Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 11: Dual Cultivation Path

Chapter 11: Dual Cultivation Path

Qin could easily feel the seriousness in her words. It was just like the love of his godmother to his godfather. He slowly got up and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and bowed "I apologize for my impudent behavior. I hope you can forgive me."

The coldness in her eyes disappeared. She sighed and looked at him "It's okay. I just don't want you to hit the idea on me since you possess that body."

"Can you tell me how do we do sex?" Qin doesn't know why but felt curious about it and asked.

Claire thought for a moment and suddenly a rectangular black box appeared in her eyes. When she pressed a button on the side, the black screen lit up and showed different images. She clicked on a certain image and typed a few

After a few seconds, a new image appeared with some small images on it. There were lots of naked men and women together. She then clicked on one of them and gave it to him.

"Watch this from start to the end!"

Qin took the black box and looked at it with curiosity. He didn't know what this black box was and didn't even know what it was showing. But, after five minutes the little brother that was hanging below started turning rock hard.

Feeling that, he embarrassedly covered it. Although he didn't know about sex, he has seen some women naked, and every time that happens his little brother strikes up. Even he didn't know why but every time that happens, he gets embarrassed.

Claire who was watching it together with him said "You don't have to hide it. It's natural. In fact, the bigger it gets, the better it will be for you."

Only then Qin remove his hand. After another five minutes, that part became wet. Claire looked at him with confusion and asked "Have you ever masturbated?"

"What's that?" Qin asked.

"It's when that decides not to go down easily, you need to calm it by stroking it with your hands. And, only when you release white liquid, it calms down." Claire explains to him. She didn't know Qin was this empty about sex.

"I have done it a few times. It was when I saw a beautiful lady naked bathing on the pond. I hurriedly ran but that night I couldn't sleep. Her image kept appearing in my mind. I only did that out of instinct. After that, I only did when I could sleep due to it." Qin nodded his head and explained with a bit of shame on his face.

It was so natural for him that even Claire felt awkward.

"Hush! You haven't seen the world properly. First, let's finish this video. It's nearly forty-minute long and you learn a lot from it." After that, both of them continued watching it until the video finishes.

After that, Qin looks at Claire and asked "I don't understand two things. It is dirty and seems painful for the lady. But, that lady seems to enjoy it. I don't understand this. And, why would you even do something painful?"

Hearing his words, Claire shook her head and said "First, it's not dirty. It's just how you perceive it. If you think your poof is dirty, then there are people who are forced to use the poof of animals for fertilizer. Of course, this doesn't happen in your place. And, there are also people who eat something you throw on a dustbin."

"As for your second question, it is painful but just like first, it depends upon how you perceive it. If you think it is painful, then you will never find pleasure in it. But, if you think it pleasure, then you will even ride nine heavens during it."

"For woman, it is kind of a pain at the start. But, once they get used to it, they only feel pleasure. Let me ask you something. If I can make you stronger, a hundred times stronger than what you are, would you be willing to bear any kind of pain?"

Qin looked at her with serious eyes and nodded his head.

"It's the same. People like you find pleasure in cultivation. And, there are people like him who find pleasure in sex. Now that you have that body, you need to find pleasure in sex as well. Because only when you are in pleasure, you can give pleasure to others." Claire explained.

Qin thought for a moment and asked "But, isn't this a waste of time? Why would I confine myself in the room if I can have an adventure outside and also grow stronger?"

Hearing his words, Claire chuckled. Seeing that smile, Qin froze for a moment. Claire was properly the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and this smile of hers takes it to another level. She looked at him and spoke.

"You are wrong. The cave is mysterious and you need to enter it. Once you enter in, you need to find pleasure in it. The deepness of the cave might blow your mind. Pleasure in the cave might intoxicate your mind. And, the sound of each strike that reaches the deepness of the cave might change your mind."

"Dual Cultivation is an art that needs to be polished with each strike, with each session, and with each lady. As an inheritor of Dual Cultivation Body, a cave is your palace, that thing is your ride, move inside the palace and cultivate with each movement."

Claire suddenly stopped and looked at the ceiling, continuing "Once, there was a saying which is deeply admired and respected by every dual cultivator."

Then, she turned her head at Qin and spoke.

"Yours is Yang, find the Yins, make heaven your wife and earth your concubine. Who said dragon must leave the pond and soar towards the sky? A dragon's home is a cave and it shall always be."

When Qin heard those words, he felt the domineering aura released out of her. And, something was happening in his body as well. It felt like he was going to lose it, losing to that instinct. But suddenly, his blood trembled and his mind came to peace.

"So senior, what's the use of this Dual Cultivation Body?" After hearing her words, Qin didn't feel anything wrong with sex. But, he was still unclear about the legacy itself.

Suddenly, a big smile appeared on her face as she spoke "Dual Cultivation Body is the greatest creation of my husband. Once you inherit this body, you don't need cultivation technique, you don't need comprehension or enlightenment of laws, you only need a woman."

"If you have sex with an ordinary woman, your cultivation will increase by two times. If you have sex with a talented woman, your cultivation might increase by five times or even ten times. And, if you have sex with genius, heaven chosen girl, your cultivation will increase by fifty times or even a hundred times by the intensity and duration of sex."

Hearing her words, Qin's mouth opened wide. Two times, five times, ten times, fifty times, hundred times, is she serious about this? He couldn't believe what he just heard. There is no way he could believe something so absurd.

But, he can't feel that she was denying either. But, suddenly his expression froze as he asked "Aren't I suppose to have only one woman in my life?"

"No silly! There is no such thing. It's just whether you are willing or not. There are two things that woman cherishes the most. Love of their husband and pleasure during sex. If you can love every woman equally or pound them with the utmost pleasure, there will be no women who can resist you and that includes me as well."

"Of course, it is only because you possess that body. That's why I don't want you to hit any ideas on me. Because if I fall once, I will never get a chance to come back later."

Hearing her words, Qin paused for a moment and asked "What if I want to acquire women for cultivation only? Can I do that?"

"Yes, you can. But, you need to be something for it." Claire paused for a moment before answering.

"What?" Qin curiously asked.

"Devil! If you become a devil, you can ignore those feelings and acquire women for cultivation only. And, that's what you are supposed to be." Claire answered.

"What do you mean? Aren't devils bad? Why should I become a devil?" Qin shook his head and instantly asked.

Claire stayed silent for a moment and asked "If you have someone you love as much as you love yourself and you have thousands of people that you don't even know. If you were given a choice to choose between these. Who would you choose to save?"

"The person I love the most," Qin answered without even blinking his eyes.

"See! You already know that feeling. You don't want to lose someone who is close to you. If you become an ordinary dual cultivator, then you will have ties with many women and these ties will form a chain around you and someday you might even lose your life because of that."

Hearing her words, Qin stayed silent and she continued "But if you become Devil Dual Cultivator, you will only have ties with people that you absolutely love. After all, being a devil also means being an irresistible force to attract more women for dual cultivation."

"So, what will you choose? An ordinary dual cultivator with tons of ties or a devil dual cultivator with very few ties?"

At this moment, Claire looked at his face, waiting for his answers.

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