Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1145

Chapter 1145

Destiny Switch

“Archfiend Qinglong, Sumeru Switch Scroll is the chink in your domains. How will you intimidate all of us?”

Archfiend Qinglong snubbed Bai Jie and, showing why he was the archfiend above all, smashed a bone race member to dust in a single punch before his opponent could even deploy a domain. Alas, Sumeru Switch Scroll regenerated the fallen opponent with the stars from the scroll.

“Can’t be killed huh?” Archfiend Baiyuan tore apart a winged-race member, only for the latter to be regenerated.

“Smash! Smash!” cried A-Dai, using his sheer might to squash one soul race member, only for the latter to regenerate. “They can’t be killed.”

“Our holy races cannot be killed in Sumeru Switch Scroll,” scoffed Hun Kui, challenging Mu Yu with two assistants.

While the scuffle at Pill Cauldron Sect took place, human slaves peered into the sky to see their qi being drawn into the starry sky as a consequence of Bai Jie using a soul discipline skill to drain their energy to fuel Sumeru Switch Scroll. Worded differently, the thousands upon thousands of human slaves would sustain the foreign races’ lives until the human slaves perished. It was not just the foreign races that Mu Yu and company fought but also all of the human slaves. To revive the seven Mu Yu and company slew, human lives were sacrificed.

“There’s no winning at this rate.” An elder’s sigh at the sight of a dead young man next to him bespoke awareness of what was going on.

The human slaves saw hope upon seeing Mu Yu and company clash with Bai Jie. With that said, the current state of affairs pulled them back into the cesspool of despair.

“What is Sumeru Switch Scroll? Why can’t we kill them?” Tan Qingquan inquired.

Ku Mu answered, “All I know is that it’s a dao artefact. It’s almost impossible to know what makes dao artefacts unique unless you control it.”

Eyes on the dark horizon, Mu Yu opined, “Did you notice a star disappear from the sky whenever we kill one of them? Maybe the stars are dying on behalf of them?”

“Which means that we must destroy all of the stars in order to put them away for good?” Archfiend qinglong queried.

Looking up at the sky, Archfiend Baiyuan cracked his knuckles. “Let’s pulverise them until they’re gone, then.”

“They’re all Apotheosis Realm opponents, and there are tens of millions of stars. You think you have enough energy?” chided Archfiend Luanfeng.

Ku Mu pointed out, “We have to get out of the starry sky’s circumference if we want to kill them because we can’t disconnect the link Bai Jie has created between them and the stars.”

Mu Yu cast a formation to his eyes and took out a compass. “We can’t kill them!”

“Why?” Cheng Yan asked.

“Because each star represents a human they’ve enslaved. Killing seven of them results in killing seven humans. Bai Jie has switched the lives of his allies for the humans they’ve enslaved.”

“To sum up, we’ll kill a million humans if we kill them a million times?” Cheng Yan questioned.

“I’m afraid so.” Mu Yu eyed Reflection Compass and decided to put his trust in it.

“Finally caught on, have we? Some humans are tough. I’ll give you that. Nonetheless, how will you proceed now?” Bai Jie taunted.

“He makes a good point. How do we proceed?” Tan Qingquan asked.

Bai Jie let his allies resume fighting with reckless abandon, while Sword Shadow Alliance started to pull punches.

“A-Dai, don’t kill them! Killing them means killing humans!” Tian Ran exclaimed.

Holding a bone race member between his fingers to crush, A-Dai scratched his head. “What should A-Dai do?”

“A-Dai, go capture the white freak over there!” Tian Ran pointed to Bai Jie.

A-Dai threw aside his captive as he turned and jumped toward Bai Jie. “Die, white freak.” A-Dai’s big arm and power knocked aside the zombie fighting Qiao Xue.

Bai Jie hubristically summoned a titan hand of his own using the stars in order to catch A-Dai’s punch. The shockwave teetered everyone in the sky, while A-Dai went tumbled back. Sitting back up, A-Dai pouted. “A-Dai is fine. A-Dai is fine. He’s strong, though. A-Dai can’t smash him.”

Gu Yitian absorbed a palm strike with his chest. Gu Jiangyou was mangled against a vengeful Shi Xiuluo, who flew off the handle when he saw Gu Jiangyou using his brother’s corpse. Everyone else had toned down their output, putting all of Sword Shadow Alliance on the back foot.

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