Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 253

253 Better In Bed

Arianna woke up with a splittering headache and a swollen eyes. She had cried herself to sleep last night after that confrontation with Marcel.

She was depressed.

What happened last night? She threw herself on Marcel, like literally gave herself to him. And Arianna knew that if Marcel had pushed any futher, she would have done it with him last night. And that was what made her more angry, no, she was disgusted with herself! She wasn’t supposed to harbor any feelings for that bastard, but here she was, sexually attracted to the man who kidnapped her.

To make matters worse, she was suposed to be in a relationship with Elijah. God, she doesn’t know anything about Elijah anymore. Does she still like Elijah? Yes! And she wanted to remain loyal to him. But she had failed the faithfulness part by making out with Marcel. She cheated on him.

Arianna had always bore a strong dislike for people who two-timed in a relationship. People invest a lot into a relationship – their time, emotions and resources – and feelings are fragile hence, it shouldn’t be treated as a playground. But then, who knew she would dine in the same table with the same sinners she despised.

So one could imagine how she felt right now – like the worst sinner in earth. What would she tell Elijah when she returns for her? That is, if he does return. With what she’s seeing so far, Arianna was beginning to lose hope.

Marcel was not letting her out of here and this place was like an impregnable fortress with his people crawling all over like ants. Elijah can never break in here unless he wanted to die. She has tried it so many times and was only able to go as far as the outside because Marcel had given an order not to hurt her. If she had been someone else, the person would have been killed at the spot.

She had hope that Elijah would come back, but how long would that hope last? What If Elijah has realized she wasn’t worth it anymore and she was hoping for nothing? Let’s say he gets her, what’s the possibility he wants her back after what she did with Marcel?

God, her head was so full of thought she was slowly going crazy. She was tired sincerely of all of this. Arianna longed to go back to that time when she didn’t have all of this problem – when she still have normal people’s problems. How normal is it for girls to be kidnapped by Mafia Lords now days?


Reluctantly, Arianna got out of bed and washed up in the shower. She put on pants again because it gave her a layer of protection incase Marcel had ideas. However, she wore a fitted shirt this time and walked back to the bed where she laid down.

She was free to move around but Arianna wanted to limit any possiblity of bumping into Marcel. Right now, she was mentally drained and wasn’t in the mood either for a confrontation. But then, the universe always seem to be against her.

A knock came on the door.

Arianna ignored it as usual.

Another knock sounded and she simply turned her back to the door with her eyes closed. Whoever was at the door would eventually leave when they don’t get a response. Or force their way in.

And the latter came through.

The door was opened and Arianna sighed, waiting for the moment when she’d be threatened into having breakfast with Marcel. However, she heard a voice that she had not expected.


Arianna stiffened first, then her eyes went wide at the recognition of that voice and she climbed out of the bed with great speed, almost missing her step in the process.

“Mimi!” She screamed, throwing herself into her best friend’s arms who didn’t hesitate to hug her back. Both women cried fresh tears while holding on to each other as if they were hanging onto life.

“Thank God, you’re safe,” Arianna was grateful. Although she knew Marcel had not killed her, those pictures still scared her and she was happy to know that she was hale and hearty; no harm came to her.

“I was so worried about you,” Mimi said, brushing back the hair from her face to see better, “You don’t know how worried I was about you, Arianna. I felt so helpless and useless the past weeks when I couldn’t help my own friend. We promised that ,”

“I’m so sorry,” Arianna told her, “It was so risky I couldn’t get you involved. God knows I would never forgive myself if something happened to you because of me. I’m so sorry, Mimi.”

The both of them embraced each other once more, crying and drawing strength from each other until they were spent.

After that, the both of them laid on the bed, sharing information and catching up on the time lost between them.

“How did you find me? Did Marcel send you here as a peace offering?” Arianna asked, knowing what Marcel was capable of. Whenever they fought, he always found ways to appease her.

“What?! Marcel?” Mimi looked like someone just threw shit on her face. That bastard just pray she never lays a hand on him because if she does, she’d string him up by the balls – if he doesn’t kill her first.

Okay maybe, she would not do that considering he’s a Mafia boss. But then, she would not forgive him easily; Marcel would surely bear the brunt of her fury in one way or the other.

“Victor told me,” She said.

“Victor did?” There was a great shock on Arianna’s face, “You and Victor? How did you two become so close?” It was highly suspicious since Victor doesn’t even talk to her.

“We are not close!” Mimi was quick to reject the claim but all that did was arouse more suspicion.

“You aren’t?” Arianna narrowed her gaze at her.

Mimi sighed, knowing that her friend didn’t believe her one bit. So she told her half of the truth, “Marcel tricked me into working for me and Victor is kind of my supervisor,” She narrated every single event that led up to this moment to Arianna except the part where she and Victor were once intimate.

In one word, just like she and Marcel, Arianna thought her friend was forced to endure each other. Her hatred for Marcel grew, just to keep an eye on Mimi as well, he treated her to such fate. She was a fool to think he had a heart. Marcel was a selfish bastard and cared for no one else but himself.

“How long does he intend to keep you here?” Mimi asked out of concern. Captivity didn’t fit Arianna and that bastard was slowly killing her.

“Would I be this worried if I knew?” Dehlia sighed, “He wouldn’t let me go until he gets what he wants,”

“And what does he want exactly?” Mimi was curious, an idea of escape already forming in her head.

Thanks to that question, Arianna had no choice but to tell Mimi about Elijah. She had kept his existence from her in the first place to keep her away from people like Marcel who needed the information. But in the end, it was all for nothing, Mimi got involved with the Mafia and just like her, killed to defend herself.

The thought of Mimi already taking a human life made her head throb. In just a short while, their lives were turned upside down and they have done things that would land them jail time. If anyone had ever prophetizied their life would become this way in a month, they would never believe it.

“So...” Mimi tried to wrap her head around the numerous information she just received, “You’re trying to tell me that the mysterious hot sexy assassin whom Marcel is currently after is your boyfriend and he is currently estranged from you and that is not the end because you unintentionally cheated on him with Marcel?”

Mimi whistled low in her throat and glanced up at her friend with a stunned expression, “And here I was, thinking that you were still my innocent Arianna who always needed my help , who knew you’re a pro already! ” She squealed .

“Oh please,” Arianna rolled her eyes, knowing how topics like that interested Mimi.

“Don’t act coy with me now, Arianna...” “Mimi was adamant on getting the juicy details. She leaned closer towards Arianna asking,” How was the sex?”

Arianna’s jaw dropped to the ground, but she was quick to say, “There was nothing like that!”

Mimi gave her a deapanned look, her arms wrapped around her chest, “Really?”

God, she wasn’t getting out of this one, Arianna realized too late. She then recalled the intimate moments she had with both men respectively, and she blushed instantly. God, this was so embarrassing.

“Ooh, I sense a story there,” Mimi pried for more information, “So tell me, who among the men were better in bed.”

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