Sylver Seeker

Chapter 186: Tools Of The Trade(1/2)

Chapter 186: Tools Of The Trade(1/2)

Moras friend, Aleri, was a bird.

Kind of.

He was a cross between a raven, eagle, falcon, hawk, owl, bat, woodpecker, and possibly a handful of felines. He was completely black, his dark yellow beak had a slight downwards curve, his claws looked like they belonged to a cat, and he had two giant eyeballs on either side of his head, which gave him the appearance that he was smaller than he actually was.

He had 3 sets of wings, the very top ones were the longest and they became small as they reached his tail. Which, similar to Mora and the other chimeras, contained an extendable stinger. When Sylver touched him, he found that his feathers had a very strange, almost furry, texture to them.

[Shade (Unique) Raised!]

[Shade (Unique)] has received the name [Aleri][Evolution Available!]

Aleri moved fast enough that Sylver struggled to see him as he flapped his wings, and disappeared down the tunnel towards a celebrating Mora.

The next chimera looked like a giant sea urchin. The spikes were as thin as needles, but according to Bruno, could be extended up to 9 meters. Sylver found where the head was, and he unfolded the hedgehog-like corpse and saw something that looked like a very small lizard, curled up inside its protective needle barrier.

[Shade (Unique) Raised!]

Im going to call you Sylver stared at the lizard with spikes sticking out of its back.

With the way the skin out of which the spikes were coming out became squashed together, it almost looked like an ugly turtle.

Spike? Bruno offered, and Sylver shook his head.

Springs name starts with S, I need a letter I havent used yet, Sylver explained, as he continued staring at the creature and just like Bruno couldnt think of a better name than Spike.

Its fine, Ill come up with something later, Sylver said, as the lizard slithered down into Sylvers shadow.

There were 2 more chimeras, not including the ones that Sylver simply didnt have enough of an affinity towards to raise as shades.

Bruno had more that Sylver could hypothetically take, but they were useless without their wild magic.

Despite both of them sharing the word magic, there was a difference between wild magic and magic physiology.

Wild magic is magic that is possessed by creatures that are attuned enough with the worlds primal energy, that they have the same access to it that sorcerers do. When a monster uses wild magic, it isnt actually casting anything, the monster simply wishes for a certain thing to happen, and the mana inside and surrounding them bends itself to fulfill their desire.

An example of wild magic is Moras strings.

Specifically, the way she can manipulate them, enhance their strength, nullify magic, and how she can feel the things the strings are touching. Her air manipulation and fire breathing ability also fall into the category of wild magic.

An example of magic physiology is Moras ability to alter her body shape. Her ability to split her head into 4 pieces, her ability to split her legs into 2, extend them, and that she can hide her 6 sets of eyes.

Although technically, it could be argued that her strings are produced and controlled due to her magic physiologically, there wasnt a very clear line drawn between the two.

The point was, Sylvers shades retained their magic physiology, but not their wild magic. Wills wings were long, but nowhere near long enough for the amount of weight Sylver had had the shade carry. Similarly, Ulvics head should be four times bigger to account for the amount of force he can exert when biting something.

The reason for this was that a monsters magic physiology was limited only to itself, and to its body. Whereas wild magic, like normal magic, extended outside the creatures body, like a spell.

These rules didnt apply to people, but a similar example is a skeleton being able to move without having any muscles, a dwarf being able to hold extremely hot things with his bare hands, a fairys ability to fly, as well as any other monster or creature that didnt make sense if you removed magic from the equation.

The problem with having a magic physiology is that it requires mana to function.

A really easy way to kill a skeleton is to drain its mana, it will just become a pile of immovable bones. The same can be done with a lead dagger, if someone shot Will with lead while he was flying, even if the shot is the size of a needle, Will would immediately start falling down due to his magic physiology being nullified.

The same was true for Sylver, except he had built his body with being attacked by lead and silver in mind. If he were affected by lead, his lungs would close up, so he didnt get torn apart by the sudden uncontrollable compressed oxygen.

His heart would redirect the blood so the pressure decreased, his muscles would loosen so they wouldnt break his bones, and a few other miscellaneous safety valves would get triggered.

That would keep Sylver going for an estimated 40 minutes. If during that time he succeeded in getting the lead removed from his person, everything would kick back into action, as if nothing had happened.

