Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World

Chapter 233: The God of Hunger. Federica. (4)

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 233: The God of Hunger. Federica. (4)

The Great and Magnificent Tower of Magic.

It was the Tower of Magic, a magnificent structure designed by the Tower Master centuries ago.

Its status was extremely lofty as a place where all the continent's magicians gathered.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say it was an artificially created World Tree.

And there was a man in a small room at the very top of such a tower.

The man had his head bowed to the ground, with his waist raised.

He supported his lower body with the tips of his toes, with both hands behind his back.

He looked as if he were being punished.

If someone who knew the man's identity saw this, they would doubt their eyes.

The man was Elian, the Tower Master's first disciple.

He was the only magician qualified to inherit all of the Tower Master's magic as his foremost disciple.

He was once evaluated as the one who would someday inherit the great tower.

And he had the power to match that expectation.

He was a magician who had reached the pinnacle of a great hero.

With both his personal power and background combined, no one could treat him lightly.

Even the Saintess of the Sun God showed every courtesy when dealing with Elian.

Yet here was Elian, being punished like a child who had done something wrong.

It was an unbelievable sight.

But the moment one saw who was perched on top of him, they would have no choice but to accept it.

[My disciple, my disciple.]

The Lich sitting atop Elian's waist—the Tower Master—spoke lazily.

[I am in a very bad mood.]

"Why this time…?"

[Because the information manipulation I painstakingly arranged has been broken.]

"Is it about that barbarian…?"

[So you know.]

"How could I not? Despite how busy I was, you wouldn't stop bragging about it all day."

Elian spoke with difficulty, and the Tower Master muttered as if remembering.

[Ah, yes. I did. It was truly a great achievement.]

The Tower Master had attempted to manipulate information about Ketal.

The scope was the entire continent, so it wasn't an easy task, even for the Tower Master.

But the Tower Master succeeded in manipulating the information.

The continent remained unaware of Ketal's existence.

And now, that had been shattered.

[To think he would progress the quest of a wandering merchant. I never imagined it would break so easily.]

Ketal had progressed the quest of a wandering merchant and joined forces with the continent's strongest individuals.

As a result, information about Ketal was spreading.

Of all people, the leaders of various factions were involved—the Chief Inquisitor of the Sun God, the Mercenary King, and the Head of the School—making it difficult to intervene.

He could, but the aftermath would be troublesome.

The Tower Master had no choice but to watch helplessly.

[I'm in such a bad mood. I want to vent, but doing so to others would make me seem petty, so I can't do that either.]

"Aren't you venting at me right now…?"

[A disciple isn't an 'other.' You are like family. It's a disciple's duty to soothe the master's feelings with both body and mind.]

"That’s an outdated tradition from two hundred years ago, and it's disappearing now."

[I'm an older man than that, so it doesn't matter.]

'Damn it,'

Elian lamented inwardly.

What kind of barbarian was this, to make him suffer like this?

His legs were trembling.

He was reaching his limit.

[Enough. Sigh. Venting on you is pointless anyway.]

The Tower Master grumbled as he got off Elian's waist.

Hearing that, Elian barely held back his words.

'If you know that, why are you taking it out on me?'

It was absurd, but Elian let it pass.

His master, the Tower Master, was a figure respected by all, but only a few knew the truth.

He was just a cranky, capricious old man.

Elian barely stood up and straightened his back.

His spine creaked and screamed in protest.

"I'm not exactly young anymore. Can you please stop this barbaric punishment? I think my back is going to give out."

[You dare act like an old man after rejuvenating yourself with a miraculous elixir? Why don't you become a Lich like me? You wouldn't need to eat, sleep, or relieve yourself. You could devote all your time to magic. It's wonderful.]

"No, thank you."

Elian flatly refused.

The Tower Master, not having been serious, didn't press further.

[Sigh, sigh.]

