Suzuki is Cute Even In A Savage World

Vol. 2 - Chapter 2.7 - The Slaves Of The Phantom Ship (7)

(Damn! Nothing has changed!)

Then, Takashi ground his teeth. As expected, his speech at the campaign meeting had no meaning at all!

The smell of grilled human flesh wafted around the area, mixed with his frustration, and made him feel ill again.


"L-Lord Hero!?"

The nausea was so bad that he felt sick to his stomach, and he crouched down on the spot, holding his abdomen. Nephira patted Takashi's back to nurse him.

"I'm sure it is seasickness and fatigue. There is a restroom nearby. I'll go along with you."

"I-I can go alone! Just tell me where it is…Uupp!""

(Ugh… My stomach is rumbling…! I think it will be easier if I threw up…)

(Lord Hero. I wonder if he's alright.)

Excella was worried about Suzuki's condition. The nausea he had been suffering from had not subsided since then.

When they arrived at the demon training center near the downtown capital, he immediately rushed to the washroom. It had been more than ten minutes, but he still hadn't returned.

Excella looked around rather vacantly as if she were lost.

(This place is... the training institute of the former imperial capital, isn't it?)

It was easier to use the facilities of the humans as they were than to build new buildings from scratch. It was not limited to this training center, but it seemed that the Demon Lord's Army often used the housing facilities of the conquered humans as they were, except for demons with far too different body shapes or sizes.

(Hmm... But I guess their pride won't allow them to do so permanently. That's probably why they're slowly changing the interior and remodeling the Imperial Capital into a demon metropolis.)


Suddenly, a somber voice sounded behind her, and Excella turned around. Serphiano, the Demon Lord's Army staff advisor, had come to the waiting area of the Demon Training Center and was waving to Nephira with her companion, Grant, next to her.

When Nephira bowed slightly as a greeting, Serphiano put her finger to her chin and looked at her curiously.

"Oh. Suzuki is missing. Why is that?"

"He has gone to the washroom. He is currently very seasick."

"Well. Is that so?"

After a look of deep concern on her face, Serphiano turned her cold gaze on Excella and Aina.

"These humans are?"

"Excella and Aina. They are Suzuki's slaves."

"I-I'm looking forward to working with you…!"

In front of Serphiano, who was known as the most intelligent demon in the Demon Army, Excella felt very nervous. Serphiano's three eyes, which seemed to see through everything, almost felt like licking her whole as she gazed at her.

Eventually, Serphiano turned her attention back to Nephira.

"Since it looks like Suzuki won't be here for a while, shall I show you the classroom first?"

"B-BUT! If we don't wait for him properly, Suzuki will get lost, won't he?"

"No, he won't. It's not that big of a place. Gee, Nephira, are you being overprotective again—?"

Serphiano smiled with a slightly wicked look on her face.

"Overprotective, you say? That would never be the case! I-I understand, in that case, let's go! To the classroom and stuff!"

Nephira said as she quickly set off.

While walking behind Serphiano and Nephira, Excella silently listened to their conversation with Aina.

"As a matter of fact, there have been recent attacks on towns stockpiled with humans for food and slavery. The top brass of the Demon Lord's Army seem to think and believe that this is the work of the low-ranked soldiers stationed there."

"The work of low-ranking soldiers? Why do they think so?"

"The soldiers of the demon lord's army stationed there have disappeared without a trace. They could have been enticed by a powerful demon. It was also possible that they had attacked on their own initiative. Either way, it's reasonable to assume that the soldiers conspired against us. That's why we had this kind of educational opportunity prepared as soon as possible."

"Uh-huh. So, that's how the demon training program came to be."

(Indeed. It must be tough for the Demon Lord's army as well…)

Needless to say, humans are a single species. On the other hand, the Demon Lord's Army is a mixture of many races, including demons, beastmen, and even undead. It must be quite a feat to unite all the fierce-tempered demon species into one.

Excella could somewhat understand the hardships the Demon Lord's Army was going through.

In the meantime, they reached the end of the corridor.

"This is the classroom where Suzuki will be doing his training."

Smiling, Serphiano quickly turned on her heels.

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