him like an angry bull.

Oh no! His heart jerked in his chest and he decided to run at that moment. However, because fear had set in, no matter how much he ran, Elijah was gaining on him.

Frustration set in but he resolved to reach the finish instead of running against Elijah. They were just a few meters apart but Elijah, seeing that his colleague would arrive before him, pulled out a stone he had picked on his way here to everyone’s surprise.

“What is he doing?” The others were confused at his action. He should focus on gaining more speed, not fooling around with a stone. They bet he wouldn’t even get a good shot.

However, Elijah didn’t focus on the back of the head, he threw the stone at the back of the knee and the guy helped in pain, falling to the ground just inches away from stepping on the line.

However, the flag on his hand touched the line but not for long because Elijah snatched the flag from him and crossed the line immediately.

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