Despite tormenting Elian to vent his frustration, the Tower Master's voice still sounded irritated.

[I'll have to think about how to respond next. My head is starting to hurt.]

"…Master, I have a question. May I ask?"

[Go ahead.]

Elian asked with a face that clearly showed he couldn't understand.

"Why do you go to such lengths concerning that barbarian?"

The White Snowfield's Ashen Barbarian, Ketal.

The Tower Master's interest in Ketal was special.

Even as his disciple who had spent many years with him, Elian had never seen the Tower Master show so much interest in anyone.

"I understand that barbarian is strong. And that he's special too."

Elian was the closest human to the Tower Master, so he knew Ketal's actions and power well.

"But do we really need to treat him with such caution?"

The existence of the Forbidden Land was slowly being revealed to the outside world.

Ketal wasn't the only one who was special.

Of course, he was still unique as the only being from the Forbidden Land capable of communication.

And with such immense power, it was only right to treat him with respect and caution.

But the Tower Master went beyond that, trying to keep the very existence of Ketal a secret from the continent.

Elian couldn't understand why.

"Is it really necessary to give him such special treatment just because he's from the Forbidden Land?"

[Yes. Because he is special.]

Ever since the Tower Master discovered Ketal, he had been searching for information about the Forbidden Land.

There was very little information, and it was well hidden.

So much so that even the Tower Master found it difficult to uncover.

But he did manage to find a few things.

The beings of the Forbidden Land were known as the oldest of their kind.

And he learned what they were born from.

The conclusion he reached was this:

[He is a miraculous existence.]

Ketal was an impossible miracle.

A miracle in itself.

"...A miracle, you say?"

Elian was astonished.

The Tower Master never spoke of miracles.

He believed that to speak of miracles was to set limits on oneself as a magician.

For him to call Ketal a miracle was unprecedented.

[There is no better comparison. Just think of it that way.]

"I see..."

It was surprising, but it didn't answer Elian's question.

"Then, all the more reason not to hide his identity, isn't it? Wouldn't it be better to make his achievements known and let him gain fame? He seems to be a friendly existence towards us based on his actions."

He had stopped the demon invasion, helped the elves, and dealt with the beings of the Forbidden Land.

Wouldn't it be better to make his identity known and let him gain fame and honor?

It was a reasonable suggestion.

But the Tower Master replied indifferently.

[You have no idea why I'm hiding his identity.]

"Aren't you trying to protect him from organizations like the Empire? But if his fame spreads, they wouldn't dare to act rashly against him."

[No. It's the opposite. I'm not protecting the Barbarian. I'm protecting the world from the Barbarian.]


Elian's eyes widened in surprise.

The Tower Master explained.

[Do you know of Ignisia?]

"Yes, the ancient dragon who designed the Tower, isn't she?"

[She contacted me recently. Said she had fought that Barbarian. And that she was overwhelmed.]


Elian was shocked.

The ancient dragon was defeated by Ketal?

"Does that mean he's at least at the level of a hero?"

[That's a simple way of looking at it. But… if the characteristics described by Ignisia are accurate, then the direction of his power is exceedingly unique.]

The Tower Master's pupils quietly wavered.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

[There's no end to his depths. In many ways, he's a rule breaker. I feel ashamed for thinking he had limitations just because he couldn't wield mystics. The title of Tower Master would be a disgrace.]

"That's incredible."

But it still didn't explain why the Tower Master was hiding Ketal's existence.

Sensing Elian's unspoken question, the Tower Master continued.

[The reason I'm hiding his existence is to protect the world. Because he acts out of curiosity.]


[He is interested in this world.]

The Tower Master had grasped the principle behind Ketal's actions.

[To him, this continent is a giant toy box. A place full of endless fun and amusement.]

"...He's twisted."

[Maybe because he's from the Forbidden Land, or maybe it's just his nature, but he's broken. The reason he has seemed benevolent towards this world so far is simply because the circumstances turned out that way. He didn't act out of genuine goodwill.]

