Supreme Monarch

Chapter 285 C285. Company

—In the demon king's castle.

The Demon King's Chambers.

The temperature in the castle was constantly being regulated by the Magic runes that could be found engraved on the walls of every room in the castle.

This was the same even for the demon king's private chambers so even when the windows were opened, the incredibly cold wind of winter would instantly be regulated to a gentle breeze that, constantly maintaining the temperature at the optimum level for comfort.

However, even faced with such, the figure on the large bed in the room didn't seem too comfortable as his closed eyes twitched in discomfort as he seemed to be struggling to wake up.

As his consciousness slowly returned to him, a wave of discomfort steady washed over his vast as Tyler felt his stomach rumble gently as a string of sensations jolted his brain from his entire body.

His heart beat steadily as the severe and constant pain he had always felt from his body due to negative corruption seems to have lessened tremendously.

His closed eyelids reflected a dark red glow that converged the brightness of the room he was in, signifying that he had most likely overslept and it was already past mid day.

Although it seems the negative corruption that plagued him had already lessened by a lot, he still felt a faint ache in his body that would normally not be possible due to his high pain resistance. Meaning the corruption had yet to be completely rooted out of his body.

'Hmm... why do I also feel so heavy?'

Feeling the natural urge to observe his current physical state, Tyler tried to open his eyes to observe his situation but his initial attempt had failed as his eyelids felt strangely heavy and now that he thought about it, so did his arms and body as he could not easily move them.

'How strange...'

Wondering if this was a side effect from his exhausted state or an effect from the strange core of the Eldar Lich, Tyler took a deep breath as he calmly recovered his strength and managed to open his eyes.

Although it took him a second for his eyes to adjust to the light, his pupils soon reflected the gorgeous ceiling of his personal chambers that appeared to have been adorned by gold and even advanced class Magic runes.

'Huh, to think I've never noticed this before, how unobservant of me. Quite a far-cry from when I first awoke in that cave isn't it.'

Tyler lightly criticized himself before his mind flashed back to the first time he arrived in this world as his eyes admired the beautiful decor of the demon king's chambers.

He seems to have come a long way from those times as he was beginning to make a habit of waking up in dark caves. Then again, it had only happened twice so perhaps he was just making a big deal out of nothing.

Tyler found it odd that he was suddenly reminiscing about his odd past as his eyes took in the exquisite view of his ceiling.

'Wait! Why exactly wasn't I able to see earlier until I opened my eyes. That's strange.'

Now that he thought about it, he actually didn't need his sight to see but it seems most of his passive skills including Magic Sense was currently inactive or maybe they had just been turned off. But why?

[Answer: Master's active and passive skills including most resistances were deactivated to aid Master's recovery from the effects of the Negative corruption rooted almost at the crux of your immortal soul.]

As usual, Tyler didn't have to wonder about the issue for long as he quickly received an acceptable answer from the soothing voice of Uriel that no longer sounded as monotone as the first time he head it.

She was an artificial intelligence but as part of his soul, her existence would naturally share in his innate ability, as she was now like him and would constantly grow without limits.

'Is that so?'

Tyler asked rhetorically as he didn't dwell on the idea for long since he had naturally deemed it unnecessary. He was already used to her doing extra stuff like that but for the most part she was always just looking out for him.

Although sometimes he thinks she may be developing some sadistic tendencies as he felt she was always too quick to resort to painful solutions just to be thorough.


With a deep sigh, he subconsciously tried to avoid that train of thought as he attempted to get out of bed because he was feeling a bit hungry and had a weird craving for sweets even though his body no longer required food to survive and he no longer even need to breathe.

However, Tyler's subconscious movements had failed as the earlier feeling of heaviness on his arms had weighed him down again, drawing his attention back to his body.

With his slight movements, he could clearly feel two masses of something soft weighing both of his arms down as a steady and gentle beat perfectly synchronized with his heartbeat.

Lowering his gaze to see what was weighing him down, Tyler's eyes widened slightly as his gaze fell on an incredible scene that was sure to stop the hearts of many, be it male or female.

The slender figures of two god-tier beauties laid beside him in their natural bathing suit as they gently rested their sleeping heads on his chest.

Although half their bodies were tucked underneath the covers of his bed, from his angle and with his currently almost perfect vision, he could more than enough to make his heart race a bit.

