Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 146

146 A Promise Of Revenge

Marcel was not a pushover that they could treat however they wanted and go scot-free. And he made sure they knew that tonight.

When Marcel took over from his father, they had been respectful since that wasn’t an easy feat to achieve – no one was stupid enough to cross Daniel. However, unlike his father, Marcel was calm and generous and their regard for him vanished in no time; they forgot that the son of a monster is also a monster.

Marcel gave them the illusion of being soft, weak, and lenient, but now, it was time to take back that privilege he had given freely. It was time to become who he truly was, Marcelo Luciano, the ruthless heir.

So he struck.

The attack was not just a warning, Marcel exploited their weaknesses, thereby proving that he could bring them down in the twinkle of an eye should they be a hindrance anymore.

The arrogant bastard Arthur had been involved in a fire accident when he was young and Marcel did well to recreate the event for him. But the next time, it wouldn’t be an incident, but an accident. He should watch out.

For Lance, Marcel merely rehearsed his threat of killing him. The next time, it wouldn’t just be Teddy getting a stab in the heart but the owner of the teddy, Marcel hoped his message was well received.

As for Cindy, she needed a little taming. Kids these days don’t know how to speak to an elder and Marcel was best at discipline and breaking habits. If she could treasure her hair that much, he bet the next time they met, she would have grown up to be a respectful young lady with a bald head. See? Who said he wasn’t contributing to society?

And Adele?


Truthfully, Marcel had no bad blood with her, he liked her actually. However, she was from the side of the family he didn’t exactly trust and as much as she was a half-blood and bore resentment against the people that raised her, it was still not enough. People could still get ideas with time and Marcel had to uproot that thought forever before it grew deep enough to be executed.

So he simply invited her for a swim – and didn’t attempt to drown her the way her half-siblings did. Adele had a phobia for pools yet she had a pool constructed in her home. What a strong woman.

And for his uncle, Benjamin, and his wife, let’s just say the loss of a child is considered the single worst stressor a person can go through. But since they lost two already, they should be able to endure another, right?

It wasn’t exactly hard to find broken criminals tired of living. So after a satisfactory compensation – that would be sent to his family after his death – Marcel sent him their way. He hoped his uncle and his wife enjoyed his present – it wasn’t every day you get to watch a good bloody show.

And the others.....

Robert was hardly able to contain his anger when his phone began to ring. At first, he ignored it seeing that he wasn’t in the best mood, but the incessant ringing annoyed him the more and he picked the phone from the ground where he tossed it earlier in a fit of anger, intending to silence it only to see his brother’s name flash across the screen.

A sneer crossed his lips, what was Benjamin calling to do? For sure he was not about to rub his victory in his face, right?

Nonetheless, he answered the call while bracing himself and barely said, “Hello?” when he heard his brother’s panicky voice come from the other end.

“R-Robert,” He choked.

Robert stood a little straight, something wasn’t right here. His brother seemed to be scared and that was strange.

“What is going on?”

“I-I....M-m-an... k-k” he kept stuttering over his words and Robert was unable to understand a thing.

“Wait, I’m coming over,” He decided and ended the call.

Without informing any member of the household of his whereabouts, Robert went to the garage where he picked one of his armored cars and drove off.

Numerous thoughts filled his head as he thought of what could make his brother that scared. Thanks to the distraction, Robert was unable to see that he was being trailed and it wasn’t until one of the cars overtook him that he was able to stop at the last minute.

Robert stepped on the brake and came to an abrupt stop, his heart pounding loud in his throat. Looking out through the mirror, he spotted at least five men stepping out of their rides with guns in their hands and they opened an overwhelming long-range fire at him.

“Oh shit!” Robert cursed and dropped down just as a hail of bullets rained down on his car.

During the whole assault, Robert didn’t dare to lift his head, scrunched down in his driver’s seat. For once, he was grateful to have made the right decision by trusting his instinct.

On his way here, Robert had the good sense to make use of his bulletproof car. Although Benjamin was his brother, what if this was a trap?

If he died, his brother wouldn’t have any drawback – in the form of him – to use his daughter to usurp Marcel’s position.

Robert laughed coldly, to think that he had been planning to settle his brother’s children in a good position in the organization when his son Arthur becomes the underboss and their plan of eliminating Marcel is realized. This is why they said, ‘there’s no brother in the jungle’. If he survived this, Robert promised to make Benjamin back for this low move.

And God answered his prayer, after a few minutes of endless shooting, his attackers left when their bullets were unable to penetrate the car, although it left dents and proof of the horror he went through.

It took Robert complete fifteen minutes to confirm that his attackers had left and he was safe. Even when he made it outside, he couldn’t stop shaking while his gaze froze over with the promise of revenge.

Benjamin would pay for this.

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