Sylver Seeker

Chapter 100: Epilogue

Chapter 100: Epilogue

Sylver had planned to skulk around the village, check if the tripwire spells he left had been triggered, and then over the course of several hours, slowly and quietly dig his way under the village, and appear inside of Cieges and Yevas house.

That had been the plan.

Except the first tripwire Sylver checked had been tripped.

As had the second.

And third.

And after the tenth one, Sylver figured out that something big had set every single one of them off. Did she do it on purpose, or did she just not care?

When fighting against a more powerful mage, every little scrap of information could be vital. A mage that can use 7th tier spells had to be approached differently than one that could use 8th tier spells. Then their speed, range, affinity, conductivity, physical ability, even knowing if theyre left-handed or right-handed, could prove to be the difference between winning or losing.

In this case, however, Sylver didnt get a chance to figure anything out. Because the woman in white knew he was here.

She was looking right at him.

Three villagers had stopped dead in their tracks and had turned to look at him. Sylver stared back at them in turn, but their souls felt like they were frozen in place.

What was scarier though was just how tight of a grip the woman had on them.

Mind control magic was finicky, even the higher tier spells could be broken if the person being affected felt enough of a shock.

But this was different.

Sylver was all but certain he could tear these peoples arms off, and they would stay perfectly still, perfectly calm, and would bleed to death if the woman told them to.

Sylver adjusted the collar of his robe as he walked past them, and could see every living creature slowly turn its head to follow him. From the goats, the chickens, the children, the mice, everything and anything that had a head and a brain had glowing white eyes and was watching Sylver.

The only good thing about this is that someone who was certain they would win wouldnt bother taking control of so many people.

Unless the plan was that Sylver wouldnt be willing to hurt him, in which case they severely underestimated just how much Sylver cared about his own wellbeing.

Sylver arrived at Cieges house and felt a lump form in his throat as Ciege opened the door for him and gestured inside. The glow in his eyes was so bright that it actually hurt a little to look at him.

Sylvers mana spread out through the house in a quick and silent wave, and Sylver almost flinched when it touched the person sitting in the kitchen. It was dense.

Dense enough that even if the woman was an amateur mage, she could easily overpower Sylver with sheer volume.

He didnt bother taking his shoes off as he walked down the short hallway and entered into the kitchen.

[??? (???) 999+][HP-999,999+][MP-999,999+]

Sounds about right.

The woman was wearing a very simple white robe, and that was all Sylver could tell by looking at her.

From her face to her hair, to even the color of her skin, it was like the information was being scrambled before it even began to reach Sylvers eyes. He could see her, but he couldnt describe her. She might have been fat or skinny, black or white, an orc or an elf, a loose collection of worms, or even nothing more than an empty white robe.

Sylver could feel that she was looking him right in the eyes, as his eyes were glued onto Yevas glowing eyes and the small baby with matching glowing eyes in her hands, standing a few steps behind the white robe-wearing woman. How he knew this without being able to actually see her was a question for another time.

Most people in a situation like this would do something drastic, or they would be screaming threats at me, or just asking stupid questions. But you choose to stay quiet and listen, the woman in white said.

Whatever she was doing to her appearance was being applied to her voice too. Sylver could hear her, and he could understand her, but any attempt to try and recreate her voice in his head felt like trying to remember a dream he had just woken up from. The woman cleared her throat before she spoke, or at least thats what it sounded like to Sylvers ears.

He barely reacted when Ciege pulled a chair out and moved it up to Sylvers legs to sit down. He sat down on it and just stared at the woman.

First of all, I believe this belongs to you. I also want you to know I didnt need to come here, I could have easily spoken to you through them, the woman in white said, as she pointed at Yeva standing behind her, and then gestured to her right.

A very small wooden box sat on the table and looked so ordinary that in his controlled panic Sylver almost missed it when he turned to look for something. Sylver reached out and took the box and held it in his hand. It was heavier than it should be, even if the whole thing had been made out of metal it wouldnt have weighed this much.

