Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 179

179 Becoming Mrs.Joe

Pam-Pam Pa LA...

Pam-Pam PA LA.....

The wedding march in song was played by the orchestra Big Joe hired to set the mood. Arianna would have been touched by the gesture if she wasn’t about to marry her nightmare.

Arianna always knew she wouldn’t have her father walk her down the aisle since he was practically dead but she imagined her father-in-law or a mother figure taking over the role.

But then, since she was forced into this marriage, none of her family members were in attendance and Arianna had to do the walk with her bridesmaids.

They walked in with Arianna to ease the awkwardness in the atmosphere since their wedding employed a different processional order.

Arianna did not even know she was holding her breath as she walked closer and closer to the end of the aisle. She was so nervous that her hand holding the bouquet trembled and was clammy.

Elijah said he was going to rescue her, why wasn’t he here yet? She didn’t know how he intended to do it but it was obvious that the wedding would be stopped abruptly.

Arianna was so desperate for some sort of miracle that she checked for anyone who stood out or behaved strangely, yet she came up with nothing. If there was anything that stood out, it was Marcel’s unfathomable gaze; she couldn’t read him.


Even amid the guests, he stood out like a shooting star. Arianna began to question her alliance, wondering if she made a stupid decision by not betraying Elijah.

Marcel said he would bust her out of here and knowing his personality, he would not fail. He had the power to save her from this cruel fate she wanted no part in. But Arianna trusted in Elijah as well, yet had she by chance chosen the wrong side?

No! Even at that, she couldn’t betray Elijah, not after all she did for him. She was not the kind of person that pays good with evil. Those she loved, she protected them fiercely, come rain, come shine.

Arianna just prayed he hurried up because she didn’t want to say “I do,” to that man, no, the mere thought of legally being Big Joe’s wife was about to give her a heart attack. The stress was wearing her out mentally.

Unlike Arianna, there was no best man nor groomsmen by Big Joe’s side, just the ring bearer and the officiant at the head of the altar. There was no family member nor friend by his side and Arianna couldn’t help but wonder if he had family at all, not that she was feeling pity for him or something; she was just curious.

Big Joe cleaned up real good, his hair was gelled and brushed back showing off his strong chin while his suit accentuated his shape – she really didn’t want to check out.

Goosebumps filled Arianna at the thought they would spend their wedding night together. Was Elijah waiting for when she becomes Mrs. Joe before he comes for her?

This really sucks.

In no time, Arianna reached her destination and was standing beside her soon-to-be yesterday. Yeah, that “soon” would be “sooner” than usual if SOMEONE DOESN’T DO SOMETHING! She was freaking out inwardly.

“You may all sit,” The officiant said and everyone – some to be exact – who had stood to welcome in the bride sat down.

“Breath in and out,” Arianna inwardly performed the breathing exercises. Was it possible to walk out of this wedding? Not unless she wanted to be dead before she made it outside.

It certainly wasn’t coincident there was a guard standing meters away with his gaze fixed on her. It was creepy

“First,” the officiant began, “I’d like to begin by welcoming and thanking each and every one of you for being here on this most happy of days...”

Happy her butt! Who said this was a happy day?! Can’t he sense her silent cries of protest? She wondered if this officiant was one of them or if Big Joe bought him off.

The officiant rambled on and on about the benefits of marriage but Arianna noticed how he was careful not to branch into their love life, not that they had one – and would probably never have!

Even though she didn’t attend lots of wedding ceremonies thanks to her small circle of friends, mostly acquaintances from work – Arianna knew officiants should know one or two things about the groom and bride. He should be able to tell a single story that summarizes their relationship. But there was nothing like that and in the next minute all she heard was,

“Please, now read the vows you have written for each other,”

Of course, the vow.

Arianna turned to receive the vow she was sure had been prepared beforehand for this moment. There was nothing like a rehearsal for this marriage and she was glad for it. Big Joe should do whatever he wants.

It was a simple vow, void of feelings and they had to read it aloud at the same time.

“I, Arianna/Big Joe, take you, Big Joe /Arianna, to be my husband/wife, my constant friend, and partner. I pledge this to you from the bottom of my heart, for all the days of our lives.”

Arianna gulped at that last statement, forever with him would be a huge nightmare.

The ring was handed to both of them respectfully and the officiant said, “Please repeat after me: I give you this ring, as a daily reminder of my love for you,”

At first, Arianna had been hesitant to say those vows but one look from Big Joe held dark promises of what would happen to her if she dared went contrary to this arrangement was all it took her to give in.

They rigidly exchanged wedding rings and loud applause came from the audience – at least from those who cared to clap.

“By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and.... bam!”

That was when chaos broke out.

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