Sylver Seeker

Chapter 181: Three Of A Kind(2/2)

Chapter 181: Three Of A Kind(2/2)

Well, I was right, Sylver said, as he finished going through the framework carved into the metal plate that surrounded the hole filled with dark red sludge.

I was trying to summon a demon? Bruno asked.

The room they were in was a sphere, it was the lowest point Bruno had access to. Small holes lined the walls that were connected to chutes that Bruno used to dump whatever chimera failed to come to life. In the middle there was a very large, and very deep, cylindrical hole, that was lined with metal. The ceiling was covered in black soot.

Sylver peered down into the hole again and could feel the various souls leaving their respective corpses, and could also feel a couple trying to force their corpses to merge with something near them.

Not quite. How familiar are you with demons? Sylver asked.

I think I could summon one if I really wanted to, but the specifics elude me, Bruno said.

Right, well You know how when a demon enters a host, the host is sometimes driven insane almost immediately? And how the demon will typically start altering the persons physiology before its even finished taking over? Sylver asked, and Bruno nodded.

Sure, Bruno said. Sylver thought about the next part for a while before he carried on.

Look, just between us, a very uncomfortable amount of dark magic tends to rub shoulders with demons. Necromancy and chimera magic included. I choose to believe that this is because demons believed that the people desperate enough to learn necromancy were easy targets.

By which I mean the crazies that want to bring their dead spouse back to life, and the corpse fuckers, would be the easiest to convince to summon a demon. Sort of like like a parent knowing that their child will be obedient if they give them their favorite candy, and as a result, the parent has a large stockpile of that candy. Its why demon magic can sometimes feel similar to necromancy, Sylver explained, as he and Bruno shared a look of mutual understanding.

Sounds like a very solid theory. I mean, if a demon offered to solve my problem, I cant say I wouldnt be tempted, Bruno said. But I know better, Im not stupid, Bruno added before Sylver could speak.

Fair enough, you wont mind if I ask you to scrap this whole framework in that case? Sylver asked with a gesture towards the metal ring that surrounded the hole.

He could see Bruno was thinking it over.

Or I could just adjust it to remove the demonic elements, Sylver offered.

Yes, yes, that would be better. Even now, the only alternative I can think of also feels kind of demonic Im going to have to start a couple of projects over, Bruno said.

Sylver gave Bruno a small lecture while he scrubbed out the demonic sigils and replaced them with a significantly less efficient alternative.

Demons, when theyre first born, are just a bunch of souls without a purpose, that just so happened to clump together. Over time, if the demon is lucky, the souls clump together in such a way that they manage to agree on a direction. Killing children, eating human flesh, you know, the regular stuff the people that dont pray to a god allegedly all wish to do, Sylver explained.

He traced a section of metal with his finger and melted a hole in it. He pulled the metal fragment out and smoothed away the carvings before he flipped it around and left the space empty.

Without gods claiming souls, there would be demons everywhere. But thanks to those bastards, a very small percentage of souls remain unclaimed and end up in the demon realm. Naturally born undead are the leftovers of the leftovers, the souls the gods couldnt claim, and the ones the demons either didnt get to or didnt want, Sylver continued.

With his nearly 360-degree vision Sylver could simultaneously focus on the sigils underneath him, and on the ever so slightly frightened Bruno watching him work from a safe distance.

Its why just about every single religion despises the undead. Were unclaimed souls, the sooner they kill us, the sooner their god can claim us, and grow stronger. Fucking demons too, were easy targets for them, oh Ill do anything to become alive again, open a portal to a demon realm, sure, why not, Ill do it, the worst are the undead that used to be mages. Those fuckers know better, but dont care, because being undead is apparently so fucking terrible, Sylver said, as he put a little too much pressure on the metal, and pierced his glowing finger right through.

He waited for a couple of seconds until he calmed down.

Maybe 4 out of 5 demons are summoned by desperate undead. Its just that theyre too weak to host the demon, and they end up dying without anyone finding out about them. The living, on the other hand, demons drool over the thought of getting a living host.

Undead bodies are usually incapable of feeling anything. Whats the point of ripping a toddler apart and rubbing its warm blood over your face if you cant feel it properly? Sylver asked rhetorically, as he calmly continued down the framework and made it less and less efficient with each edited sigil.

He punched the next piece, and his fist went through the 4-inch-thick metal and sent a spray of stone dust into the churning liquid inside the hole.