Ketal had moved to help the sanctuary of Kalosia.

He did so partly to help a friend, but more because he was curious to see the sanctuary of a god.

The same was true for other situations.

Fighting demons in the Kingdom of Denian.

Eliminating the primates in the deep sea.

Protecting the World Tree.

All of it was driven by Ketal's curiosity and enjoyment.

Had the circumstances been different, he might have sided with the demons.

The Tower Master believed this, though he wasn't sure.

[He's not evil. He'll help those he's close to and won't harm them. But… at his core, he's twisted.]

The Tower Master continued.

[Now, let me ask you a question, my disciple. If the existence of this Barbarian becomes known, how do you think the great powers of the continent will react?]

"They would likely try to bring him over to their side or, if they consider him dangerous, attempt to control him."

[Exactly. From the Barbarian's perspective, it would be like toys getting in his way. And what do you think would happen then?]

"...Do you mean to say there would be conflict?"

[His only value in this world is what amuses him.]

He was not a being who adhered to rules, laws, or honor.

[If he is hindered, he would likely destroy everything that stands in his way.]

Whether it be the Empire, gods, or dragons, he would destroy them all.

Only then did Elian fully grasp the situation.

A monster that even an ancient dragon couldn't control, something so profound that even the Tower Master couldn't fathom its depths, would try to destroy the continent.

They would become its enemy.

"That's... dangerous."

[In this crumbling balance, it's even more dangerous. His distinction between good and evil is weak. So I tried to slowly approach him with goodwill, hoping he would come to see the continent as his own domain... but damn it.]

Everything had fallen apart because of that damned wandering merchant.

As Elian listened, his eyes quietly gleamed with realization.

"I see... that's the kind of being he is."

[You're developing an interest as a magician, I see. You'll encounter him eventually. Be cautious when you do.]

"I will keep that in mind."

Elian said this as he began formulating a plan in his mind.

The Tower Master noticed but said nothing.

Based on what he knew about Ketal, Elian moving on his own would likely amuse him.

The problem lay elsewhere.

The Tower Master's eyes were everywhere.

He was aware of what was happening in the Kingdom of Denian at that moment.

The Tower Master clicked his tongue.

[Those damn celestial beings are always more trouble than they're worth.]

"I didn't hear anything."

Elian neatly dismissed the comment as if it hadn't been said.

The Tower Master, unconcerned, muttered to himself.

[We can't just stand by. We must prepare for whatever is coming. It's going to get busy. I don't know why they're calling for him, but...]

It wouldn't be for anything good.

They wouldn't issue a revelation just to invite him for tea.

[It would be nice if they could collapse on their own without dragging others in.]

* * *

Liltara and his group continued to stand guard at the entrance of the Akasha family estate.

Unwashed, dirty, and smelling foul, they paid no attention to their condition.

It was part of their duty.

Then, the door opened.

Ketal appeared.

As Liltara quickly reached for her sword, Ketal raised a hand.

"I have a question for you."

"...What is it?"

"You called me the sinner of the revelation. Am I truly a sinner?"

"Yes, you are."

Liltara nodded.

"Lady Federica herself has specifically named you. She has decreed that the Barbarian Ketal be captured and brought to her land. My duty is to take you to the sanctuary."

A god had issued a direct revelation.

Liltara had no choice but to bring Ketal with him.

"Sinner of the revelation, the only thing you can do is follow us."

"I see."

Ketal muttered as if he understood.

"So, it's this Federica who is trying to hinder me."

"Hinder? What are you—"

Liltara was about to explode in anger at the insult.

But then Ketal nodded vigorously.

"Then I must respond to that call. Very well! Liltara, was it?"


"I will follow you to Federica's sanctuary. I'll be in your care for a while!"

Ketal said energetically.

Liltara's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden statement.

Ketal was smiling brightly.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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