Sylver Seeker

Chapter 180: Prepared For Trouble (1/2)

Chapter 180: Prepared For Trouble (1/2)

Have you had a chance to speak to Faust? Tera asked, and for the first time in half an hour stopped talking long enough for Sylver to answer her question.

Aside from the fact that the house seemed to be made of what Sylver had realized was solidified thread, it looked like your average house.

As if someone had simply picked up the house Bruno had on his farm and brought it down underground into the dungeon. Although now that Sylver got a better look at the interior, it would be more right to call it a recreation.

Everything from the cutlery, cups, plates, sink, windows, sofa, chairs, even Teras clothing, upon closer inspection turned out to be some form of woven thread.

I havent, the uhh Chrys mentioned he was drinking himself to death, his fiance broke things off, Sylver said, as he returned his focus onto Tera.

I feel like there should be a word for what hes been doing because just calling it drinking isnt enough. Im pretty sure he died at one point, but apparently, his organs shutting down isnt enough to kill him, Tera said, as she stood up from her seat again and began to pace around the room.

Yeah, once cultivators get past a certain point, their metabolism is powerful enough to render most poisons and toxins useless Ill talk to him, Sylver promised, as he continued looking at the small golden creature sitting on top of Teras head.

Bruno found a species of crawfish that could detect predators by sensing intent. Took him 2 months worth of tinkering, but he figured out how exactly they were doing it, and he created these girls, Tera said, as she lifted one hand towards the top of her head, and pulled off the motionless creature.

She placed it down in front of Sylver, and the spider-looking creatures feet made a clicking noise as they touched the surface of the table. As Tera went back to pacing, the creature stared directly at her and constantly adjusted its position so that its body was always towards her.

I named mine Boni. Her abdomen used to be a lot flatter when she was younger, and the spikes were soft and kind of limp, she looked like a bonnet is what Im trying to say. Are you going to tell me where you were for the last 5 years? And that huge group of dark elves, I take it theyre with you? Tera asked.

If you need to go to the bathroom, just go, Sylver offered as the small woman continued walking back and forth.

You know, you made the right choice disappearing for a bit. I struggle to imagine how you would have reacted if those pretentious bastards did what they did while you were around. The head priest of Ra would have backed you up. Theyre not fans of the undead, but theyre far too prideful to let a foreign clergy manhandle people in their territory. It helped that everyone could say with total honesty that they had no idea where you were, Tera said.

Sylver very gently placed his cup back onto the table, and the small golden spider creature started to make a noise that sounded somewhere in the middle of a teapot's whistle, and a childs scream. Tera practically ran over to it, and picked it up, and used her finger to stroke the flat space that Sylver assumed was its head.

Stop that, she can sense bloodlust, youre scaring her, Tera scolded, except she said it quietly and softly as if she was speaking to a child, so as not to further spook Boni. Sylver heard a barely audible hissing noise on his left and saw a somewhat familiar forked tongue flickering at the edge of one of the windows.

Great, you riled Slinky up, thanks for that. Now hes not going to calm down until hes patrolled the perimeter. I was hoping he would get some rest today, Tera complained, as Sylver unclenched his jaw, and released whatever tension there was in his body.

As I said, its a good thing you werent here. Bruno at least had the sense to resolve things peacefully, albeit I very much doubt that would be his response if they came here now. Its one thing when youre up against a group of priests and theres a family behind your back that cant defend itself. If they tried to threaten him here, even with their level 400 paladins, Bruno would have murdered them, Tera explained.

She started pacing back and forth again but was now rocking the small golden spider and repeatedly rubbing the area where Sylver would have thought its fangs would be. It made a different noise, that sounded like purring, but the pitch was much higher somehow.

Are you saying there were priests in Arda looking for me, and that they were interrogating the people associated with me? Sylver asked, just to be certain.

Not all of them were priests, there were mages, wizards, and sorcerers too, apparently the curse on Kittys family is somewhat famous. One woman, some kind of curse expert, demanded a duel with you to prove she was the undisputed authority in all things dark magic. I think there was even a coven at one point, although I saw 2 men there, so is it still a coven? Tera asked.

Sylver struggled to keep up with Teras ever-changing topic of conversation.

What was it called Sylver asked as he reached up with his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.

Summer solstice, Spring answered.

The summer solstice, is that where they found out about me? Did no one try to keep that information under wraps? Why didnt Lola tell me? Sylver asked.

Because they were annoying, more than they were dangerous. For starters, not one of them actually knew who you were, all they knew is that youve accepted a quest from Ardas adventurers guild-

Did anyone get hurt? Sylver interrupted.

Tera stopped her pacing and turned to look at Sylver.

No... Lolas bodyguard was, but thats his job, nothing permanent. They stopped coming after the monster outbreak, the only reason I told you about them is so that youre not caught off guard if one of them tracks you down because of it, Tera explained, as Sylver further relaxed.

Bullshit was unavoidable. He didnt expect Lola to manage to prevent every single stubbed toe. He attempted to change the subject.

Do you know what youre having? Sylver asked, with a gesture at Teras stomach.

Bruno doesnt trust any of the clerics capable of finding out, and his soul-sensing ability is apparently not good enough to tell anything other than that its alive Tera said. Her next sentence didnt even start as she just stared at Sylver, and seemed to realize something.

Sylver heard a very odd noise outside, that wasnt dissimilar to the sound the small gold spider had made.

Come outside, youre going to want to see this, Tera said, as she walked over to the front door and opened it. Sylver followed behind her, and it took him a couple of seconds to figure out where the whistling noise was coming from, due to how much it was bouncing around the cave walls.