At least you did it by accident, but you wouldnt believe how many times I caught my friends trying to summon a fucking demon. I used to think that the demonologist in the Ibis was a paranoid lunatic, but if you ask me, he should have been twice as paranoid as he was. Poor bastard disappeared into the demon realm and never came back Sylver said, as he continued working down the framework, and was surprised when he was finished.

What was I saying? Sylver asked, as he stood up from the floor, and flicked the metal pieces stuck to his knees.

You were going to explain what exactly a demon vessel was, and why what Bruno was doing is dangerous, but you went off track almost immediately to complain about gods, Spring said from within Sylvers shadow.

Are demons really that big of a problem? I mean, I know they are, but I dont know how exactly, Bruno asked, and Sylver stared at him.

Ill put it like this If, and I mean if, I knew for certain that there was a demon in Arda, not just a demon inside a host, but a tier 1 demon, fully materialized, I would leave, and not look back. I would take everyone I care for with me, and if they didnt want to go, I would force them. A demon isnt something you can joke around with, you need extremely specialized knowledge to so much as speak to one, let alone try to fight it, Sylver explained, and hoped the slight shaking in his voice made it clear he was being serious.

I know you just took the time to edit that for me, but I think Im going to scrap it Bruno said and gestured at the metal ring around the hole full of discarded monsters.

Have you never fought a demon before? Sylver asked cautiously.

I think I did, but its all very hazy. So whats a demon vessel? Bruno answered, and attempted to steer the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic of his memory.

Its uh So demons are a big bundle of souls, right? Now, the accepted theory is that they somehow merge into 1 soul, I say theory because no one knows for sure. Demons werent exactly cooperative when we tried to catch them to study. Anyway, the problem with their soul consisting of a bunch of souls, is that it doesnt have an agreed-upon physical form, Sylver explained.

Or tried to, given the confused look on Brunos face.

That doesnt sound right. I was always told souls cant-

Demons dont play by the same rules we do. At all. Their magic can do shit the Ibis wrote off as impossible millennia ago. If they werent so impossibly dangerous to deal with, they would have been a very valuable resource for us.

But as it stands, they are significantly more trouble than they are worth, not to mention youll get the attention of the gods if you fuck around with demons too much, and that always ends in tragedy, Sylver interrupted, and could see Bruno was about to disagree, but apparently the defeated look on Sylvers face changed his mind.

Ill write out all the frameworks Ive built so you can have a look over them, Bruno said.

Dont. Anyone else, I would ask them to stop. Now that you know, I can trust that youll go through everything with a fine-tooth comb and get rid of anything potentially demonic Look, a bit of demon shit is alright, but this is literally a framework for a demonic vessel, that you repurposed, Sylver said, and gestured with both hands towards the giant hole and metallic carved ring that surrounded it.

Is that horse a demonic vessel? Bruno asked, and succeeded in pulling Sylver back on track.

In essence, yes If a demon manages to successfully possess a host, one of its goals will usually be to get the host pregnant or impregnate someone else. The reason for this is that, while the host itself isnt good enough, the demon has enough influence to ever so slightly nudge the created childs body in the direction it desires, Sylver said.

I remember now; youve talked about this before Its why a priest always comes over whenever a child is born, and sometimes has to force their way inside to see the newborn, Bruno said.

Demons arent stupid well the ones smart enough to figure out that impregnating someone is their best bet to materializing in this realm arent stupid. They never make it obvious, no horns, no bright red eyes, no second head, the changes they make are subtle, barely noticeable. But, because priests are priests, they are very rarely able to find the piece of extra bone inside the childs neck, or a small clump of flesh in the back of their eye socket, Sylver counted out.

Yes, yes, you said they kill the ones with deformities that arent demons, just to be safe, while in reality, it's so that they can pretend to be useful, Bruno reminded, and Sylver regretfully had to correct him.

I might have been exaggerating on that front, you do have to remember that I am a little biased when it comes to priests, or anything holy. Anyway, the point of it is, a demonic vessel, is a person, or creature, with the potential, to be a perfect host for the demon that helped conceive it. More often than not, the child dies very early in its life, but every now and then... Sylvers voice trailed off as he tried to think of a better way to explain everything.

I think I get it. Why are you interested in the horse though? Bruno asked.