If not

To stop itself from getting shredded apart under its own force and pressures, Sylvers body would effectively devolve into a backup heart, lung, something close to a kidney and stomach combo, and his physical capabilities would become nonexistent. Sylvers body was too large for what was inside of it, he hadnt tested it, but if he was forced to shut it down all the way, he was fairly certain he wouldnt be able to walk.

If you compared Sylver to a ship, getting touched by lead would be like a sail ripping apart. There would be a couple of minutes where the ship continued to sail due to its momentum, but if the sail wasnt repaired, it would eventually stop.

Sylvers contingency for that was his smaller body inside his body. It would be extremely painful, wasteful, and probably disgusting, but in the worst-case scenario, Sylver could molt out of his outer shell. The body inside his chest, the one with the needle, the runes, and the indestructible ribcage, wasnt directly connected to the larger bodys blood flow or flesh.

So even if Sylver, for some reason, had to drink a lead-laced poison, and the lead got into his bloodstream and spread out to every inch of his body, all hed have to do is make a hole, and slide his armless, legless, basically headless, torso out, and then run away.

He already had a replacement on standby inside his workshop, the thing just needed a couple of months to mature. But it was a last resort, Sylver could still use magic thanks to the fact he used his soul to cast, but it would be humiliating in a way he struggled to comprehend.

Hed still do it.

If the choice is dying honorably and surviving while humiliating yourself, Sylver had picked the latter every single time.

Not to mention, he never really humiliated himself. It wasnt like anyone who ever saw him crawl away like a pathetic worm ever lived to tell people about it.

[Shade (Unique) Raised!]

The next chimera Sylver raised was a very small rat/ferret looking monster, barely bigger than Sylvers fist. Its rat-like tail looked as if it was woven together from a hundred pink strings. Sylver pinched the corpses tail and caused it to unravel.

Bruno explained that it was essentially a slime core, and once it had access to a compatible liquid, it would be able to manipulate it. In short, Sylver had a liquid golem, whether that liquid was limited to water, or if acid, poison, blood, or something even deadlier could be used, was to be seen.

Welcome to the team Cory, Sylver said at the small rodent.

[Shade (Unique)] has received the name [Cory][Evolution Available!]

The small rodent looked around, then wiped its nose with its two tiny hands, and unceremoniously disappeared into Sylvers shadow.

Cory the slime core. What about Nelly the needle shell? Bruno offered.

He didnt even sound judgemental, he sounded like he knew firsthand how difficult it was to name something.

Nelly No, its too too gentle Sylver said in an attempt to explain that the name didnt feel right.

Bruno leaned down as the spike-covered reptile materialized in front of them, and alternated from looking at Sylver to looking at Bruno.

Barb? Bruno offered after a short pause.

Barb No, doesnt quite slide off the tongue Roxan? Roxan the reptile? Sylver said.

How is Roxan less gentle than Nelly? Bruno asked.

Because it is, Sylver said.

What about Roxy? Cory and Roxy, and you name the next one something that ends with xy, Bruno said, as he gestured at the remaining chimera Sylver was already in the process of raising.

Not Roxy, its too common of a name How does Uri sound? Sylver offered, and Bruno made a sound.

Uri the urchin. What about the wolf? Ulvic? Bruno asked as Sylver clicked his tongue.

Right No, look, Ulvic is for when Im chasing something, whereas Uri will probably be used in situations where Im on the defensive. Honestly, I just like the name. Its short, simple, and to the point, Sylver said with a faint smile.

The joke seemed to go over his head as Bruno shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the next chimera.

[Shade (Unique)] has received the name [Uri][Evolution Available!]

The next chimera appeared to be a very simple snake. It was about as thick as Sylvers wrist and was barely 2 meters long.

But, on its back, it had 6 scales that were a darker shade than its dark green body. Sylver very gently picked one of the scales, and using his mana, pulled out a small creature that looked like a squashed beetle. The square scale was the beetles abdomen, and once Sylver pulled them apart, they revealed a pair of very shiny wings.

1 soul, 7 bodies, Bruno said proudly.

Theyre not, Sylver murmured as he focused on the 7 creatures and realized that Bruno was half right.


