Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items (WN)

Chapter 21: Duel in the Castle

Chapter 21: Duel in the Castle

The military situation does not seem to be changing.

I came to the headquarters while eating orc meat burgers cooked by Colette.

Orc meat is sandwiched in a bread. It is already delicious as it is but I would like it better if it has mayonnaise.

Well, I have already prepared it, so it will be easier to attack from the other side.

In the tent,  Lyle-sensei is staring at the war simulation board diagram with a dauntless smile.

Even though its for military purposes, each piece is elegantly made like a shogi piece.

You dont need to build anything fancy here but as a store owner, I think this is marketable.

Since sensei created them with magic, mass production cannot be done so it will not be sold cheaply.

Well, as I heard from the sensei, binoculars dont exist in this world (lenses are valuable items). If you sell it as battlefield equipment, you can sell it higher.

Im still a businessman even after peace has recovered.

Even today, Lyle-senseis face looks beautiful, but when you look closely you will see black under those beautiful brown eyes.

Sensei, did you sleep?

I napped a little a short while ago so its okay.  Preparation was fun so I couldnt sleep.

Oh, I think I have seen such face. Its the look of a gamer.

If Im in the present-day Japan, I think Lyle-sensei will be a guild master of an MMO by all means.

Well, General

Lyle-sensei then modeled the military shogi figure to that of the City of Ox.

The strategy is simple, discontinue the bombardment, and then set up fences and traps around the castle like this.

Oh, pitfalls?

I like pitfalls sensei.

Orcs on the road were knocked down using that.

Please expect that it will be wonderful. Well dig it for the undead. Unfortunately, we dont have a cleric.

As our soldiers are mostly former farmers, there is hardly a priest or a wizard with useful skills.

Well, what happened to the story of the Prime Ministers dispatch of high priests from the church? There is none at all.

Oh, I have some holy water.

A while ago, a sister, whose head had its screw broken, came to the store. I recall that she gave me holy water. Because there was no opportunity to use it at all, there are still a lot left.

Keep it for now and use it if the time comes.

Will that time come?

The generals turn will come, it is near. Though they have been telling me that for a while.

A player will always hide a secret weapon.

Ill stay silent about things I do not need to say and I will not lie.

Are you going to do it all by yourself?

Fufufu, well Takeru, you dont need to worry. There is it.

Lyle-sensei says with a bit serious face.

There should be a pollutant source in this town that is overflowing with zombies. Although it can already be concluded to be someone with a job related to zombie, it will be risky if there is a zombie master or a ghost-using necromancer. Im making a strategy for it.

That wont be a joke. I wish that there is no opportunity for me to use it.

Zombie master and necromancer. Its obviously a middle boss class.

When such a thing comes out, our side will have multiple casualties.

Was it luxury to complain about being bored?

Scene Change

In the morning, a siege battle to the city of Ox began.

The area around the city was fenced in advance. We lure the zombies in the city outside and have them fall to the pitfall the soldiers dug. They are former farmer so their construction work is good.

Soldiers, equipped with spears, stab the zombies while being protected by fences. On the other hand, Louises cavalry corps push them like a wave hence, they fall into the pit.

There are no complex traps in the pitfalls considering the chances of an ally falling on it instead.

It was a quiet but tense battle.

But this pitfall is wonderful.

Below the deep hole, sharp pile of wood crawls, the fallen zombies are skewered.

The moment one fell in it, I shudder.

Real fantasy is gruesome.

There is also a theory that a wooden stake is effective against zombies. I did my best to make it.

Lyle-sensei personally helped digging pitfalls. He even used magic.

Im really thankful but you also have to direct the battle.

In addition, sensei said that I should not be rough to people.

Dont be too competent, sensei.

Ah, Takeru. Be careful of the pitfall even if youre wearing your mithril hauberk. It will not instantly kill you if you fall but it will be painful.

Yes, Im sorry

He perceived me who is thinking hey lets look at zombie-fighting in the front line?

They seem strong but they are slow. I think that even if Im alone, I can manage.

You dont need to rush, there is much work for the triumphant general when he enters the city.

No more speech please.

I am not good at speaking in front of people.

Why do I have such a role

We had dropped them since it is necessary to bury the zombies. You should help with the burial right.