Although it felt wrong to call the area they were in a cave.

A cave didnt have an artificial sun, extremely fertile soil, several herb gardens, and a fucking river.

From Teras explanation, Sylver learned that Bruno had a major mental breakdown when his farm was destroyed and his cows were slaughtered. The friendly honey-flavored cheese maker buried the cows and used what little remained of the spider chimeras to start over, underground.

After he created a few that were capable of fighting, Bruno went down into the dungeon and using his trained monsters, conquered and sectioned off a portion of the dungeon for himself. From there he began a slow cycle of tinkering with their genetic code, while he slowly expanded his territory, and used the defeated monsters as fuel to feed and grow stronger monsters.

Sylver looked up and saw a perfectly smooth creature attached to the ceiling. It had 10 appendages sticking out of its sickly dark grey color body, with the 2 at the front being significantly larger than the other 8. He couldnt put into words what he felt when it came into the range of his soul sense, but if he could, they wouldnt be nice words.

Is that a fucking crab? Sylver asked quietly, as the crustaceans top part, the part that was facing Sylver since it was upside down, began to open up as if it was a beetle about to reveal its wings. He could see a dark pink bumpy mess inside, that was hidden under a layer of steam and seemed to be slowly cooling down.

Its more lobster than crab. We discovered that if theyre given enough Uprum during the gestation period, a very small portion are born with an overdeveloped cerebrum, Tera said, as she gestured with her hand towards the small golden spider sitting on top of her head.

These girls are her kids. Theyre weak physically, but weve engineered it so that theyre the queen bees, while the others are all drones who follow their orders. Magically enhanced pheromones, an intellect that puts them above dogs, a bit of training, and voila, an army of monsters, Tera explained, as Sylver watched Bruno walk out of one of the hexagonal holes on the ceiling.

Sylver watched as the man released the magic that kept his feet glued to the ceiling, and then watched as his descent was stopped by a string that hadnt been there before. He was slowly lowered to the ground, and in the end, landed a couple of steps away from Sylver.

There were some minor changes in Brunos appearance, he was a little fatter, his ears seemed a bit less pointy, he was taller and hidden underneath his hair, Sylver could see 3 sets of eyes that had a dark green shine to them.

Im going to leave you boys to talk, Tera offered, as a spider fell down from the ceiling, attached to her back like some sort of backpack, and then lifted her up and away into the ceiling.

Ill show you the hatchery another time, there are a bit too many untrained spiderlings running around up there for now. If they get a taste for Brunos words trailed off as Sylver continued staring up at the ceiling.

Spring informed him of thousands upon thousands of large liquid-filled sacks, with hundreds of tiny spider-like monsters floating around inside of them.

Did you know youre a fictional character? Bruno asked, and Sylver shifted his attention away from the ceiling, and the giant crab/lobster.

In what sense? Sylver asked, as an enormous smile formed on Brunos face.

Do you remember a bard by the name of Lorn? Bruno asked.

No, Sylver said.

Spring tapped out a description of the man, he was the bard who had followed Sylver around when he had stopped the mini rebellion.

Yes, Sylver said.

Do you remember teaching him a very very catchy tune, that goes a little like- Bruno hummed out 3 notes before the memory hit Sylver like a warhammer to the head.

It was the extremely generic bullshit Sylver had provided the bard with, to make the story he told better.

His story is so famous; that there are fewer bars that dont sing it. A necromancer being good in a story is just short of being clich at this point. It all but flipped the public opinion on the matter. They even teach classes about the books in the Silian academy, Bruno explained, with a grin that made Sylver want to bury his head in sand.

I say all that, so you dont try lecturing me on how having an army of spider-based monsters will set back peoples opinion on dark magic. Ill tell you this, Lorn didnt get lucky, a lot of money went into him becoming as successful and famous as he is, Bruno explained, as Sylver covered his reddening face with his hands, and felt a level of embarrassment he hadnt been aware was possible.

Aside from that, Im glad to see youre back. It hasnt been an easy 5 years, but as far as I can remember, its been the best 5 years of any of my lives, Bruno explained, as he walked over to Sylver, and attempted to embrace him in a hug.

Sylvers chest was a bit too large for him to wrap his arms completely around him, but Sylver appreciated the attempt and hugged him back.

He smelt strongly of metal.

Youre having twins, Sylver whispered into the overly confident mans ear.

He could almost feel Brunos heart skip a beat.

Both boys, congratulations, Sylver added, as Bruno pulled himself away from the hug, and stared Sylver in the eye.

Are you sure? Bruno asked.

Really strong too. Theyll be great when they grow older, Sylver said, as Bruno had to look away to wipe the tears that had formed in his eyes.

All 8 of them.

How was the weather in whichever realm it is you disappeared into? Bruno asked, and almost caught Sylver off guard. Knowing him, he probably could sense the other realm on Sylvers soul or something.

Kind of cold, and the locals were horrible. On the bright side I found out that death lords can be forced to hold a physical form, and I have a direct path to Edmund, Sylver said.

Bruno froze in place and very slowly turned his head towards him.

Death lords? There were two, how did you-


Did I mention the dark elves I brought with me might be descendants of my master? Sylver offered.

Bruno just silently stared at him for a while.

You know what? I dont need to know the details. Im glad youre back and safe, and if Im reading your soul and mana channels right, sounder than youve ever been, Bruno concluded.

Almost forgot about that, there was a skeleton, a golem, that called itself Sylver, who was using a hand that belonged to my old body to cast death magic. And also-

I want to know the details. Follow me, I have a good spot where no one will be able to listen in, Bruno said, as he gestured towards the area behind the house.

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