Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 193 191. Mister Death Is Back

Chapter 193  191. Mister Death Is Back

" *Ahh* Why do my head so much? Did someone hit me?"

Gloria held her head because of the sharp pain in her head. In irritation of the pain she just started to pull off the tubes attached to her, She even pulled out her IV which resulted in her hand starting bleeding, staining bed sheets in a bloody mess.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing? Those were there to save you."

"Mama please calm down, It will not do you any good by taking those things out."

Both Liza and Xin Yan were quick to action. They quickly rushed to Gloria and tried to hold her back from harming herself by doing that. The anaesthesia might still have affected her, Which made her numb to the pain of her body.

Liza tried to hold the hand of Gloria but she was too short to be able to do that, So Xin Yan had to take a lead, Liza in helplessness could only do one thing, that is just to shut off the supply of anaesthetic drugs.

"Who are you people? Where is Grace? Get away from me."

Gloria still had a muddle head. She was not able to process what was happening with her. She was at home doing her everyday job when it suddenly turned dark in front of her eyes and she might have fallen on the ground.

After that she didn't know what happened. Now that she woke up she was in a strange place which was definitely not her home, So she panicked and reacted like that fearing those people might have gotten hold of her.

In her trance, all she worried about was the well-being of her daughter. She wanted to get up and go search for her but her body did not have much strength for being able to do that action.

"How did she even wake up? It was almost twice the anaesthesia dose given to her."

Liza looked at the IV of a drug as she questioned herself in wonder, It was not a new thing she saw someone resistant to a drug as it was a daily encounter, So the simple solution should be just to increase the dose of it making sure it will not be too much.

She thought it would be the same case for Gloria, Hence why she was starting to wake, Though this is a far fetched idea but it is the most logical she could come up with at that time.

So she increased a dose of it thinking it would be enough but still nearly giving her double dose which might put any normal person into serious danger, Gloria was able to wake up as if that drug was not anaesthesia but a glucose saline.

"Why are you asking this right now? We need to administer her a rapid tranquillizer, I can't hold her down much longer."

Xin Yan was dumbfounded looking at Liza who was standing in front of anaesthesia's IV questioning herself and ignoring the distressed patient who already harmed herself and will do further harm if not calmed her down soon enough.

It was the first time she saw this irresponsible doctor. Where are the ethics, and priorities of patients' well-being? In her eyes, it is irresponsible behaviour for a doctor and should be fixed as soon as possible.

"Are you stupid? She was on a heavy dose of anaesthesia not a minute ago. What do you think would happen if we gave her a rapid tranquilizer?"

Liza turned to her in annoyance and said the reason why she was not hurrying to call rapid tranquillizer drugs, Normally they would not do much damage if given together which can be outweighed by the result of it.

But in Gloria's case, She already has a large amount of anaesthesia running in her veins, Which should have already lowered her heartbeats. If they had given her tranquillizer now then it would lower her heartbeats even more.

And you don't need to have a doctorate degree to know what will happen then, Not to mention Gloria's heart was stopped not just a moment ago, It will be lethal to administer tranquillizers to her now.

"Do you think I know that? We can't give her the full dose but can give enough for her to calm down, Which will not be that dangerous, So go and please get those to calm her down, I really can't hold her much longer."

Xin Yan was not affected by the words of Liza, She already knows what will be consequences of giving her those things but now do have any other option? Gloria was struggling with all her might.

Even though she became weak after being in a coma for quite some time, She was still strong enough that Xin Yan could not hold her back much longer, Only if there was another person to help her but there was no one.

Liza is out of the question for obvious reasons, The one who was any help to the nurse who was with her was also no good as she So she was helpless, Gloria was not willing to hear anything she just had tried to break free from her hands and go see her daughter, In was now laying on the floor and passed out when Alex got near them.

So she was helpless, Gloria was not willing to hear anything she just had tried to break free from her hands and go see her daughter, In which she was not afraid to harm herself which was quite worry, Bleeding from her yanking out her IV is stopped but it still needs to be treated to avoid infection.

Right now her body should be an immune compromise because of the drugs given to her from preventing her body from attacking and killing herself, But if she gets an infection now it will do quite more damage than it usually would do.

"You let me go, I don't have any connection with the family anymore, My daughter doesn't know anything about it, At least let her go."

Gloria was still under the influence of drugs as she tried to break free from the hold of Xin Yan but seeing it was no good she also started to say stuff like she didn't have anything to do anymore.

She also said that Grace didn't know anything about it. She was really scared that they would do something to Grace, Though she knew no one had the guts to do anything to her daughter.

After all, even if she didn't have anything to do with her family, She still has blood running through the veins of that family. They might not care if she dies in some ditch by natural causes but they take things very seriously if someone tries to harm her.

As it will be like a slap on the face and a challenge to the authority of the family, Those self-centred people will never allow that to happen, So Gloria was sure of it still her mother's heart was worried about Grace.

"I'm going to call Grace here."

Seeing the situation was really getting worse, The hamster in Liza's mind went to sleep as it worked too much today, And because of that Liza once again said some dumb shit.

Alex standing on the sideline could not help but to facepalm as he knew this will surely piss Xin Yan off and as she really did.

She looked menacingly at Liza as if she wanted to open her head of her to see if everything was alright in there, She was hardly able to hold Gloria and now herself back for different reasons.

"*Greeting Teeth* Senior you wanted to bring a family member of a patient in front of the patient who is having a panic attack and trying to harm themselves? Do you not see anything wrong with that statement?"

Xin Yan greeting her teeth said to Liza giving last a try to make this woman see the hole in her statement.

This is not a movie scene where doing things like that will calm the patient, Rather it will make them more panic and there is a huge chance that things might go out of control.

And in that chaos not only the patient but there is a chance of a relative of it and even the caretaking personnel might get harmed, So it will be a really stupid thing to try and bring the patient's relative here in this condition of Gloria.

It was a protocol of the hospital, Which every doctor out of residency is quite familiar with, So it should be impossible for the head of the department to not know about it.

"What's wrong with that? It will- "

"*Sigh* Let me talk to her."

Liza was confused as she always did this thing and patients were calmed down, Not once there was any bad encounter, So she thinks it is okay to do it not knowing she was able to do all that thanks to her heroine halo protecting her all the time.

But as she was about it and angry Xin Yan even further, Alex cut her off as he moved towards Gloria, He was standing here not doing anything thinking he might hear some important information but Gloria didn't say much he didn't know about.

So he decided to take action and come close to Gloria, Xin Yan wanted to warn him to stay away from her but before she gathered her courage to speak, Alex was standing beside her, almost touching her shoulder.

All the words she was ready to say were swallowed back by her as she silently held Gloria down a little tightly fearing she might harm him accidentally.

"Aunty, Calm down, It's me, Alex. Grace is fine, Don't worry about her."

Alex got close to her as he spoke in the calm soothing voice, Looking at her and giving her a graceful smile.

[Ding! +50 Favorability of Gloria increased for the host (Current : 70 Crush)]

"I am dead, Didn't I mister death?"

Gloria stopped moving and looked at Alex, Who was too confused to react to it.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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