Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 32

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 32

Episode 32:

Uneven Eyes was one of the most senior members of the Gore Howl gang.

He still vividly remembers his first meeting with Tusk.

10 years ago, the back alleys did not have as many criminal forces as they do now.

However, the barbarians who came down from the north showed overwhelming violence and united the back alley forces by force, giving birth to Gore Howl.

The Tusk were not just violent barbarians.

She had a charisma that overwhelmed the crowd, and her eyes were loyal to her, convinced that she was the true ruler of the back alleys.

I certainly believed that one day, the Golden Dawn and the knights of Rivernos would be overthrown by the power of Tusk…


The pair of eyes glared at the Eastern Continent man who was being friendly to Tusk with a sly smile.

That eastern continenter suddenly invaded Gore Howl’s stronghold and destroyed Gore Howl’s military power, including himself.

What do you say then?

Plant a bomb in the square?

“That’s the signal. The back streets know everything that happens in River North. Golden Dawn will try to find out why the bomb exploded in the square.”

“That’s right.”

“Golden Dawn has already suffered a blow from Sigmund. Even then, the troops will be divided to investigate what is going on in the square.”

Uneasy, watching the conversation between Dio and Tusk, thought it was nonsense.

If they make such a fuss, there is no way the Knights of Rivernos will sit still.

“What are we going to do with the knights and guards?”

Tusk also had the same question as the pair of eyes, so she asked right away.

“I will stop them from interfering. “This also shows what kind of influence I can have on Sigmund.”

The damn East Continent bastard is ranting.

This is ridiculous.

That Sigmund is turning a blind eye to a bombing that could endanger the citizens of Rivernos?

Jjaknun thought that his boss would definitely not believe that nonsense.


the boss’s eyes are unusual as he looks at the Eastern Continental as if he is possessed by something.

He does not look like the charismatic back alley ruler he has shown so far.

Eyes full of joy that I have never seen before.

Those eyes that he did not show not only to himself but to any of his subordinates.

How hard have you worked for her?

The eastern continenter left after designating a place to plant the bomb.

“boss! Do you believe what he says? “It makes no sense.”

When the guy disappeared, the pair of eyes shouted. However, the only thing that came back to him was Tusk’s bitter words.

“Shut up! The author could have killed me, but he didn’t. “This guy is a golden egg… a real golden egg, different from the scum like you…”

Tusk’s subordinates, including the pair of eyes, were left speechless.

No one could stop the East Continent who attacked alone, so whatever they said would not be heard by Tusk.

Moreover, even though the Eastern Continent could have actually killed not only Tusk but all of the Gore Howl gang here, he did not do so.

This was part of what gave credibility to his words, and the surviving subordinates, except for Uneven Eyes, understood Tusk’s faith.

“How long are you going to keep acting like this? “These incompetent things.”

Tusk shouted and the gang forced his injured body to stand up.

“Hurry up, the faster the better. Gather the kids outside and get to work right away.”

At Tusk’s command, the gang went out and the pair of eyes followed behind them.

But I couldn’t understand it and couldn’t stand it.

‘It won’t work out the way you think. A guy like a swallow. I have to do it for the boss.’

After going out of the warehouse, Jakyun gritted his teeth and took action with strong anger toward the Eastern Continent who had disturbed Gore Howl.

* * *


“Who are you?”

When Sephia heard a knock on her room, she closed the book she was reading and approached the door.

“it’s me. D.I.O.”

Sephia opened the door at the sound of Dio’s voice.

“how have you been doing?”

Dio took off the hood of the cloak he was wearing and greeted him.

“Yes… I guess Dio was busy too.”

“It’s going to be busy. “Are you in any pain?”

Although it was not against the rules of the oath, Dio still checked Sepia’s physical condition after being away for a while.

“I can feel the distance getting farther away. “The further away Dio gets, the more my heart feels tight… Isn’t this dangerous?”

“As long as you don’t suddenly move away from me… but I don’t know what could happen, so I should go with you if possible.”

According to the rules of the covenant, the distance allowed for Dio and Sepia is 1km.

He was relieved now that he was under Sigmund’s protection, but now that he leaves Rivernos, Dio has no choice but to take care of Sepia.

“I’m almost done with my business here. “There are a few left, but it’s coming soon anyway.”


“Pack your luggage in advance. And goodbye.”

Hearing Dio’s words, Sephia once again looked gloomy.

Looking at him, it seemed like he was still thinking about how to say goodbye to Sigmund.

“Don’t worry too much. “I will travel all over the continent, and during that journey, maybe I can find a way to break the covenant?”

“Can we do that?”

Sepia’s complexion seemed to have improved, as if the words she had tried to comfort her had had an effect.

“I can’t guarantee, though.”

Dio is willing to give her freedom if he can get her to break free from the oath except through death.

However, Dio, who could not give a definite answer because he did not know what the future would hold, stroked Sepia’s head.

“Before I leave the city, I’ll give you a gift.”

“A gift?”

“okay. “It’s the most wonderful and beautiful sky I’ve ever seen in my life.”


