Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 257

257 Draco Was In Trouble

As soon as Draco left, Mimi was served dessert and one should see the way her eyes widened in joy. This was fantastic! The moment she has been waiting for is finally here!

Thanks to the die-for sweetness, Mimi was so absorbed with the dessert that she didn’t notice that Draco had been gone for far too long. It wasn’t until her eyes fell on his empty seat that she finally noticed he had not returned from answering nature’s call. Gosh, that dessert was distracting.

Mimi was almost through with her dessert but she abandoned it knowing this was more important. Why was Draco taking far too long to return? She picked up her phone to call him only to remember she didn’t have his phone number.

Damn it, what kind of person doesn’t have the phone number of her date? Well, she had been nonchalant about Draco until now. What was she going to do now?

Her gaze traveled across the room trying to see if she could catch sight of him, but all she saw was the other guests busy with their dates. Mimi’s stomach churned with nervousness, she didn’t like this.

Mimi remained on her seat but one could tell with the constant tapping of her feet against the tile that she was becoming impatient and uncomfortable.

What was going on? Draco said he was going to the restroom, surely it doesn’t take this long? Or perhaps, he suddenly developed diarrhea from the food – it wouldn’t be surprising – and he was stuck in the toilet and she was worrying over nothing, Mimi told herself.

Even at that, it still didn’t make sense, no, she was not convinced by her excuses and she needed to confirm it to be certain. Immediately, Mimi got to her feet and headed in the direction of the restroom.

“Gosh, this is so embarrassing!” Mimi gritted her teeth as she stood at the entrance leading to the men’s toilet. Should she do this or not? Maybe, luck would be on her side and there would not be anyone in there?


But the reverse was the case!

As soon as Mimi stepped in, all eyes rested on her and she wished the ground would open up and swallow her immediately. This was the most embarrassing day of her life! Wait, till she gets her hands on Draco, diarrhea or not, she would beat the love of God into him.

“Jesus, fuck!”

There were a total of six men in there and as soon as confusion set in upon her appearance, all five of them attempted to hide their wee-wee further into the urinal while the other who was done intentionally put it out for her to see in the guise of zipping up, an impudent grin on his face.

Eww, mother f*cking pervert located! On a normal occasion, Mimi would have beaten the hell out of him but she was the one who broke the rule by venturing into the men’s toilet uninvited – the blames on her. She should even be lucky if she doesn’t get arrested for this. Gosh! She would surely be traumatized after this!

“I’m so sorry!” Mimi apologized as she walked further into the toilet while shielding her eyes with her hands from seeing more.

“I just need to find my date!” She went to each cubicle and began to knock on each of them hoping Draco would respond if he were in one.

When she got no response, Mimi was really tempted to look below and confirm his presence until someone from behind the cubicle hurled profanities at her. He must have sensed she was a female from her voice. Mimi wished there was an ejector seat to toss her out of here now.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her on the arm and was leading her out of the restroom in angry strides.

“What the hell are you doing?!” The man growled at her face as soon as they were out.

“I-I’m so sorry,” Mimi choked out, her face burning with embarrassment. She didn’t know who the man was but his impeccable suit told her he must be rich or something.

She went on, “Please, I’m not a pervert or a peeping tom,” Mimi quickly explained herself knowing his patience wasn’t much, “My date left minutes ago for the restroom and I can’t get through to him so I decided to come search for him myself. I’m really telling the truth!” Mimi hoped he believed her because she didn’t want to spend the night in prison.

The worst part was that her parents had traveled out of town for business and there would be no one to bail her out today. Even at that, she wouldn’t be able to face her parents if they get to hear this disgusting piece of news.

“What’s your boyfriend’s name?”


“I need his name so I can call him out myself instead of you,” There was annoyance in the man’s tone.

“Oh.” She finally understood him, “Draco! His name is Draco!”

“Wait here,” The man told her with a hint of warning in his tone as if daring her not to make a move.

“Sure,” Mimi gulped, knowing she was as good as guilty if she ran now. The situation was so embarrassing that all she wanted to do was to hide her face but Mimi had never run away from a challenge, so she stood her ground.

The stranger met her in the same spot when he returned and said, “He’s not there.”

“No,” Mimi shook her head, confusion setting in, “That’s impossible, he told me he was going to the restroom and that was the last I saw of him.”

Suddenly fear gripped her, “Could it be something happened to him?”

Instantly Mimi’s mind shifted to Victor, remembering the murderous look on his face when he heard about their date.

Oh no, her blood ran cold.

It couldn’t be that Victor tracked her down here only to kidnap Draco out of jealousy. If that was the case, doesn’t it mean that Draco was in trouble?


Yeah! Today’s my birthday and there’s a picture of me in the comments section if you want to catch a glimpse of me or you can visit my Instagram handle @Young Sommie. Thanks so much for your wishes. And by the way, I’m much older than I look. Baby face here??.

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