It is probably good, but this is too simple for an actual war.

Whether primitive attacks will be effective against these opponents who are difficult to deal with using guns, all of them will be impaled and buried alive(zombies are already dead though).

Louise is running around the battlefield with her cavalry. The job of attracting the enemy is flashy, but that is impossible for me.

General, the city-zombie-clean-up is complete. Lets try to get inside carefully.

Finally, I also enter the town from the collapsed gate with a tense face.


When I entered the city, orcs and goblins came out from hiding.

Did they run away from the rain of bombardment?

However, it is not a big number. They become prey from the salvo of the gunman corps.

This is bad

Lyle-sensei clutches his short cane wand with a tense face.

Well, it was an easy victory.

Thats not it. The fact that other monsters arent seized by zombies means there is a boss controlling them.

I see, so there is a big boss inside.

Lets quickly deploy artillery corps, we will proceed carefully.

Louise ordered the cavalry to send the message.

If there is a boss, its over there, right?

I point to the old castle where the spire in the back of the city broke.

Whatever you think, that is obviously suspicious.

Okay, I have a strategy so please proceed as instructed.

Scene Change

FUHAHAHA! The foolish knight from the royal capital came.

I, Lyle-sensei, Louise, my personal guard corps which compose of the slave girls and Sara-chans volunteer corps, entered the old castle using the broken down spire.

The red carpet leading to the audience ahead seems like telling us to advance. A plate mail-wearing zombie, who had turned his black cloak over, was waiting.

Whats this situation supposed to be?

The deja vu is cruel. Isnt it against the RPG game design to go straight to a boss fight?


Lyle-sensei looked at the face of the zombie and had a nasty look on his face.

It is unusual for a teacher to reveal such emotion.

What is it?

That zombie is an old acquaintance of me and Louise. The Baron of the Ambazak territory. I heard he was missing after the territory fall

Did you mean that even after turning into a zombie hes still acting as the feudal lord?

He is And believe it or not, he became a zombie master.

Ignoring me and saying foolish things! This zombie is Baron Louz Ambazak Ox!

The zombie baron whose head is cracked and half rots is swaying the sword and is angry.

Oh, these are faces that Ive seen in the royal capital. Knight Louise and Secretary Lyle?

After finding an acquaintance, the barons mood got better.

He seems to be showing off by winding his mantle around his body.

Perhaps because his brain is now rotten.

Oh, its been a long time Baron Louz. You died and became a zombie master.

Does Lyle-sensei intend to buy time?  He replied with a courteous greeting too.

Louise has a painful look at the miserable end of her acquaintance. Holding her head silently with her hand.

Lyle-sensei says that he is a zombie master. It means he is a zombie that can revive the corpse of a dead man to a zombie and command it.

It is stronger than a zombie carrier that eats people to spread infection, but it is not a terrible enemy compared to a necromancer or a lich who uses nasty magic.

However, the monsters here are strengthened with magic because the Miasma Hole of Doom is quite close.

HaHa, Secretary. Could you stop using common title master to refer me? I am undoubtedly the baron of this territory. I at least would like you to call me Zombie Lord.

Is that so

Lyle-sensei is disgusted. He is trembling seriously.

Lyle-sensei who doesnt get agitated easily is now agitated due to the zombie baron.

You seem to be triumphant to the extent that you have defeated my zombies, but thats nothing.

No, if you really are a lord, please help the citizens.

I was awfully curious.

Kukuku. If it were the old days, I would have done so. However, I am already a zombie lord. It is possible to revive them no matter how many times they die.

I see

I have been convinced instinctively.

Anyhow, its logic was reduced to a monster.

If we didnt properly take care of the zombies that fell in the pitfall, theyll revive again.

Fufufu, thats right, thats right. In particular, my gray brain cell seems sharp today.

is it because theres a hole on your head?

Oh, I was ignored.

My territory collapsed due to the Miasma Hole of Doom, but now that I receive immortality as a zombie lord. Now the Miasma Hole of Doom gives me infinite power. I no longer have fear.

you are not immortal. You no longer live.

Unfortunately, it seems that he will not answer.

It is because the powerless Kingdom of Silesie left us!

