Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items (WN)

Chapter 92.2: Forcas’ Mistake

Chapter 92.2: Forcas’ Mistake

W-welcome back.

Ive just learned the state of the war. Forcas, its not like you to commit such mistakes!

Haa, my apologies.

Forcas got down on one knee in frustration.

In the absence of the crown prince, everything will be Forcas responsibility since hes the commander in chief.

Rothbacher, the commander of the flying dragon knights, was killed in battle, and so was Barbarossa, who probably died along with the imperial knights.

Everything that happened falls on the commander in chiefs shoulders, in Forcas shoulders.

Mistakes in command must be repaid in command. I will now climb the Devils mountain myself along with my entourage. I have secured a secret route at the rear to climb.

The Devils Mountain?

Yes. Im going to open the miasma hole of doom at the top of the devils mountain.


The mountain is full of enemy artillery and there shouldnt be any enemy troops in the rear. Forcas, command the 10000 immortals to attack the mountain at the front in order to draw the enemys attention to you.

By your will.

Even so, we cant win the war with that yet. Once the miasma hole of doom opens, both the royal capital of Silesie and the fortress City of Ox will be in shambles from the monsters attack. After that, we will pincer attack the remaining enemies at the rear. It will be the Germania Empires victory.


That is the horror of his majesty the golden lion Freed. He wont hesitate to use a miasma hole in order to win.

Forcas felt that horror again and prepared to put his life on the line.

He felt that if he didnt do so, he would not be forgiven for his mistake.

Your Majesty Freed, what should I do?

Vice General Eleonora asks Crown Prince Freed.

Freed looks at her as if noticing her presence there for the first time and thinks for a moment.

Vice General Eleonora, you will go to the rear and gather the troops that had retreated in the City of Spike and wait for my command.

As you wish.

Eleonora rode out on her beloved horse as soon as she received the order.

Seeing that, Forcas felt that Eleonora had lost her ruggedness and had become a little obedient.

He had seduced the princess just for fun but if he can win this battle, he could seriously go after her.

Now that is the only reason he wants to survive. Forcas cant help but laugh fearlessly.

What are you doing, Forcas? Not going yet?

Yes, by your will.

General Forcas checks the estoc on his waist and takes as much as potion he can carry from the main camp.

Then, commanding the 10000 imperial immortal knights, he launched an assault on the Devils Mountain, determined to never retreat again.


Scene Change


On the Devils mountain, a small command post camouflaged with black cedar was the true headquarters of the Silesies army.

Whether the royal castle falls or even the fortified City of Ox, the kingdom wont be defeated. The true headquarters of the kingdom is located in the Devils Mountain protected by layers of trenches and fortifications.

From the command post, looking over the collapse of the central imperial army, I got too intoxicated with the brilliant victory.

I have never seen such a hearty victory.

As expected of sensei, I didnt even think that the black cedar can be used as cannons

The principle of cannon itself is simple. The moment I saw Takeru-dono cut off the black cedar using the sword of light, I thought that if we could hollow it out and put a fuse to it, it could make a good cannon.

Black cedar is harder than steel and the log is originally shaped like a large cylinder.

The part taken out from hollowing it can be used for bullets if it is broken into small pieces and shaved to spheres. When the black cedar bullets run out, they can be filled with stone bullets. It will be a simple primitive stone cannon.

However, why did the enemy camped in our range of fire unprotected?

To the enemy, the cannons probably looked like a row of black cedar logs.

Humans have blind spots (scotoma).

What looks like a proper cannon to those of us who know the principle of cannon looks like black logs on the mountainside for the enemies.

Sensei must have calculated that much and prepared black cedar cannons behind the scenes.

Thats true. Its quite unfortunate that we were cornered so badly that we had to use tricks.

Lyle-sensei said that with a wry smile.

He looks happy and cheerful when he stands on the battlefield but the more he wins the more self-mocking smiles appear on his glossy, pale red lips.

The empires central army will also be a tough battle since the 10000 imperial immortal knights and General Forcas, who is renowned as almighty, are alive and well. Only the heavy infantry collapsed.

That said, since were going to bombard them from above, that difference in strength can be covered and it will be an easy victory.

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