Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 112: I Seventy-Two Black Void Seal

Chapter 112: I Seventy-Two Black Void Seal

The moment Elijah got Cassie to drink from his blood, the time started moving again. Elijah shut his eyes tightly before he slowly open them. His figure recovered its normal appearance. The expression on his face became more and more solemn as he lifted his eyes, glancing at Cassie and the faint grayish-black vortex being formed above her head emitting a suction force.

The moment this force appeared, the powerful bloodline force that could match a fifth realm rushing out of her body started to fluctuate. after which, it formed a enormous wave that was completely swallowed by the vortex that merged with Cassie after having done the job of eating all that energy scattered across the dark world.

A strange expression immediately appeared in her face while Cassie's aura was swiftly growing stronger. Opening her eyes, Cassie observed Elijah with caution and puzzlement. A moment later, she seemed to recover her senses as her eyes grow teary at seeing the figure of Elijah in front of her before she quickly hide it.

Shadow was stunned by the sudden change in the situation, but she did not even had the time to think about it as she saw Elijah's figure falling from above. Maybe because of using the powers before the right time, the vital power within Elijah was weaker than ever. His expression was pale-white and his eyes were dull as the same time the power keeping him from falling down slowly faded.

'His body is having a breakdown!' With his body falling from the height of a dozen kilometers. Shadow's expression turned grave before preparing to rescue Elijah, but she stopped when she saw three pairs of black-feathered wings spreading from Cassie's back. She quickly caught Elijah in the sky before flapping her wings that were sending out huge amounts of void energy and creating small spatial distortions around the wings. Taking Elijah to the special formation near Shadow's garden.

Cassie dropped him at the center of the formation before forming a hundred hand seals that activated the formation forming a multi-colored sphere. Inside the sphere, black energy surged from the tip of her finger.  With her mind completely focused while her hand slowly moved, drawing in the air. As she moved her finger, threads of profound energy would agglomerate forming something. thirty minute later, black veins gradually appeared on Elijah's body, but Cassie's body was shaking, full of sweat. She was at her limit.

She won't be able to complete the seal. I will need to help. Shadow, who followed them and was waiting by the side. was quick to realize what Cassie was trying to do and decided to wait. Only after noticing that the later won't be able to finish the seal that she decided to step in. The seal Cassie was trying to do was the Seventy-Two Black Void Seal from her Eternal Void Clan. The Seventy-Two Black Void Seal was a special type of seal in her clan. It was created to completely seal one's cultivation in cases were the power was out of control.

Entering the sphere, Shadow's fingers gave out a intense black light countless times brighter that Cassie's. The later was pleasantly surprised by the support that Shadow was giving and she pointed to Elijah indicating for them to cooperate. Three illusory bodies with the size of one meter manifested before Elijah, trying to resist the seal. the pressures emitted by the three of them seemed to have a hint of a Celestial's aura. Even Shadow who was a peak of 10th realm's first stage and was comparable to someone at the early phases of the second stage was suppressed by this overwhelming aura from the three illusory figures trying to protect their host.

It was needed seventy-two days until all the seals were completed and the illusory bodies started to fade. Right now, Elijah's face had recovered his color and all his injuries were healed. The black veins that covered his body changed into seventy-two seals that together turned him into a mortal without any cultivation. When Elijah finally opened his eyes he noticed that he was back to his room on the inn. He tried to get up from the bed, but it seemed his body didn't respond to his commands.

"What is happening? My body feels so weak." He thought to himself before the sounds of steps grew closer.

"Elijah! You are finally awake. The seals really worked. Come take this soup, it is made with a thousand year golden grass, it will help you." Cassie's voice echoed in the room as she walked in holding a pot full of golden liquid. She left the pot on the table beside the bed as she helped Elijah sit before filling a deep plate with the liquid on the pot and gave it to him.

"Wow! This is really good. I never knew you could cook." Said Elijah while he drank the soup. it had somewhat bitter taste and a bit too much salty but it still tasted very good.

"Yeah, I had a great teacher." Because Elijah was busy with the soup he did not saw the change in Cassie's expression the moment she gave her reply, but he knew she was hiding something. However everyone had a few secrets she he didn't mention anything.

"The people in the temple?" Elijah asked, but because Cassie did not agreed or denied he thought he had guessed right. Only after he finished the soup he noticed that he could not feel his cultivation, other that his body being strong as ever, he could not sense his own powers. Even the golden gate was inaccessible. The only feeling he had was of being limited by something, it was strange and very uncomfortable for him. Numerous thoughts passed in his mind and he didn't knew what to do in this situation where he felt something was taken from him.

"Cassie, do you know what is happening to me?" Fear grew in his voice at the thought of losing his cultivation.

"Oh, this? I will explain to you."

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