Sylver very gently lifted the lid and saw a small wooden ring inside.

It was a little wider than a normal ring would be and looked as if it had been chewed and scratched into the shape of a ring. The wood was a very dark color and had a hole that went all the way through that looked to be just big enough for a small gem.

He didnt even need to use [Appraisal] because he already knew everything there was to know about this ring. He ran his finger over the comfortably cold wood as he read through the information his skill provided.

[Gnarled Staff Fragment Of Igri - N/A - Phantasmal Quality][Indestructible.][Soul Bound.][Decrease the cost of all dark magic by 50%.][Decrease the effectiveness of positive energy on the user by 50%.][*Conditions for effect not met.][*Conditions for effect not met.][*Conditions for effect not met.][*Conditions for effect not met.]

Sylver closed the box and tucked it away into his robe.

I expected a bit more of a reaction, but given the circumstances its understandable, the woman in white said.

They sat in silence again as Sylver kept staring at her and didnt move a single muscle. She might have moved her head to the side for a moment, before speaking.

I know who you are I know what you are And if not for the fact that Ive personally witnessed how crafty you can be when cornered, I wouldnt have done this. Even with over 800 times more mana than you, I dont doubt that youd eventually find a way to turn the tables on me, the woman in white explained.

But I also know that you can be reasoned with. I just wanted to save us both some time. Otherwise, you would use the [Dead Mans Last Stand] on me and it would get messy, and it would not end well for either of us, the woman in white explained.

And as always, everyone seems to know everything, except for me.

I dont know how or why youre here, but I have something you want, the woman in white said.

Is she lying? Why would she lie? She could just demand whatever she wanted done as payment for reviving me. My ring? Has she heard of me, or has she met me?

I know where Edmund is, the woman in white said.

Sylver felt one of his back teeth split as he clenched his jaw and forced himself to remain calm. He practically shook for a moment, before he spoke with a strained voice.

What do you want? Sylver asked without moving his jaw too much.

This is where things get difficult. Because I need you to trust me, the woman in white explained.

Sylvers gut remained unnaturally quiet as he considered his possible moves.

Given that Im getting the same feeling from her as I did from Poppy, she may be one of her sisters She could be either Lily or Rose

Or worse, theres a 4th guide walking around, completely unrelated to Poppy and her lot Sylver shuddered at the thought.

Are gods involved in this in any way shape or form? Sylver asked.

Its hard to describe, but he got the feeling the woman in white smiled at him.

Not in the way youre imagining it. I cant explain it properly, because then you would be directly involved, the woman in white said.

So whatever Im going to be doing somehow wont count as being directly involved? Sylver asked.

Even if you want to walk away, I dont want you as an enemy. If my alternative options were even a little better, I would have never approached you and made you aware of my existence. There is a very small handful of people that I have reason to fear, and you are one of them, the woman in white explained.

Why would someone ever admit theyre afraid of someone else?

Is her plan to be 100% honest with me because she thinks Ill trust her because of it?

Heres why youre not involved. Were not going to make a deal. Im going to suggest that you do something. And once youve done what Ive suggested Im going to suggest a location you should go, and in that location, youll find Edmund, the woman in white explained.

Ah I see what this is Can you tell me where you found my ring first? Sylver asked.

Now he was starting to piece everything together, and it was slowly starting to make sense.

She was under some sort of condition that didnt allow her to directly interfere with Sylver. Or possibly anyone for that matter. Trading with him would be directly interfering, but if she just suggested he do something, it apparently didnt count because it was of his own free will.

A written contract would never allow such a simple loophole, its either verbal or is meant to be carried out in the spirit of what the contract represents.

I cant answer anything related to the Ibis. Its complicated, the woman in white said.

So whatever happened to it wasnt natural Or whoever is restricting you would consider it a breach if you offered me information about it Sylver guessed. The woman in white didnt nod or move, but Sylver felt that she had agreed somehow anyway.

