Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items (WN)

Chapter 90.2: Battle of Silesie’s Royal Capital

Chapter 90.2: Battle of Silesie’s Royal Capital

Even though its only 500 knights, its a little tricky when youre being attacked from the side.

Alright, Ill take the royal knights and go smash the enemys right flank!

After thinking a little, Forcas nodded.

General Barbossa, please reinforce the right flank.

All right! Ill take care of those 500 knights in no time!

The 10000 immortal troops in the main camp is the strongest infantry corps in the empire. In addition, 14000 troops, 4000 are heavy infantry, are crushing the 3000 enemy corps.

Even if the royal knights leave to reinforce the left flank, there wont be any problem.

General Barbossa, just in case, please dont go too deep.

Haa! Im going to smash everyone in my way with one slash.

He reminded the red-bearded giant as much as he could as he exited the main camp in high spirits. However, he thought that he didnt get it at all.

If there is a trap, he thought that since it is Barbossa, he would just blow that trap away with raw power so hes not worried.

He thought, Im still too young to control a rampaging warrior..

He sighed, feeling his lack of strength as a strategist.

He noticed that his second in command, Eleonora Lanct Am-main, was still in the tent.

She had been scolded by the crown prince and had her sit there quietly because she kept losing every time she played the general but it was too surprising that she was really just sitting there.

It is eerie that Princess Eleonora, the princess knight, who is a victim of misfortune for both friend and foe alike when she gets involved, and who is even called the War Maiden of Lanct, is really just sitting there quietly.

Normally, she would have said she was going to charge before Barbossa, the fierce general, and became enraged.

You are awfully quiet, Princess Eleonora.

Although he called her out, General Forcas did not address her as princess knight or vice general but princess which means she has no right to command.

Eleonora is the only daughter of Duke Lanct, the richest man in the empire and the leader of the imperial lords.

You are underestimating Silesies hero, arent you?

What are you saying out of the blue.Im not underestimating the enemy. Im just judging the forces accurately and taking the usual measures.

Thats exactly underestimating him. I dont know about you being almighty or something but, you cant beat him with the usual measures.

I understand where you are coming from. You want me to overestimate the enemy that defeated you.

General Forcas snickers at Princess Knight Eleonoras concern.

Hes basically saying The defeated general has no right to talk here.

Thats not what Im saying. I just want to remind you that I know the enemy better than you after engaging with many battle.

So, what?

Forcas gently touched Eleonoras shoulder as she continued to argue.

Eleonoras flaming armor is always on fire and even the chair shes sitting on is always burning. To touch her shoulder, Forcas can be said to be a very bold man.

Forcas white armor(Anor Blanc) is also strengthened with magic so it can withstand the flame armor for a little while.

Hey, dont touch me!

Forcas flaxen hair, which was hanging down toward Eleonora, who was sitting down, hits her gauntlet as she brushes him away and burns.

The distinctive smell of burning hair spreads but Forcas, the calm and cool-headed strategist, is not dismayed.

Im glad you are concerned about me, Princess Eleonora. However, Ill show you that the 14000 central army could win.

You are being overconfident, Forcas.

It is not even confidence. I see victory as the result of an accurate assessment of the situation. Any man who looks at this layout and says the empire will lose is nothing but a fool.

So, you are telling me in a roundabout way that Im a fool?

I said man. Im sure there are better places for a beautiful lady like you than on a battlefield.

If you speak ill of me more, I will consider that as an insult and slay you here.

Oh, Im in trouble. Fufufu. If the strategist is killed before the end of the war, we wont be able to win the battle.

If you dont want to die, stop your theatrical play. If you are testing the limit of my patience, Ill tell you now, youre about to cross it.

Forcas backs off at the last second just before Eleonora snaps. It can be considered as a good judgment as a strategist.

He looked at the strategy map at the table again and declared loudly.

Princess Eleonora, lets make a bet. If I win this battle, stop being a knight for me.

You are the first person to ever make such a ludicrous challenge to me.

Forcas, who said that like a theater actor, shows off his flaxen hair in a theatrical gesture too. Eleonora was more stunned seeing that play than angry.

If he had calculated all of that, it can be said to be quite a feat.

Oh Princess Eleonora, as beautiful as a rose in full bloom, you shouldnt be a knight anymore. Stay by my side as a woman.

Haayou are a popular playboy in the imperial capital. Do you think I dont know that?

Oh, are you jealous?

Im just saying I dont understand why tampons like you are popular with ladies!

It was a completely carefree conversation at the operations command center.

At this stage, the commander in chief of the empire, Forcas, was convinced that he was going to win. He even had enough time to play with the Princess Knight Eleonora.

It was not until the report of the defeat of the flying dragon knights, who had attacked the royal capital of Silesie, had been destroyed and their commander, Rothbacher, had been killed in action, arrived at the operations command center that he became truly impatient as the empires commander in chief.

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