Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 163

163 Perks To Being Friends With Victor

“You’re mad at me,” Victor pointed out when Mimi wouldn’t talk to him and instead was busy putting on her heels so she could leave.

“Good thing you noticed,” Mimi shot back, searching for where the hell she had dropped her purse last night. She was sure she arrived here with it.

“Fine, I’m sorry for what I said in the bathroom. I just wanted to help,” He added, “You look like you needed help,”

“Yeah, I needed help bathing,” She scowled at him. Does he even know how stupid he sounds right now?

“Fine, I’m sorry,” Victor apologized, “I just wanted to be your friend,” He scratched his head, “You’re kind of fun to be with,” and to tease – Victor intentionally didn’t add that part seeing how angry she was with him already.

Mimi paused upon hearing that statement, he wanted to be friends with her? No, she would not be deceived with such a claim.

“Your idea of friendship is misleading and I’m not ready to be friends with someone who stood still and did nothing while my best friend was taken by some assholes,” Mimi told him the gospel truth.

“Arianna had to go,” Victor said.

“In that case, forget about your good gesture of friendship as well,” Mimi sneered, giving up on the purse.


Right now, she needed to get out of here. Matters regarding Arianna were sensitive and she didn’t want to get in any more arguments with Victor considering he’s her superordinate at work. She hated an awkward working environment.

Mimi was already walking towards the door when he announced, “Arianna would be back,”

She whirled around at once, eyes wide, “What did you just say?” She was desperate for the news.

“Arianna would be back soon,” He said.

“You’re lying,” Mimi didn’t believe him.

“I know you risked your life because of her yesterday and I can’t go into details with you but this is all a ruse, we need her for something and once it’s achieved, she’d be back. Unharmed.” That was the least Victor could tell and hoped she doesn’t do anything stupid again.

Mimi found it hard to believe but Victor hardly lies, she noticed it about him. Maybe, having him as a friend wasn’t that bad and through him, she could get updates on Arianna’s condition.

“So let’s say I agree to be your friend, what’s it all about?” She added immediately, “I don’t do boy-friends,”

Being friends with the opposite sex was great and all until one falls for the other and when the feeling is not reciprocated, it turns awkward. So yep, she can’t deal with such drama.

“All you just have to do is be there for me....” He smiled, “And of course, give me all your yummy foods,”

Mimi rolled her eyes, she bet that was the main reason he wanted to be friends with her – to ensure he never runs out of food favors. Other reasons were secondary.

“Okay?” That doesn’t sound so bad considering she had an ulterior motive for being friends with him as well. Moreover, Victor was the kind of guy she could never date – for good reasons.

Mimi was a jealous lover and would never share her man with anyone else. But Victor seems not to be a fan of monogamy. So she’s on the safe sound.

Victor clicked his fingers, “Also, there are perks to being friends with me,”

That was for sure, why does he think she considered the offer? Mimi said in her mind.

“For example, to commemorate the beginning of this friendship that would never die, you can ask for a favor and I’ll have it done immediately.” He was smug and confident. Mimi envisioned the golden aura of greatness surrounding him.

“A favor,” Mimi mused.

“Yeah,” Victor agreed, “Just one favor,”

Mimi thought over it, tapping her finger against her lips until a light bulb shone in her head.

“I’ve got one favor to ask then,” An evil grin appeared on her face...


“This is all your fault!” Mama Claudia heaped all of the blame on her husband because of her daughter’s condition.

Claudia hasn’t stopped crying since yesterday and thanks to the pain on her bum, she could not sit and had to lie on her belly all day long. This was the first time, her baby girl cried so much and she was unable to help soothe her pain. As a mother, it hurt that she was incapable of alleviating her child’s agony.

“What do you mean by that?” Papa Claudia took off his glasses in anger, unable to stand his wife’s nagging anymore.

“What do you think I meant by that?!” She made a face at him, “All of this wouldn’t have happened if you had managed the company better and hadn’t borrowed from loan sharks, then we wouldn’t be in this condition!” Mama Claudia shouted at him.

There was no ounce of her respect in her tone anymore because, in her view, her husband was nothing but a worthless man. Gone was the love and adoration she once had for him.

“Oh really?” Papa Claudia retorted, fury in his gaze because his respect as the man of the house was no longer there. He laughed sarcastically, “And who was busy spending the money that should have been used to resolve the debt, you worthless woman?!”

“You are the worthless man!” She shot back at him, tempers flaring, “If you had been sensible enough, we would have Arianna on our side and hope on the money from her trust fund!”

“And whose idea was it to hand Arianna over to that gang! It was all of your idea, you daughter of Jezebel!”

“How dare you call me that?!” Mama Claudia landed a sharp slap on her husband’s face.

But Papa Claudia was tired of his wife’s abuse because he landed two slaps on her face and that drew a shocked scream from her mouth. She never expected that her docile husband would lay a hand on her.

“Honey -” Mama Claudia’s eyes watered at once. Did he hit her?

But Papa Claudia was obviously not done because he shouted, “I’m done with this marriage! I’m sick and tired of you -!”

He didn’t finish the rest of his statement because a series of shots rent the air and the both of them dropped to the ground, scared for their lives.

Out of nowhere, two men dressed thoroughly in black broke in and while one held a gun to their heads, the other went up and in no time appeared with an unconscious Claudia on his shoulder.

“Claudia!” Mama Claudia screamed in horror. What were those bastards planning to do with her daughter? She had to save her child.

But she couldn’t even react with that barrel at her head and only watched helplessly as those men made away with her daughter.


Note: This was posted after publishing and won’t be added to the coin changes.

A short Drama – irrelevant to the plot.

In Mimi’s home....

Mimi’s father : [comes into the kitchen] I smell something nice [ He tries to reach for the plate of chicken]

Hannah, Mimi’s mother: [Frowns and slaps his hand away] No touching! It’s off-limits to you.

Mimi’s father: [cries internally at the mistreatment]Why? Who does it belong to? I’ve never seen you cook this much?

Hannah: Its victors’ food

Mimi’s father: Who’s Victor?

Hannah: [Looks at him in shock] Don’t you know about Victor?

Mimi’s father: [Looks confused] Should I know about him?

Hannah:[positions herself to give the full gossip] Of course, Victor is our son –

Mimi : [Sprints into the kitchen like the flash and stuff her mother’s mouth with the chicken before she could spill the beans. She turns to her father with awkward laughter] You can go relax daddy, I’ll make you yours [ glares at her mother who turns her face the other way innocently]

Mimi’s father : [Looks confused yet obeys his daughter’s request. He hardly sat down when the doorbell rings] Who’s that? [He goes to the door]

The voice from outside: Victor.

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