Or something else, the woman in white offered.

Sylver crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in his chair.

In front of him was a mage of unknown ability and possibly well over 400 times his mana capacity. A mage who seemed to have very little trouble controlling the minds of well over 600 people. Or at least thats the way it seemed, Sylver hadnt gone and checked that every single villager was under her control.

So what is your suggestion? Sylver asked.

Just knowing that Edmund was out there somewhere was already such a relief that Sylver wanted to slump in his chair and cry from joy.

But the crying would be for later. First, he had to figure out if this was something he could do. He wouldnt be of any help to Edmund if he died in the process.

I would suggest that you go through a gate and find a book titled The Story Of The Seven Suns and destroy it to the point it cant ever be read or recovered. Youre able to use abyssal magic, that would be sufficient for my purposes, the woman in white offered.

Why me? Sylver asked. She was going well out of her way to hire him, Sylver wanted to know exactly why.

Four reasons. The first is that I know that if you decide to accept my suggestion, youll be able to follow it through. The second is that only an undead would be able to survive going through the gate I have access to. The third is that youre familiar with the area. And the last is that youre one of a very small number of people who will be able to open a gate to come back here, the woman in white explained as if she were talking about the most mundane thing in the world.

Sylver realized that he could sort of make out her face now. Whatever her magic was, he was either building an immunity to it, or it was wearing off. He could even hear the hint of pride in her voice, where before he would just hear the words as if he had read them off a page.

Familiar with the area meaning Sylver asked.

Familiar with the area, the woman in white repeated. Sylver narrowed his eyes.

And I take it Im going to have to find my way back here without any help? Sylver asked.

Ill put it like this Coming back will be significantly easier than initially going there. I am certain that youll find a way, the woman in white said. Sylver felt like there was an unspoken eventually at the end of her sentence.

I need some time to think about it, Sylver said. He could make out a little more of the woman in white. She had very light blond hair, almost as white as Lolas. And she was tall too, much taller than Ciege of Yeva.

Take all the time you need. But this is a one-time deal, I cant renegotiate, and once I leave, Im never coming back, and youre never going to find me, the woman in white said.

Ive already felt what her soul is like

With the ring, I might be able to track her

Then what?

Use the [Dead Mans Last Stand]on her?

Then what?

Torture her for 30 minutes, after which shell be back to full strength and shell kill me? I would need special gear to hold someone with so much mana captive.

30 minutes isnt enough. Even if I put her in a coma, she can use mind magic, how likely is it being unconscious would change that?

Not to mention shed likely threaten me with Ciege and Yeva, she already said she doesnt need to be here to control them.

It could be a bluff

Sylver felt a tightness in his chest that knocked the wind out of him and made him feel the kind of shame hed never thought hed feel again.

If the roles were reversed, Edmund wouldnt have hesitated. He would have already been halfway there, damn the risk and danger.

That fucking idiot.

Sylver pretended to pinch the bridge of his nose to hide the robes sleeve wiping the tear out of his eye.

What else am I going to do?

If I say no, my next best option is a book thief, a bunch of fucking cats that wont find shit, a sleeping, possibly dead, demi-god who might not even recognize me, and the other alternatives arent even worth mentioning.

Worst case scenario?

Its all a big setup to remove me from this realm.

But even if I go to the demon realm, I still have [Xanders Waystone] to bring me back. I can modify it to move between realms, it would just be a matter of time and energy.

Best case scenario

If Edmund is at full strength, he can pull me up to match him. Hed have to learn a bit of dark magic, but even he would understand the seriousness of the situation. I can leave him here to guard Lola, or he could come with me to help

Just like old times.

Id finally stop being alone.

Sylver hated how little he needed to convince him.

He didnt like thinking about it, didnt like acknowledging it, didnt want to accept it, but he was desperate to find at least someone.

And here was a woman offering him exactly what he wanted.

It almost seemed too good to be true.

