Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 191 189. Drug Gloria

Liza in utter shock looked at Gloria as she groaned and started to gain her consciousness and mobility little by little on the hospital bed.

Liza racks her brain trying to figure out why and how this was all happening as she makes sure Gloria will not wake up no sooner than 24 hours as her body still needs time to heal, So she is given an appropriate dose of medicines for it.

Which is the cause of her shock as those medicines were quite strong. There is no way Gloria was able to wake up today with that much dose but proof was in front of her.

Gloria though yet to become fully conscious, She was showing all the signs of waking up, It will not take more than an hour for her to wake fully. That too an estimate Liza was not sure about now as the speed of recovery of Gloria is too fast and quick.

"No, She should not wake up just yet, Quick she needs to be put back into it."

Liza recovered from shock as she quickly took action and started to increase the amount of anaesthesia given to Gloria to keep her in a coma. It was turned off when her heart had stopped, Which normally should be fine as it will take a long time to wear off the effects of it.

But Gloria's case is different. She somehow rapidly recovered from the effects of those medicines, Even she who is in this field never saw this happening to any normal person.

"Xin Yan, What medicines have you given her now?"

After activating and increasing the amount of drugs given to Gloria, Liza turned to look at Xin Yan as the one who operated on Gloria before they came here. She needs to know the critical information about treatment, So she is able to take the next steps of treatment.

"Wait! Mother was waking up and you put her again in a coma? Why did you do that? Are you trying to harm her?"

Grace who was acting like a bystander to prevent and get into the treatment of doctors had shrieked like a madwoman at Liza and roared at her questioning her actions.

When she saw her mother finally waking up, She was very happy. It's been a very long time since she heard her mother's voice. She was ready to take the scolding from her mother as she knew she would be angry if she knew about the fact that she was not attending school for a while.

But she was ready to take that head-on with a happy smile on her face. She did not care what her mother would say to her as long as she could talk to her, That's all she wanted and wished for.

"I know you are angry but if she wakes up without healing properly, There is a high chance she will go into shock, And trust me a controlled coma is way better than shock."

Liza as a professional doctor had encountered situations like this quite a lot, Especially since she used to treat high-profile cases who are rather protective of their family and ask and blame her from time to time.

Which is the reason she stopped treating them as no one should stop and take an objection on the things they know close to nothing. Still in the case of Grace she looked away as it's more emotional here than authoritative, Just to show their family power.

Liza is more worried about Gloria, There is definitely something wrong with her as there is no way someone's heart just stops for no goddamn reason, and there is also this quick recovery which is impossible to happen.

So she did not want to take the risk of her body going into shock and setting a domino effect. That's why she rather put her in a coma as it is more of a controlled condition than to stimulate her body and let unexpected things happen.

"Grace calm down, Even though I often make fun of her but she is a very good doctor, Let her do what she is good at, Sandra please take her outside."

Alex come to Grace as she was still angry but that anger was not targeted at Liza but at her helplessness of not being able to do anything for her mother, It was this helplessness that forced her to act out.

He can feel that, So he decided that it will best for everyone that Grace will not stay here and look at her mother like this, Sandra came in the ward for quite a while but not daring to stay in the spotlight in front of Alex.

She just stands in the corner present there but with as low a presence as possible, Alex saw her and was kinda happy seeing her act like this, He had to thank his peach blossom eyes because he was sure it was thanks to that she cooked up something her mind for her to act like this.

Alex did not want to destroy this very suitable mood of Sandra, So he decided to send her outside with Grace lowering the chances of that happening and he was even able to get Grace away from her, It was a win-win situation for him.

"No Alex let me stay, I-"

"No, You listen to me, Go in the waiting room and wait for me there, Nothing will happen to Aunty, After all, I like her more than yo-*Ahem* What I mean is go away I will handle it here."

Grace hearing Alex's words snapped and wanted to struggle to convince him to let her stay but he outright destroyed her argument before she even get a chance and said in a stern voice.

Then he looked at Sandra and gestured for her to take Grace away with her, Which she did hurriedly, Grace too was afraid of making him angry, When she heard the reassuring words of his especially that classic tsundere-type words of his, She was assured and go away with Sandra.

"Okay Liza, Tell me what do you think should be wrong with her? Pufft!~"

After they had gone, Alex put his focus on Liza who was trying to get the attention of Xin Yan by jumping in front of her, and with her small stature she was looking too comical.

Alex seeing it all of a sudden after the serious atmosphere created here could not able to hold his laugh back as he burst out laughing holding his stomach or at least he intended to but a soft doll hanging on him stopped that from happing, All he did was just to feel the soft unusually warm body in his arms.

"Hey, What you laughing at? Is this all funny to you?"

Liza stopped trying to get the attention if Xin Yan as she heard their laugh of Alex, She take a moment to understand why he was laughing and when she did, She was both angry and embarrassed.

She like an angry cat try to make her bigger by puffing her cheeks as she ran towards him to make him apologize but no matter how hard she tried she was nowhere near threatening but a lot close to being a cute loli.

"Kinda, You looked too cute doing that, Why not continue doing that?"

Alex did not back off and just own it, He was really loving to see her doing that again and again as it was really funny.

So he even asked her to do it as if he did not see her hair standing up in fury but as she heard rest of his words she did not know what to do anymore.

On one hand it's the satisfaction of making him say she is cute but on other hand is her own self-respect did not allow her to do that lowly thing just because he asked her, She is better than that or she thoughts so.

"Like this? *Ahem* Xin Yan look at me, Are you okay? Answer me damn it."

Liza like the good girl she is, Goes back to doing what she was doing, Jumping in front of Xin Yan trying to get her attention on her, She still needs to ask a question about what treatment she had given Gloria.

The only difference this time is that, She doing more for to look cute in his eyes then to actually get Xin Yan's attention.

But soon she found the abnormality in Xin Yan, Before she thought Xin Yan is salty that she took her position of head of the department that's why she was not paying her attention.

But after trying for a while, This woman was not even blinked once just staring intently in one direction as if she was a life-size statue, Thie worried her and she was seriously considering asking for help as it's look serious to her.

Then she looked at beside Xin Yan, A nurse who was also in the same condition, This scared her shitless as she thought it was some type of new epidemic that made people turn into statues.

And now she was this close to them means she should be infected by whatever the thing made them like that.

"Don't worry, She is fine, It's just she could not able to process seeing the work of god like me."

Alex seeing worry about Liza has to say it, Before he could have teased her but he needed her to treat Gloria, So he had to drop that idea.

He just told her the reason why Xin Yan was in a frozen state, This new nurse should also stay like that because of him as he was not wearing the face mask he usually wears.

"That, It should not be that case-"

"Ahhh!!! It's you!!"

Liza did not buy their explanation of Alex as no matter how handsome he is, It was impossible to freeze people in place but before she could finish, A loud shout reverberated in the ward.

(A/N : Like Always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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