Youve heard of soul mates, right? Sylver countered.

One true love, and all that. People that were destined from the moment they were born to be together, Bruno answered.

I always really liked that as a concept. That for all the horrible shit that exists, theres also this one perfect person that was born just for you That horse thing is my soul mate, Sylver said and maintained a perfect calm and serious expression on his face for a whole 5 seconds before Bruno burst out laughing and that caused Sylver to break into a grin.

Sylver spoke after he wiped the tears that had formed in his eyes.

No, but in all seriousness, soul mates are real. Not in the destiny sense, but there is such a thing as compatible souls. Spring, for example, is a compatible soul. So is Ciege, although hes a different kind of compatible, the overall concept is the same, Sylver explained.

He toyed around with the ring on his finger, and with a wet-sounding crunch, managed to rip it off.

So now what? Bruno asked, as Sylver pinched the oozing wound on his hand, and forced it to seal itself shut.

He tossed his finger into the air, which was starting to glow a very pale white light, and caught it.

Now I need you to go wake that horse up as much as you can. Fresh blood, healing magic, whatever you can do to make it as alive as possible. It doesnt need to be permanent, but Ill need at least 5 minutes, Sylver said.

Bruno nodded at him and went back to the area where the horse creature was kept, while Sylver focused on making sure the demonic elements in the framework carved into the ring were all gone.


Sylver could feel it from the moment he left the protective barrier that surrounded the reject hole. A sort of calling, but at the same time, a warning.

As he floated using [Fog Form] he mentally prepared himself for what was to come.

On a certain level, he was glad for it. The fact that the creature knew what he wanted without him having to say it, meant it was already on a certain level connected to him.

On the other hand, that thing looked tough, and Sylver would be handicapped by the fact that he cant kill it. An advantage the horse thing would very likely abuse to no end.

Sylver cracked his neck out of habit, or tried to, and discovered that there werent any bubbles inside his neck to pop. The same happened with his fingers, and his legs, but Sylver warmed himself up as much as possible either way.

Sylver materialized a few meters away from the thing and stared it right in the eye.

It towered over Bruno, its 7 legs had extended and changed the angle at which they protruded from its body, and made them look almost like spider legs. Each and every foot had daggers for claws, and Sylver now noticed that they werent even fully extended.

Its torso remained largely the same if you ignored the jagged ridges that formed on its spine, and that its skin had a very strange glossy look, that in Sylvers mind meant that it was using magic to protect its body.

I dont know what happened! Bruno shouted as he continued his attempt to get the animal to calm down, but it never so much as glanced down at him.

Sylver produced a small wooden bowl out of his pocket and placed his ring-wearing finger into it. He lifted it up to his mouth and whispered a single word in a language that was older than the Ibis itself.

The finger and ring liquefied in an instant and crackled with a weak pale white light. Sylver held the glowing bowl out towards the creature. The horse-like creature gradually moved its eyes away from Sylver, and instead focused on the bowl in his hand.

It shook its head, just the smallest amount before its gaze returned to Sylvers head.

Are you really about to get into a dick measuring contest with a horse? Bruno asked, as he reached up into the air and was lifted up and away by a small spider string.

Part of the reason Sylver liked Bruno so much is that he could read the room, and knew when to leave.

It seems to consider me too weak to be its partner. And I have a near-perfect track record when it comes to dick-measuring contests! Not to mention its a mare, I win by default! Sylver shouted after him.

He gently floated the small wooden bowl with the pale glowing liquid off to the side and summoned a shade to hold it for him.

Bruno, I cant thank you enough, this is one of the best gifts Ive ever gotten! Sylver shouted as Bruno gave him a weak smile and a wave, as he disappeared into the hexagonal ceiling, to watch from the sidelines.

The horse-like creature stood perfectly still, as did Sylver.

One thing that worried Sylver was that he didnt know what exactly this beast was capable of. It was made from a pile of discarded failures, and Bruno admitted to the fact that he had never actually seen it fight. It would run away into the dungeon and would return a week later having gained 10 levels.

Sylver quietly summoned his ax into his hand, and he shifted his grip so that he could hit with the blunt side. Once it drank his liquefied [Gnarled Staff Fragment Of Igri], any damage the horse sustained would be healed.

All Sylver needed to do was show this giant spider/horse/whatever monster that he was stronger than it, without actually killing it in the process

How hard could it be?

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