They had also gotten his arms around them and with the slightest movements, his fingers sank deeper into their amble bosoms and a faint moan would occasionally escape their defective lips.

'Huh, so why I'm I also naked.'

Tyler thought as he silently stared at the two beauties sharing a bed with him even though his fingers seem to now have a mind of their own.

Of course, he knew he was focusing on the wrong thing but Tyler just couldn't help but let his mind wander further from the situation as the thought of why he was practically naked plagued him even though he was currently only wearing some briefs.

Still, he remembered, he had been wearing a complete outfit when he collapse on his bed last night so how the hell did this happen to him, especially without him sensing anything.

'Was I really that exhausted? More importantly, did we do something and I missed it? That's more tragic than almost become an undead. How the fuck did I not sense anything?'

p [Again, Master's passive skills and resistances had been restricted in order to aid Master's recovery. Sigh... Master's consciousness was also detached for the same reason.]

'Oh right.'

Tyler felt as though he had heard Uriel sigh in annoyance or something but that couldn't be true right?

He wasn't exactly in the perfect state of mind right now to remember everything that was told to him even if it was only a few minutes ago.

'Wait Uriel, you weren't by chance using my body when I was out to do something with the girls were you? Caused that's messed up.'

[Sigh... I do not possess the ability to take control of Master's body without your consent. However, Master is yet to live up to the reputation of demon king. According to past records, all demon king possess at least a hundred wives and a few thousands concubines. By that standards, masters is firmly in last place amongst a demon kings but don't worry, I will be with master for all eternity even if you're last.]

'A few thousand what? What tge hell is wrong with these people. Wait... dud you just diss me? And then comfort me?'

There was no response from Uriel but Tyler did not pursue the matter any longer as whatever the previous demon king did with women was of no concern to him as he was still a lot human at heart and considered himself a gentle man.

While he had gone out with a few girls back on earth and even gotten one to be his girlfriend, he was always working late and practically alway too busy to spend much time with them so he was technically still a virgin which was quite a sad thing for aomeone of his current statue as stated by Uriel.

Of course he had attempted to relief his stress and frustrations when he had reincarnated in the human continent by going to brothels but with his almost none existent strength at the time, he could barely afford to stay alive much less buy a single drink there or afford the girls.

He was also strongly agaist being in dept so taking loans or borrowing money for stuff like that was out of the question.

His life on the human continent was truly hellish as he didn't remember having any fun living there as he spent most of his time training or going in dangerous missions with his party who only valued him for his innate ability and not himself. Although they were all still quiet friendly to him.

Waking up in the demon continent also didn't help much as the thought of being the only human amongst demons had almost completely gotten rid of his libido.

However, he was no longer human and had gotten quiet close to everyone here so being this close to two insane gorgeous naked girls was not something he could easily resist nor did he need to.

The girls had an alluring fragrance that seems to captivate him as he stared at their beautiful sleeping faces.

Part of him still wondered how they had gotten into his room as he clearly remembered that his doors had been locked when he left yet it seems to have mysteriously opened up again. It was as though the room had a mind of his own as the library's doors were hidden yet again.

' Perhaps this was also Uriel's plan to begin with. Still quiet I see...'

Tyler thought as he failed to receive a response from Uriel who may or may not be deriving pleasure form making him uncomfortable. His mind was slowly drifting into various thoughts when it was suddenly dragged back by something.

"Urg... Ummm... what's going on..."

Hearing a familiar soft and groggy voice from beside him and feeling the movements in his arms, Tyler instinctively shifted his gaze and his eyes met with hers.

"DARLING!!!... You're finally awake!"

Her eyes had grown wide as she locked gaze with him and a burst of excitement washed over her face as her seemingly groggy demeanor disappeared completely and a delighted smile blossomed on her absurdly beautiful face.

Without holding herself back even in his current state, Rain excitedly jump forward and embraced Tyler as rightly as she possibly could. Her loud voice naturally woke Liz up aswell as who was also laying beside Tyler

Her eyes seems to water as a softer expression than thaf of Rain's blossomed in her lovely face even though she was just as excited to see him awake as Rain was.

"Lord Ty, you've finally woken up. How are you feeling today? Is there any inconvenience in your body? Please let us know so we may help in any way we can."

Liz seemed to be more concerned about his health than happy as she moved her face closer to his and and bombarded him with questions in an anxious tone.

"Huh? Right... I feel fine."

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