Sepia didn’t understand what the gift Dio was going to give her was, but she couldn’t bear to ask Dio, who left without much explanation.



After finishing his conversation with Sepia, Dio left the room and opened his mouth as soon as the door was completely closed.

“okay. “Do you have anything to say?”

When Dio looked back, Sigmund was standing in front of him.

“I told you to just watch it for a week.”


Dio looked at Sigmund’s expression and nodded at his words.

“What you did over the past two days was truly amazing. But is it true that it is related to the operation you mentioned?”

Dio immediately realized from Sigmund’s words that he was watching him.

‘There’s surveillance posted.’

This is not something Dio had expected.

“What are you going to do if you openly harass the two major powers in the back alley? And why did you go to the underground water? “Did you need money?”

“Everyone has an idea.”

Sigmund frowned at Dio’s vague answer.

“Even if everything else is the same, I don’t know what you were thinking when you entered Gore Howl’s den.”

“Nothing happened?”

“Those guys are guys who don’t hesitate to commit criminal acts. “What were you planning on doing, Sepia, if you were to go wrong in such a dangerous place that even chivalrous men wouldn’t enter alone?”

“don’t worry. “The story ended well, so I came back safely, right?”

Although Dio said it casually, it was not at all helpful to Sigmund, who was worried about Sepia.

“If you think about why I didn’t clean up the back alley myself, your actions are too dangerous. “It was a situation where I could have ended up wanted.”

If Dio becomes a wanted man, Sigmund will be in a very awkward position as he has to entrust Sepia to him.

“I know what you’re worried about. “I think a little more explanation is needed.”

If Sigmund becomes anxious and interferes with work, Dio may face a difficult situation.

Dio decided that it was necessary to supplement the details of the strategy he had first shared with Sigmund, and opened his mouth.

A way to destroy each other in the back alleys without using your own hands.

Gorehowl was fooled by the words that the knights of Rivernos would help him and thought that they would definitely move.

Gore Howl will openly cause trouble in the back alleys, and the knights who witness this will have ample reason to catch them.

After Sigmund heard all of Dio’s story, his frown slightly eased.

“…is it. If we do as you say, we can catch them all. “How do you know the exact time?”

“I will give you a signal. “You move in an hour with the knights you have on standby.”


Sigmund asked what the signal was, and Dio opened his mouth with a meaningful smile.

“What is it? “It’s a bomb.”

* * *

On the day of the decisive battle.

For the past four days since Dio’s altercation with Gore Howl, River North has been as calm as a lake.

However, as the saying goes, before the storm, unusual movements between various forces for the day of decisive battle took place all over Rivernos.

Tusk also thoroughly prepared for this day.

To plant the bomb at the location designated by Dio, Tusk mobilized all the explosives GoreHowl had.

They did not forget to deploy troops here and there in the back alleys to strike Golden Dawn as soon as the signal was given.

After completing all preparations perfectly, Tusk headed to his hideout warehouse with several executives.

The reason I arrived at this warehouse among the many warehouses was because it was a great place where I could see all the tall buildings in the square at once.

Tusk sat down on a wooden box in the warehouse and drank a bottle of strong whiskey.

“Has time ever passed so slowly?”

It was true that time goes as slowly as you expect.

As of today, Tusk has endured what feels like an eternity in the mindset of becoming the ruler of the back alley.

“The Knights were the greatest obstacle, but I had no idea they would use Sigmund. boss.”

“okay. He’s a very extraordinary guy. “It looks like me.”

Currently, the existence of Dio has spread as a new helper within Gore Howl.

In fact, the proposal he made was like saying that he would partner with Gore Howl.

In addition, the fact that Dio was connected to Sigmund had a great influence on raising Gore Howl’s morale.

“Come on, guys. The dream of back alley unification comes true today. Now a helper with the same thoughts as us has appeared! Raise a toast to your big day!”

“For Gore Howl!”

Golden whiskey flowed down Tusk’s neck.

Tusk recalled the ideals he pursued in the past when he was just full of blood.

When animals die, they leave behind their skins, but when humans die, they leave nothing behind.

‘Honor and glory? Are you kidding? So you’re talking about barbarians.’

Tusk completely agreed with the words used by continental people to refer to northerners.

I have no regrets about leaving my hometown, where there was no room for development at all, and creating my own force in River North.

‘A person’s life can be bought with a piece of gold. I am a person who will go on to bigger stages.’

There is not much time left now.

With the bomb exploding in the square as a signal, Gore Howl’s troops will attack Golden Dawn’s main base.

You can uproot them all, or absorb the remaining ones.

Tusk recalled what Dio had said.

-It’s okay even if their resistance is strong. The knights will intervene then.

-Gore Howl must preserve its strength as much as possible. Let the Knights of Rivernos take on the all-out war they want.

To summarize, what he said was simple.

Gore Howl’s role is to be a flint for conflict.

If you simply cause trouble between the Golden Dawn and the Knights, it will burn itself out and the Golden Dawn will eventually turn to ashes before the swords of the Knights.


Tusk smiled at the perfect plan that had been prepared without a hitch.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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