Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 233

233 You Can Never Leave

Marcel was right, her days of being treated like a princess were over as evidenced by the poor room she was currently settling in.

The room smelled musty and stale while the green paint was dirtied and peeling from years of neglect. There was just a small window for ventilation so the thought of escaping through it was squashed forever – it wasn’t large enough for her to go through, plus the fact it was barred.

It was hard to believe that this kind of room was available because her previous “prisons” were beautiful and luxurious. It became obvious that this mansion was renovated with additional structures mounted – this must be one of the former rooms. No wonder.

There was a small bathroom and a toilet at the end and Arianna had to admit, it was nothing to write home about. She just hoped Marcel would be kind enough to send covers because she had a feeling she was at ground level and it would be cold at night.

Her single black metal bed was uncomfortable and she couldn’t remember the number of times she turned and tossed, unable to find the right spot. It was not like her previous soft bed – Marcel’s bed.

F*ck him.

This place was no worse than prison and if Marcel was doing this to break her spirit, then he was in for a loss. She has been through worse in the hands of her aunt and this was candlelight compared to them.

So if he was expecting her to fall on his feet and beg him for forgiveness? That was not happening. She did the right thing by wanting to escape and was just stupid not to have watched carefully before crossing. Neither was she going to stop.

Arianna was determined to push Marcel to the wall till he had no choice but to set her free or just kill her. If he won’t release her, then he might as well end her life. There was no worth to her life if she’d simply live without her freedom. She was young, and had dreams and aspirations; Arianna had a lot of time to explore the world.


Unable to lie down anymore, she simply sat up on the bed. This was the most annoying day of her life. With nothing to do, time was trickling slowly and she was bored to death.

Since the lock was old, it made a squeaking sound when the knob was turned, alerting Arianna that someone was about to visit her. She didn’t need to guess who that someone is considering she has been expecting his visit.

Marcel walked in, his presence overwhelming the room like the boss he was. He was wearing a different attire and she couldn’t help but notice the way the t-shirt was snug, highlighting his strong manly body. Okay, let’s not go there.

His expression was unreadable as usual and Arianna honestly didn’t need to read how this conversation would go. It was bound to end up in a fight. She and that stubborn, sexy, no, scratch that! That ugly bastard would fight to the end! They just don’t see eye to eye!

Marcel didn’t say a word to her, he just stood in the middle of her room staring at her intensely with his arms wrapped around his chest. Arianna badly wanted to stand because Marcel loomed over her with his height. It made her seem like a kid, about to be scolded.

But Arianna didn’t stand up, she stood her ground instead by holding his gaze. Hence the both of them had a staredown that lasted for approximately a minute before Marcel conceded by looking away.

Arianna felt a bust of victory, it seems the great Marcel wasn’t as tough as she thought. But her celebration was short-lived because Marcel asked, “What were you thinking?”

And it’s started.

Arianna took a deep breath, strengthening her resolve as if she was about to engage in battle. Well, a conversation with Marcel was as good as a bloody battlefield.

She relaxed, her hands resting on both sides of the bed, “What do you mean by that?”

Marcel ran his hand through his hair, a tick appearing on his jaw. He then looked at her with his cutting look, “Don’t play games with me, Arianna,” He growled.

“Really? Who is the one playing games with each other here? Why ask a question whose answer is quite obvious?” She sneered.

Marcel, who had enough of her provocation, stomped over to where she sat, and at the same time, Arianna stood to her full height, meeting him halfway. The tension between them was so great that it could create an inferno that would consume the entire property and everyone on it – if that was possible.

“You almost died!” He growled right at her face, his spit hitting her. Not that Arianna minded because her fury was on the same gauge as his. The both of them had gone mental.

“Yeah, because of you, bastard!” She poked him in the chest, applying more force than needed just so he could back off. But Marcel stood still like an impregnable wall, all she did was feel his ripped chest.

“I would have died because of you, not that it’s surprising. The past month I’ve been in near-death situations all because of your selfishness!” She screamed at his face, her spit hitting him this time. Both of them were beyond reasoning.

“My selfishness, huh?” Marcel felt insulted, his expression feral, “I told you to stay in the car and all you did was try to contact the police. What do you think they would have done, huh? Arrest me and you’ll be free, huh?”

He huffed, “In your dreams, Arianna. It’s time you accept the fact that you’re waist-deep in our world and you can never leave. You blame me for pulling you into this mess, huh? Then you shouldn’t have dabbled with criminals in the first place! Do you think you would have been free after associating with Ruth?!”

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