Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 176 175. Unreasonable Pain

Alex was now really afraid, If a thing like a system thinks he needs luck to deal with her then she is surely not something he can tackle head one.

Even if there were currently three S-Rank warriors around him, He did not feel any better as he did not know her power rank yet. He was sure she was S-Rank as it stated in the other plots but now he changed his mind.

A woman smart as her should not be only S-Rank, She should have something different, She is meant to be a Heroin after all before the author decided she was too good to be one tainted by the protagonist and killed her off. 

Alex can tell she is the author's favourite character in Nathan's plot, If so then she should definitely have received something way too powerful as a result, This is also a concerning part for him.

Of course, after she fucked up her way of thinking, Because of that he can't even solve the problem of sleeping with her, If he does that he just going to make it worse.

"Okay, Tell me when you will be here, I will introduce you to my girlfriends, As my fiancé it's your right to know this, Okay I am busy shopping here with others, We will talk later."

Alex was genuinely afraid of the unknown but he did not give in to it, He just took a second before running his acting skill to leave no hint of his weakness as he answered her in his usual tone.

He then, before waiting for her to reply, ended the call. After all, He wanted to take the higher position between them. Ending the call means he will get decision-making authority, Or at least establish his motive.


After the call was ended Liza could not hold back, She lashed at him for provoking Belladonna.

Yes, Alex is an heir of the Winchester family, Even if he is outside the home he still has that title, No one has taken it away from him yet but that doesn't mean he is as protected as he is in the family property.

Belladonna did not have the guts to harm him on Winchester property but outside a fair game, Other than killing him or seriously harming him she can do whatever she wants without fearing backlash from Winchesters.

Liza was super angry, If something happened even if she wanted she could not be able to interfere in that matter as that will mean her White family is standing against Belladonna.

Liza will stand against that nightmare for Alex but her family definitely will not, And she as the head of the family had to follow their decisions for the well-being of her family.

"Chill out Busty Unicorn, She will not do anything extreme at all, Her curiosity will not allow it. I just have to make sure she stays curious."

Alex rubbed the blond hair of Liza to calm her down, He knows what she means by provoking Belladonna.

Unlike Alia which might give her target buffer time or might once on the moon let go but Belladonna is not like that, Her name is proof that she will never let go.

Alia was not born a cold-hearted woman, She used to be a normal girl until her powers activated making her that way but Belladonna liked her name from head to toe as deadly and poisonous.

She was never normal, She was born the way she is. There was a trauma that happened to her because of course it did but that did not cause her to become like this, That just awakened her real personality.

Alex right now does not have many ways to deal with someone like her. His biggest weapon, his tricks, is useless against her. His charm is also not a strength in front of her but rather a big weakness.

There is a high possibility that if she saw him in person, Her possessiveness would overwhelm her. Right now she was doing all this just for fun, It was nothing more than a game to her, All this just to have some fun in her pretty much boring life.

But once she sees current him, That will cause astronomical changes in her and in her motives behind her actions, Which is the last thing he wanted seeing the twisted way of her thinking even with his standards.

So right now all he can do is to be like irresponsible parents giving their child a smartphone to keep him busy, He too uses Belladonna's curiosity about how much he is capable of keeping her busy.

"Is it not a dog, If you throw her a ball she will be busy playing with it."

Liza was not convinced by Alex's argument, In her eyes he was too dependent on guessing then actual logical reasoning, Real-world does not work as it is on plain white paper calculations.

"I know she is not a dog, She is bitch, I will miss gender, A loyal companion like them."

Alex said it and walked out of the empty store, He had yet to deal with Dick yet, So he left behind a very confused Liza, Ready to have some fun as he decided.

"Hey!! Wait for me."

Liza also comes out of her confusion, Seeing Alex walking further away from her leaving her in the semi-dark room alone scared as she follows after him.


"Mr. Dick everything is ready, All the paperwork is done, You will officially get full authority over this shop starting from sharp 5 PM. It's supposed to be after midnight but seeing it's urgent for you, We did it early."

Roger walked towards the Dick, Whose eyes were still searching for a figure of his supposed wife but could not find it, She not coming into the main storefront of the store at all.

This disappointed him but remembering he will soon be going to have authority over her, He let go, Letting her enjoy her freedom for a little while.

"Give my thanks to the Gayler family for their generosity."

Dick was not in the mood to talk to Roger, After all, he now had a calm mind, So he can tell how badly he lost money in this trade, All because of Madam Gayler, If she had not allowed that gigolo to participate in the bid, Everything should be fine.

But because she did allow him, He lost 70 billion dollars, nearly double the amount he first offered her, So there is no possibility that he is going to have any good feelings for the Gayler family.

Now all he wanted to do was to get mall rights and kick them out of here

He now was more concerned about how he can handle his mother for making this huge loss to the company, Normally he could just shut his eyes and figure out the solution but he didn't to close his eyes at all.

Every time he does, The image of Sandra with another man appears right in front of his eyes. He does not understand why it is happening but it is hurting him a lot. That unreasonable pain was too hard to bear.

He can't describe that pain but it hurts, And he can't even pinpoint the location of it. First, his heart feels tight than his stomach. After that it will spared all over his abdomen, It is unending, making him worse and worse of himself.

For the first time, he had doubts about his charms. He didn't get it if he had that much charm. Why did Sandra go to another man, Completely ignoring his behaviour towards her?

All he needs now is to be left alone to figure things out as he always does, Just for this he needs a little more time than usual.

"I will deliver your message to Madam Gayler, Have a good time, Copy of documents will be delivered to you soon."

Roger replied to Dick politely but in a plain voice, After all he was not that stupid for not to get sarcasm in his words, So Roger did his job of informing Dick and going on his own way, He did not need to lick Dick as his commission is secured.

"Hey guys, is my stuff ready yet?? I need to leave now."

And then the man Dick hated the most walked into the store with a weird woman with him, After which those other two women also joined him.

Dick only glanced at the group and looked away as he did not want to engage with them yet after his big loss.

"Everything is ready sirz It just being packed, While you pay it will be done, All I need now is an address to deliver this to your home."

Dick wanted to ignore the group but he could not anymore because the figure his eyes were searching for finally came in front of him, But what has hurt him was the thing that she comes out for another man.

He hated this fact. He was sitting here for half an hour now, and she should have known this but she did not come to greet him bit once he came into the store Sandra, like a little follower, popped up with a wide smile on her face.

"Okay, Where should we pay?"

Alex talked to her normally as if it was not him who was ramming her in the storeroom a moment ago, He asked her politely as he always does.

"Here, You can scan your card, Total is 5 Million UC, and we are also given a few extra games to play in the house."

Sandra too acted professionally and handed over the card machine to him, which he scanned with the card he "borrowed" from Liza before, Then he gave the address of his dormitory for delivery.

Everything was set, But Alex was waiting for the bomb to drop in a few seconds.

"Both you and you are fired, Go pack your stuff, Remaining salary and commissions of yours will be deposited in your bank account in 1 to 3 days."

A fat man suddenly barge into the store, Then without wasting any second pointed to Sandra and her supervisor and fired them on the spot.


Then loud exclamation erupted in the game shop.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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