Then again Sylver doubted that finding the book would be easy, let alone destroying it. If anyone else could do it, she said it herself that she never would have talked to him.

Will I still have all my skills and perks in the other realm? Sylver asked almost as an afterthought.

It was a simple question. And yet the woman in white didnt say a word for almost an entire minute. Even when she spoke Sylver could hear the hesitation and uncertainty in her voice. He was sure he wasnt imagining it.

Of course. Why wouldnt you? the woman in white asked.

Sylver felt the buzzing behind the ears before he even finished forming the thought.

Two birds, one stone Maybe

What would you suggest I do? Sylver asked.

722 kilometers south-southeast from here is an old abandoned temple. Beneath the altar is a hidden room. Inside the room is a gate, set up and ready for use, all it needs is to be turned on. The books title is The Story Of The Seven Suns. I suggest you dont read it, but as long as its destroyed, I honestly dont care if you do, the woman in white explained.

Could you tell me why Im destroying a book? Sylver asked.

Have you ever seen one of those giant domino chains? The really fancy ones, with tall towers, layers upon layers of dominos inside of them? This book is one of those dominos. And without it, no towers will fall. Or well Does it really matter? the woman in white asked.

It matters if Im going to be making a bunch of enemies because of it, Sylver said. The woman in white leaned forward in her seat.

If you destroy the book, the people who would become your enemies arent going to be a threat. So as long as you dont come back without destroying the book first, you have nothing to fear, the woman in white said.

And my people while Im gone? Sylver asked. The woman in white took some time to think about it before she answered.

The same way Im giving you a suggestion now, Im going to give one to a few other people. Maybe they find something very useful in a dungeon, maybe they drink water from a specific river and gain a perk, maybe they manage to catch one of the enemy armies while theyre barely standing on their feet. I obviously cant promise anything, but Arda is safe as is, with a little bit of help from us, it will be a little safer, the woman in white explained.

Us she isnt acting alone.

Sylver asked a few more questions, but the woman in white was very limited in what she could tell him. Even when Sylver tried to play the hypothetically game he played with Ron, the woman in white wouldnt budge.

The risk was, as per usual, death or worse.

The reward was Edmund. A reckless moron who died owing Sylver an astronomical amount of money.

But when Sylver dumbed it down to that level, it seemed a very simple and obvious choice to make.

How much time do I have before I need to leave? Sylver asked.

There was another awkward pause, as the woman in white stood up and Sylver stood up along with her.

If I teleport these three directly to Arda, will you leave right away? the woman in white asked.

I will, just give me a second to write a letter, Sylver said, as he pulled out a notebook and ripped a page out of it.

Dont tell the elf what youre doing or where youre going. The fewer people know the better, even these two are going to think you came in, had tea with them, and then Tolga teleported them right outside Ardas gates, the woman in white explained.

I want to be sure they make it inside, Sylver said while he crossed out a word he misspelled and rewrote it.

You already had your biggest enemy murdered in cold blood and then hung like an ornament. Ill meet you at the temple and give you proof that theyre safe, the woman in white offered.

Sylver looked up from his letter and wondered who exactly this woman was that she knew this much. Then again, this wasnt the weirdest thing about her, or this situation.

Are you Naut? Sylver asked with a completely wild guess.

No. And it's Knot, not Naut. Knot. Cord, rope, Knot, see the connection? the woman in white said.

She had cleared up to the point Sylver could almost imagine what she looked like under her spell. But the moment he tried to firmly grasp the image, it completely melted away. Now he wasnt sure about anything, it could have all been his mind being desperate to fill in the gaps it was receiving.

That makes a lot more sense, Sylver said.

He gave both Ciege and Yeva a long hug before a portal opened up and they walked through it with slightly glowing white eyes and with already packed bags.

Its all on you now Lola. Sylver thought before he started to walk to the outskirts of the village to fly away to another realm.

At least Im finally going on a proper adventure.

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