Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 169

169 The Tie Trauma

“Sir, everything is as planned,” Samuel said to Marcel who was working on his tie.

Today was D-day – the day when Arianna finally gets married to the love of her life and Marcel couldn’t even understand why he was being so irritated and sarcastic right now.

It was his plan all along and now it was coming to fruition, it annoyed the hell out of him. There was no way that marriage was going to work, especially not with Arianna in the picture.

If Elijah loved Arianna as much as she loved him, then he – Elijah – would definitely disrupt the wedding by busting her out – and that was what Marcel was waiting for. It would be like killing two birds with one stone, not only would he end the marriage between Big Joe and Arianna, he would also have Elijah in his palms. It was a big win-win situation for him.

But the plan was a two-edged sword as well if Elijah doesn’t show up. Not only would he lose sight of Elijah but Arianna would be miserable married to the short leader of the Red Giant gang.

Although Marcel highly doubted that with the revolt brewing thickly in the air. He wondered how the asshole could think of marriage when he hadn’t purged his organization and had many swords pointing at his back. Was the fool that taken by Arianna – the thought of that pissed Marcel off for reasons he couldn’t tell.

Fine, maybe he cared for Arianna more than he admitted but that was only because he didn’t want such a miserable fate for her. He knew men like Big Joe and they could never fully appreciate women like Arianna. They would only break her till she’s just a shadow of herself. He had to save her from such fate and send her far away afterward for a better life.

Marcel could not delude himself into thinking something would happen between him and Arianna. Arianna loves Elijah and he’s going to end the asshole when he gets his hand on him. So yeah, their fate is an ill one. The both of them can’t happen at all.

“That’s good,” Marcel slipped the tie out of his neck and tossed it away. No matter how many times he tries to get over that trauma, it just doesn’t work.


He hadn’t hated wearing ties at first until he made a stupid mistake once and his opponent – who was a woman with a titillating figure – nearly ended his life by asphyxiation.

Years back, when Marcel hasn’t taken over the boss position. He undertook a mission under his father’s instruction and when he had all but forgotten it, they came back for vengeance. And their form of vengeance was sending a female assassin after him.

Marcel was not going to lie, he had been a bit reckless and big-headed then. He had been over highly confident of his abilities and didn’t think anyone could get to him.

It was a wedding ceremony of one of their partners and Marcel attended to represent his father who couldn’t make it. But then, the event got boring pretty soon with the love and adoration showered on the bride and groom.

Maybe it was just jealousy speaking because he knew he couldn’t have a future like that one. His parent’s miserable marriage told him enough.

Marcel had been looking for the nearest exit door when he saw her and then his lower body started thinking instead of his brains. His mood was down already, why couldn’t he have a little fun? He thought. With that magnificent backside and ample boobs, he was going to enjoy every worth of his time.

It was not hard to convince her with his blessed face from his mother and the honey tongue he’s honed over the years. Any girl he wanted, he got them.

Marcel had mistaken her as one of the wedding guests, nothing about her spoke assassin. Moreover, what kind of assassin would track him down to a wedding just to end him? Well, an assassin that wanted to claim the bounty – he had no idea of – on his head.

The wedding was held in the hotel’s hall so it wasn’t that hard to find a room. The funny part was that they had sex, like f*cking amazing sex that lowered his guard completely. Not to mention the alcohol at the party did help to dull his senses.

And it was while she was riding him that she slipped the tie around his neck. At first, Marcel didn’t give it much thought when it was a slight tug thinking she was into the BDSM activity. Marcel wasn’t into such stuff but he could handle the woman being in dominance for a while and a little pain. The feeling was euphoric.

It worked well – a little pain and a little pleasure – until shit went down real quick. Marcel thought she was simply going up the pain gauge – even though he was beginning to suffocate – until he saw the sinister glint in her eyes.

Those were the eyes of a killer.

A hunter.

The alcohol dulled his reflexes that he couldn’t fight her off with all of his strength and his weapons were far from him. He fell right into a trap set by the mother fucker.

Even when he struggled for life, she still rode him hard, getting off on his distress.

Fucking psychopath.

The only thought that crossed Marcel’s mind at that moment was that he was going to die while having sex. That wasn’t even how he imagined his glorious end.

Seconds from leaving this earth, by sheer luck, he touched the pen he used to write down his address for her on the nightstand. To think he wanted her for a second time.

Marcel couldn’t tell the expression on her face; the blissful look of pleasure as she hit her orgasm while strangling him, or the look of horror as Marcel stabbed into her neck with the pointy end of the pen over and over as her blood spilled over him.

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