Sylver pointed at the snakes head. This is the mother, and these are the children, Sylver explained, as he then gestured at the small beetle in his hand. Having said that, they also seem to be some kind of parasites Its rare to see 2 souls that are this similar Let alone 7 Sylver mumbled, as he found what he was looking for and finished raising them.

[Shade (Unique) Raised!]

Sylver waited a beat for 6 more notifications, but none came.

Thats very interesting I dont think they are children, but the souls are too similar for them not to be related Sylver mumbled to himself.

Clones? Self-replication? Bruno offered.

So these beetles will grow up to become snakes with beetles growing on their back? Sylver asked, as the 6 beetle-like insects in question crawled out of the holes on the snake's back and flew around Sylvers head in a neat circle.

I did mention that this is more art than science, right? Bruno asked.

No, you said it used to be more art than science, Sylver corrected, as the snake slithered up Sylvers arm and wrapped itself around his torso.

Sylver noticed it when he tried to pet its head, the 6 flying beetles felt as if they were still in her back. Sylver ordered them to fly away, down the tunnels, and regardless of the distance, it felt like they were still inside the snakes back.

Sylver gained a small increase in mana as he ordered the beetles to destroy themselves. And as he had suspected, they didnt need to be caught and brought back by Spring to be healed, their souls, and therefore their bodies appeared within the holes on the snakes back.

Might be good for reconnaissance. Could be used to trigger traps, Bruno offered, as Sylver summoned one of Lolas explosives into his hand. He gently pinched some of the sticky clay-like explosive and rolled it into a small ball between his fingers. He gave the ball to the nearest beetle.

It flew towards the wall, and as it collided with the wall, Sylver sent a spark through the snake, through the beetle, and detonated it. After the smoke dissipated, there was a large hole in the stone wall.

Theyre small enough that people might not notice them. I knew an entomancer that had small fireflies that would position themselves on the nape of the neck and would then explode. With this I could have them lodge the explosive into an ear, or up a nose, or have them swarm into the persons mouth, Sylver said, as Bruno looked at him with a growing smile on his face.

Sylver discovered that Brunos one soul idea might have been more right than wrong because Sylver couldnt get the beetles to split into 2. What he had to do instead was split the snake into two separate snakes, one of which was empty, and the other had 6 untouched beetle scales.

Any thoughts on a name? Sylver asked.

A name? Bruno asked.

Theyre a package deal. I think I know how to get them to separate, but Ill wait to see if something changes first. What about

Youre trying to think of a two-syllable word, one syllable for the snake, and the other for the beetles, right? Bruno said after a good 30 seconds had passed.

Ive got nothing. I mean, Ive got something, but its so bad Im not even going to say it out loud, Sylver said, as the 6 beetles returned to their respective holes on the snake's back, as the snake slithered into Sylvers shadow.

Me too, Bruno said.

Sylver stood up and his robe fluttered to brush the dirt that had collected on his knees from crouching.

As they walked towards Mora Sylver summoned his 3 new shades, and watched how they moved.

The rat/ferret initially just walked on the floor, but with every passing moment, Sylver could see something shimmering enveloping her body. At first, her pitch-black fur just appeared wet, but her steps became longer as the water extended out of her feet and made each step longer. In the end, Cory was just floating in a sphere of water and used the water to slither along the floor.

Uri on the other hand preferred the ceiling. She rolled on it since the tips of her needles were somehow able to stick to the stony surface without puncturing it. Just to show off, she allowed herself to fall, and then used her needles to walk. Similar to an actual sea urchin, she could move them around somewhat.

The snake and beetle combo were the oddest. Initially, the snake just slithered on the floor, like your normal snake. But then, the 6 scales on her back opened up, and 6 pairs of wings were sticking out of the holes. It took her a few tries, but eventually, the snake was airborne and was slowly being flown down the tunnel ahead of Sylver and Bruno.

Bit of a shame you couldnt use so many. I thought you would have gained a perk to have your undead cast magic or use a skill they had in life, or something, Bruno lightly complained.

Sylver had a lot of choices when it came to shades. But at the moment, there wasn't any point in raising them, especially, the really interesting ones. They were already dead, their corpses were perfectly preserved, and their souls werent blissfully contained within their bodies.

Im very happy anyway, Bruno. Thank you, Sylver said, as he looked at the mans warm eyes and suddenly had an idea. It seemed strange that he hadnt thought of it earlier.

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