Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 155

155 His Sanctuary

Mimi was taken aback by that request, that was the least of what she expected – and was way easy.

“Okay?” She gave in, thanking whoever was responsible for the changes in him.

“That’s a deal then!” Victor was enthusiastic and he threw his hands around her shoulder, drawing her to his side, “Let’s go, love,”

Mimi was stunned, Victor’s mood swings were kind of weird to keep up with and his arms around her shoulder were awkward. Don’t get her wrong, it didn’t feel perverse or even intimate, it almost felt as if he was treating her like a dude?

Mimi couldn’t tell whether she was relieved or offended? For sure, it was a relief that the kinky bastard didn’t have his eyes on her plus the fact he was part of the Mafia – and she wanted nothing to do with them. But then, what woman doesn’t crave attention and compliments? How could he think of her as a man? He just destroyed her pride!

They made it outside where Mimi saw another car that must belong to him and Victor opened the door for her before she could and that made her eyebrows rise. Hmmm, who knew he was a gentleman – when he wanted to be.

“Thank you?” Mimi said to him.

“Do not mention,” He smiled at her, “I have two sisters and they taught me manners,” He added under his breath, “Whether I liked it or not,”

Mimi got into the car as Victor closed it before he walked back around to get into the driver’s seat and entered the car. In no time, they were driving to her place and Mimi had to admit, with what she had done, she felt at ease with Victor by her side.


If it wasn’t for him tracking her down, she would have been dead already. Neither was he judging her for her choice. Heck, he hadn’t even questioned why she did all of this in the first place.

“Thank you for saving my ungrateful ass,” Mimi said to him at last.

He momentarily took his eyes off the road to reply, “Thank God you know you’re ungrateful,” He winked, “You are welcome,”

Mimi rolled her eyes, that charm wasn’t going to work on her – although he looked kind of cute. Get that thought off your mind, Mimi! He’s mafia for Christ’s sake!

However, Mimi couldn’t help but observe him. Victor had a bright personality like a ray of sunshine that brightens the sky after a storm, however, there was something uncanny about it.

She couldn’t explain it but it felt like a misplaced emotion? Take for example, in a funeral where everyone was crying or in a somber mood, Victor could be the only one smiling.

Mimi surmised people like them masked their emotions, but Victor, it wasn’t just a mask that could be taken off later in his comfort. He wore them constantly. Or maybe she was just thinking nonsense. Yep, probably.

“With the way you’re staring at me, please don’t tell me you’ve fallen for me?” He joked again.

“Why do you like smiling?” she blurted out the question instead of quibbling with him as usual.

Mimi could swear there was a flash of emotion in his eyes but it was gone almost immediately and she was left wondering what emotion she saw there.

“Why shouldn’t I smile? The world is fucked up already and the least I can do is be happy,” He gave her a reply that felt generic and didn’t answer her question.

“No, it’s not what -”

“You ask too many questions,” He said, his tone taunt and a scowl on his face.

Mimi didn’t say a word.

However, Victor’s expression brightened instantly as he said, “Did I smile then?”

Mimi realized he had been trying to prove her wrong with the above drama. She merely shook her head nor did she mention to him that his lips twitched much during his show of annoyance as if he was fighting not to smile.

Thankfully, there were no more questions after that and Victor focused on the road nor did Mimi get to see the way his hand shook around the wheel. She was too observant, Victor thought as he looked ahead, afraid that if he turned around she would point out something related to his past – he wasn’t ready to open up now and not to her of all people.

“This is not the way to my place,” Mimi sat upright immediately after the turn he took.

“Are you seriously considering going home in that state?” His gaze roved over her, “You might as well tell your parents you killed someone,”

That was when Mimi looked down to discover that there were noticeable specks of blood on her clothes, body, and face – Crazy Victor didn’t lick all of them off.

“Whose fault is that?” Mimi wanted to retort yet bit back the words before they could leave her mouth knowing everything that happened was her fault. She just couldn’t understand why Victor was always able to spark a reaction in her. She hardly gave men attention unless the ones she found attractive.

“I just need to wash them off,” Mimi said, trying to wipe the dried blood on her.

“Then catch a cold after you get yourself wet?” He pointed out how stupid the plan was. He chuckled, “And that is if someone doesn’t report you first,”

“It’s late, it’s hard to see,” Mimi argued.

“I can see everything,” Victor said, his gaze taking her in such a way that made her cross her chest with her hands protectively. Mimi couldn’t help but wonder if he had X-ray eyes.

“Fine, you have made your point, now eyes on the road, Sunshine,” Mimi called him and his brows arched.


“Why? You don’t like it?”

“Who said I didn’t?” He grinned, exposing all thirty-two sparkling teeth, “It’s the first time someone gave me a name that suits my personality and doesn’t sound cringeworthy,” He seemed relieved.

“What’s the worst they’ve ever called you?” Mimi was curious to know. Strange enough, she was beginning to like his company.

“Lollipop,” He said.


“Yep,” He confirmed.

Mimi pulsed her lips, she didn’t even want to hear the story behind that name because she already had an idea – and was close to cringing.

It then hit her, “Where are we even going?”

“My place,” He said without thinking.

She groaned, “Of course, the mansion,” The one place she was trying to avoid.

“No, like my place, my own sanctuary where people cannot disturb me.”

“Okay. Wait – what?! Your ...?” Her face distorted at once.

Oh no.

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