Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 231

231 Her Saving Grace Was Up

Patience is a virtue, Arianna exhibited that as she waited for the perfect time to execute her plan. Marcel must not have noticed the patrol car or he trusted her too much – and that would be his downfall.

Marcel lifted the cuff hesitantly with the gas attendant’s attention on them. He knew it would draw attention if he cuffed to the car as she did to him. He might be above the law but not public opinion. If this was caught on camera, it would pose a problem for him.

So he used his wits instead.

Marcel leaned towards Arianna and in the gas attendant’s view, it looked like they were young lovers making out in that position. However, he simply whispered to Arianna’s ears, “Don’t provoke me, love. Stay still and don’t cause trouble because your saving grace is almost up,”

Arianna didn’t give him a reply but he was sure his words were well received with the way she turned her face the other way with a scowl. That was good then.

Satisfied with his threat, Marcel got out of the vehicle to open the gas tank door. It was located on the passenger side of the vehicle and he just pushed and released the outer edge of the gas tank door when she took flight.

It seemed like a dream to Marcel at first until he realized that the shadow that dashed out of the car was Arianna and he screamed her name.


But Arianna was not listening, her heart was beating so fast it felt like she’d have a heart attack. She can’t stop now! This was her only chance now and all she had to do was to reach out to the officer and she’d be free. Marcel be damned, she can’t give up on her freedom that easily.


So in her haste to get away from him, Arianna didn’t notice the incoming truck because her attention had been solely on her target – the patrol car that an officer was currently leaning against.

But Marcel did and his heart almost leaped out of his chest. He broke into a Sprint at once. He was stronger and faster; he had to save her.

It was late by the time Arianna realized she was in danger. Too many times she had watched movies, where the characters stand before an incoming car yet don’t have the time to skip out of the way and she honestly found it unreal and annoying. But right now?

Well, Arianna finally understood now because the moment that truck flashed its headlight at her while honking, she was petrified. Like a deer caught in a headlight, her eyes could only widen while her feet didn’t move one bit, almost as if it was cemented to the ground as the truck drew uncomfortably close.

Her life flashed before her eyes, So this was how she was going to die? Arianna knew straight away that she was going to die with regrets. To think that the long-desired freedom would be in the grave, how amusing. She wanted to have a good laugh about this.

Now she thought about it, who would miss her? Definitely not her uncle and his family whom she threatened. Mimi? Well, knowing her bosom friend, she would drop the anger aside and weep bitterly for her. Marcel? Arianna wanted to laugh at that ridiculous thought. He would not cry, rather he would mourn his loss.

Inches away from hitting her, Arianna didn’t know what happened but someone suddenly pushed her out of harm’s way, the both of them rolling to the side. Even on the ground, she could feel her savior cocooning her so she doesn’t abrade her skin against the concrete ground.

She laid in that comforting arms for a while still trying to catch her breath and at the same time digest what just happened. She almost died? She almost got into a car accident? But someone saved her life.

Arianna didn’t need to guess about that someone because his familiar yet overpowering earthly, masculine scent tempted her to remain in his embrace. And she did, not just because she liked it, but because she was scared to look up at his face. Marcel must be raging mad by now.

However, when he released her and they were able to peer into each other’s eyes, Arianna didn’t see any anger there, all that greeted her was genuine concern and relief. It made a warm feeling fill her heart and she found herself going red in the face for no reason.

Arianna was dazed to the extent that even when the said police she had been after in the first place, came over to them, she couldn’t say a word and Marcel took perfect control of the conversation.

The truck driver didn’t stop for a minute, he drove on while hurling a truckload of profanities at them – well, Arianna to be precise. She was the one at fault for not looking properly before crossing.

When asked about Arianna, Marcel’s reply was, “She’s my girlfriend. We just had a fight and she’s currently in shock, I need to get her home. Here’s my card if you want further questioning,”

And just like that, Marcel was leading her back to the same car she escaped from moments ago. The gas attendant was already done, so all Marcel did was pay her and drove off.

Throughout the ride, Arianna didn’t, no, couldn’t say a word. She was still pretty shaken up about the incident and her hands wouldn’t stop trembling, so she had to cover them with her other hand. Yet it wouldn’t stop.

Then she looked up at Marcel and gasped, blood was trailing down his forehead.

“Oh my God! You’re bleeding....” She tried to touch his forehead but the cutting look Marcel gave her made her hand hang awkwardly in the air and she couldn’t swallow down the lump in her throat.

His eyes were empty and flat – and scary. Arianna had never seen eyes that terrified her as much as his. Marcel looked like a king viper, ready to strike.

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