Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 268

268 Bargaining With Her

After the meeting was over, Marcel found himself hovering outside Arianna’s door. This time, he didn’t just want to see her, he needed to discuss something with her but he didn’t know how to approach her.

Would she even want to see his face after the fight last night? Marcel ran his hand through his hair, he shouldn’t have kissed her. At least now, their relationship wouldn’t be this tense.

But then he couldn’t help it. Marcel liked her and when she wouldn’t stop stirring his blood, he lost control. He wanted to pull her to him and kiss the daylight out of her – show her that he could treat her better than her runaway boyfriend. But that was easier said than done.

Marcel knew he couldn’t stand here forever. He had to make a move and take a risk. If she still doesn’t respond to him after this, he’d leave her alone to come around at her own space – and the time it takes to catch Elijah.

So he knocked twice for privacy’s sake before going in. When Marcel came in, he didn’t find her in the room and panicked slightly only to find her seated on the balcony, her back turned to him. That was a huge relief.

He stalked towards her and knew the moment Arianna noticed him because she said, “If you’re here to convince me to have lunch with him, better save your breath. I’m not seeing your precious boss, you better get used to that.”

“I would not get used to that,” Marcel said from behind and she stiffened momentarily before hardening her resolve probably.

“What do you want? What are you doing here?” Arianna asked in a dead tone without looking back and it hurt his feelings. He liked when Arianna looked at him when she spoke, then he could see her beautiful face – and her boldness. Her fearlessness and willingness to solve a herculean task turned him on. Alright, he was not going to head in that area considering that’s the reason they’re in this awkward situation in the first place.

Marcel didn’t answer her, rather he took the seat beside the stoic-faced Arianna and sat down. He had her in mind when he was selecting this room and space was of the essence because of her love of “freedom”. You could think of this place as a peace offering and he sure hoped it fulfilled its purpose because he needed something to appease her anger and win her over.


Marcel watched her and what he saw almost broke him. He didn’t notice it but she had lost a lot of weight from the stress and he couldn’t blame her. Any other woman who went through what she’s encountered would be traumatized for the rest of their life but here she was standing strong. Although she looked tired, Marcel had no doubt she already had a plan of escape in her head if he wasn’t careful.

Arianna looked tired but the glint in her eyes was there and she had never looked more attractive to Marcel than now. He respected her the more – and fell for her harder. This was the kind of woman he wanted by his side, beautiful – both on the inside and outside – brave and strong. If only she could let him show her how much of the world he could give her if she agrees to be his.

“I’m here to offer you a deal,” He said and that roused a reaction out of her apathetic expression yet she wouldn’t look at him still.

“What deal?”

“Stick around here while I find Elijah and I’ll help you find your mother.” He said.

She turned to him shell-shocked, eyes wide and accusing before they turned into one of disbelief and annoyance. At that moment, Marcel knew he had to tread carefully else they start another argument, after all, he was bargaining with her family.

And Marcel knew she was quite sensitive about her family. He means, who wouldn’t be when that was partially the reason for their fight yesterday? But no more fighting – he was tired of it. It seems he was here to wave the white flag.

“How do you know about my mother?” Her voice was thin and cold, as if it was on the verge of breaking so all hell would be let loose.

“Don’t you remember?” Marcel told her, “The day you cuffed me to the wheel, I went after you and came across the news during my search for you,” He subtly explained he threatened her uncle.

Arianna only huffed and looked away, saying, “You can take your deal with you, I’m not interested in it.”

“You don’t want to know about your mother?” Marcel wasn’t judging her knowing the circumstances behind her answer. But he still hoped.

Arianna turned to him, a sneer on her face, “Don’t call her that, she doesn’t deserve that title.”


“It’s been twenty-three years. She made me believe that she never existed for twenty-three years of my life, so she stayed that way for the rest of her life. I survived without her, what difference would she make now?” There was so much anger and hurt in her voice and Marcel couldn’t blame her.

If someone came out of nowhere and told him that his own mother whom he thought was dead for years was alive and had only done that to escape his father, he wasn’t sure he would forgive her. That was so much betrayal and disappointment – she abandoned him.

“You don’t even know why she did so? Unless she’s an irresponsible mother, I refuse to believe that she intentionally gave up on her. The fact that your father wants you to find her must mean something.” He tried to convince her but her heart was not even touched at all.

Arianna stood to her feet, towering over Marcel who was seated and for once, enjoyed the feeling of being in control,

“Well, in that case...” She was being sarcastic, “Daddy’s last wish can’t be fulfilled. And if you want to bargain with me next time, Marcel, come with something worth it.”

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