In a voice filled with anger, the zombie baron shouts.

Although you have come to blatantly subjugate me, Im not mad. Youll become zombie and be the people of my territory.

Oh, the baron who became a zombie has his own strategy too

Takeru, do not praise him too much.

No, because he became a zombie.

Turn everyone into a zombie while having a defiant attitude. Moreover, this might be a job of a noble.

He is an enemy so I have to knock him down. Having a grudge against the kingdom that did not help until he and his territory turn into this. I understand how he feels.

Come, my four heavenly kings!

Four bodies shows up; Ogre Lord, Orc Lord, Goblin Chief, and Kobold Magician.

I think that it is a strong party as it is.

Ah, really. I wanted to exterminate these kinds of monsters on the road but I only fought against two. This way, I can finally do so.

However, looking at them.

What is the reason for giving them title four heavenly kings?

Perhaps because they are four undead, he took the character shi  instead of just using undead yonin.

***TN: Lost in translation pun. I tried. Four heavenly kings is (shitenou). Dead = shinin. Four person = Yonnin ***

If so, it can be said that it is good.

Baron, I just would like to ask something.

What is it? I allow you to say it.

Why did the baron call his subordinate four heavenly kings? Isnt it strange for a king to be a subordinate of the baron?


The baron was holding his head.

Because it is rotten, if you hold it strongly, it will come off.

Is everything okay, zombie baron.

I was slightly sorry.

Maybe he does not want anyone to thrust right into it.

Um, Im sorry, my head hurts. I seem to have said something wrong.

The baron pulled himself together again.

As expected, he really has infinite vitality.

These guys are my four demon generals!

So why are you so particular about four

As expected, it seems that we cannot stall any more time.

The baron gave an order and the black mantle changed.

Now, this will be a fine gift to the underworld, impudent youngster! It is good that youll be the first food of a legend.

Ugh, will the battle begin?

Fugija Angulara Mogyara!

In response to the decree of the zombie baron, the cane-wielding kobold magician with a non-translatable scroll cast a spell of a fiery fire.

Oi oi, that is a gradual mistake.

Because the weak point of zombies is flame, if its burning, the baron cant go out to the front.

Unlike fireball magic, it is an uncontrolled flame so it burns up everywhere.

Dont cast spells in the castle! Stupid bastard!

You just burned an expensive-looking carpet!

Water as the root of all things, become a raging stream, push the demons!

Lyle-sensei instantly shook a short stick wand and kept the flame under the rigid water magic.

While the fire is being extinguished, the orc lord and the ogre lord attacked Louise.

They seem to know who is instinctively the strongest.

Louise slashes the short sword that she had on her left hand against the orc lord, and cuts the ogre lord with a saber sword on her right hand.

The lightning-like sharp slash of Louise made the air vibrate. The giant ogre lord met it with its big sword.

Brandishing an iron halberd, the orc lord did not budge even if its shoulder was slashed by a short sword and attacks Louise.

But Louise is quick, by the time halberds blade arrives, she has already swung her sword again to meet the halberd.

Louise seems to be able to manage even if the opponents are two lord level monsters reinforced with miasma.

Be careful, these guys are stronger than usual!

I do not need to tell that to Louise though.

Because these are enemies that appeared in a situation like this, their strength is not the same as usual.

However,  the giant spear-wielding goblin chief moved slowly. It seems like it was about to attack.

The gunman corps shoot it in all directions and was suppressed without even achieving anything.

Barons four demon generals.

We dont how strong they are but, isnt this a war in which cooperation should be executed?

Now, my opponent is, as expected.

Weve been conversing for a long time and I had fun, Youngster! You should be thankful that youll be the first food of a legend!

Does this mean that Im at the same level as someone with rotten brain?

Im at the same level as my opponent whose brain is rotten because I can communicate with it.

Baron, no matter how good it is, dont use the same line twice!

My iron sword and the barons sword collide. Sparks fly to the air.

Why am I receiving such sword pressure from someone with rotten brain?

The strength of the blow of the zombie baron numbs my hand.

Indeed, this is different from small fry monsters.

The opponent is not lacking!

It was finally set in the old castle, the fantasy boss fight finally begins.

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