Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 144

144 No One Would Miss Her

Robert’s living room was a mess because he wrecked every single property he could lay his hands on in an outburst. His wife stood at the side shaking and unsure of what to do while his both sons stood in front of him without daring to even breathe.

This was the first time Arthur saw his father this angry and those eyes that usually held adoration for him were filled with nothing but searing fury and indignation. Arthur was scared because this rage was reserved for him and he didn’t know what to do. He failed him.

“Everything was going perfectly until he ruined it all!” Robert screamed with all of his might, shaking with agitation such that his wife began to worry he’d suffer a heart attack especially after he began to heave from the energy he exhausted.

“Don’t touch me!” He shouted at her when she attempted to calm him and the woman flinched, taking a step back. She couldn’t leave nor stay.

His cold gaze then rested on Arthur who flinched and looked away, scared to meet his gaze.

“Coward!” He lunged at his son, giving Arthur a punch that sent him to the ground while his mother screamed in horror.

“Honey! What are you doing?!” The woman tried to interfere but Robert pushed her away without a care where she fell, hitching Arthur up by the collar instead.

“What were you doing when that bitch gained the upper hand?! What have you been doing? Playing around? Is that how I trained you?!” He yelled at his son’s face.

Lance stood behind his brother and for the first time, he wasn’t the one being scolded and beaten. He couldn’t help but watch and as well relieve the scene of his older brother being on the receiving end of his father’s anger.


Although he knew the old man would eventually get to him, this scene was much more satisfying and he was already used to the beatings. It was no big deal; he could take it. The look on his brother’s face was simply priceless, he couldn’t miss that.

“Now everything is ruined because of you!” Robert pushed him on the chest and Arthur staggered back a little from the force yet stood at that point, head lowered.

Robert ran his hand through his hair before he fixed wild, bloodshot eyes at them, “You know what? Get out of my sight, the whole of you! Get out of my sight at this moment!”

He was saved, thank God. Lance couldn’t help but praise the Lord inwardly. For the first time, his brother was punished while he was left unscathed.

Even his mother didn’t dare to remain there after her husband gave the order to be left alone. She scurried off into the safety of one of the guestrooms instead of the bedroom, afraid that he would release the rest of his anger on her if he were to find her there.

Lance chose to go into his room else his brother carries over his aggression on him, deciding to bully him to feel better.

Arthur in question left the house to blow off some steam. He got into his sports car, raced to his favorite club, and upon arrival, tossed the keys to the valet without a care whether he caught it or not. He went in.

Arthur had a plan in mind and it wasn’t to party so the moment he had taken enough of his whiskey neat, he secured his target. A busty blonde that filled out in all the right places, not that he cared anyway because all he needed right now was to teach a bitch her place.

So when he led her to the back of the club, they wasted no time in getting down to business. She must have been deceived by his kind features because the next minute, Arthur was pounding away at her furiously. He used her in every possible way and for a very long time that he only let go of her when he had enough of her cries and she was beginning to bleed.

Done, Arthur tossed huge sums of bills on her and left, feeling elevated than ever. Adele was just like every other pussy out there, she was nothing he couldn’t handle. Thankfully, she was an illegitimate child of the family – no one would miss her much if she were to die in an unfortunate accident. A sadistic grin lifted the corner of his lips as he went over the plan in his head.

However, it came as a huge surprise to Arthur when he came out of the club to discover that his super expensive and favorite car wasn’t parked where it was supposed to.

“What the hell?!” He started after the Valet who began to explain in a hurry before he reached him, having experienced Arthur’s temper first hand.

“There was no more space Arthur! I was trying to tell you that but you just stormed into the club and I couldn’t find you afterward. But I swear, nothing happened to it!” The young man raised his hand when Arthur grabbed him by the lapel of his uniform.

He wanted to, but Arthur couldn’t lay a hand on him not with the crowd staring at him. So he pushed him away instead, saying in a gruff voice, “Where’s my car?”

The frightened young man pointed across the road before dropping his keys in his palms carefully which Arthur snatched quickly and left without his payment, not that the valet was complaining. He still wanted to live.

The lane was empty so Arthur walked across freely. He pressed the remote start button twice, and the lamps flashed in response as the car started. Arthur was a few meters away from reaching his car when it suddenly blew up without warning, the force of the explosion striking him back to the ground with the breath knocked out of him.

Even when he was on the floor with his consciousness slowly slipping away, Arthur knew there was only one person capable of pulling this off effectively.


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