Supreme Monarch

Chapter 236 C236. Elders


"What did you say!?"

"Please pardon my rudeness Elder Tezrian. I just meant it's a ridiculous notion to have such expectations of me on a fort I was not informed of. Besides, the intelligence division's main objective is gathering intel on the other regions. Using the family's resources for my personal gain would be considered a form of treason."

The smile on Tezrian's face seized as he stared coldly at Aamon who only looked at him indifferently. Anger rose within him but he could no longer respond to Aamon's well-constructed retort else he is looked down on.

He was an oddly short man with curly brown hair and bright brown eyes with a prominent and wavy mustache on his face. Having a complex about his usual height for a demon noble, he hated being looked down on especially by lower-ranking nobles.

Every Elder in a noble family was at the highest ranks of the noble hierarchy, being demon dukes and thus were the most influential powers in a noble family besides the demon lord.

Noticing the changes in Elder Tezrian's expression, Aamon adopted a more respectful gaze, after all, this situation had been expected.

He was keenly aware that not many Elders were fond of him ever since his role in the family had increased soon after becoming a Marquis and gaining lordship over his own land event though that land was at the extreme end of the region where no one wanted to be until he had extra lashed a very prosperous town there.

He was currently unaffiliated to any of them and thus, was a wild card they could not control. Many of them feared his betrayal but most of them feared what he represented.

,m As the head of the intelligence division and a landowner. He held a considerable amount of power in the family and if was ever to choose to side with any of them, he could drastically shift the power balance in the family.

The Great Five families were structured differently than the other noble families. Just like in the human continent were factions existed within the kingdoms that fought to overrule rights. Those also existed in families as large as the Great Five.

However, things were a little different here. In the demon continent, strength makes right, and thus, the family's hierarchy was structured around this concept. The head of the family was the demon lord and next in line was the Grand Elder followed by the elders then the demon nobles based on their noble rankings.

As long as one was of a noble bloodline, anyone could climb up this ranking with their strength and achievements. This meant it was possible to overthrow any demon lord if one was able to surpass them.

However, this was not the barbaric seven primordial behemoths region where one could openly challenge the demon lord and not get eliminated by his generals. This was where factions became necessary and allies and information became essential to further one's own agendas.

Currently, a revolt or coup d'état had not happened since the reign of the demon king and that was not just because of the demon lords having the most loyal faction around them. No, in over a thousand years, none had dared challenge any of the Great Five Demon lords because much like the demon king, their powers were unfathomable.

However, for the Brimstone family, the position of Great Elder had been empty for years and all the elders were desperately struggling for that position. As Aamon was the last piece for any elder to claim that spot, Elder Tezrian had decided to do everything in his power to eliminate Aamon as a power piece because he knew he had no hope in getting Aamon on his side.

Since Aamon didn't typically get along with many, there were other elders that intended to do the same. Eliminating him was out of the question due to him being the head of the intelligence division. However, all they really needed to do was force him out of that position to attain victory.

They would then get the chance to push one of their underlings as the new head of the intelligence division.

While the Lady Citrus who stood by the side of the throne room slyly watching them while lady Izabel gave her report could be considered a power piece. With clear consensus, none of the elders had even considered luring her into their camps.

They were well aware of her deviously mischievous mind that was almost too self-destructive. Besides, she was also a granddaughter to Demon Lord Malik and could not be trusted just like Izabel.

The fact that she had remained silent during this meeting with dosing anything out of the ordinary was also something to worry about. It was clear she was devilishly scheming something and they would rather not be involved in whatever it was.

"May I remind Marquis Aamon that you are speaking to an Elder of the Brimstone family. Lower your head when you talk. Besides, an intelligence head being well informed is not treason. Your lack of awareness in a time like this is unfitting for that position. I demand you step down immediately."

One of the demon Marquis beside Tezrian spoke up with a smug smile on his face as he looked at Aamon with disgust. He was a young demon that looked like he was in his late twenties and had long brown hair with grey eyes.

"Isn't that a little uncalled for? The family hadn't informed him of the fort and snooping into the family's affairs that are above his rank is a taboo. If anything, he did what was expected from him. Don't bring personal vendettas into such important matters Tezrian."

"Instead. We do not have the time to bicker amongst ourselves when there is more to discuss."

Two other Elders suddenly spoke up for Aamon most likely wanting to get on his good sides but they had made a good point which Tezrian could not refute. He clicked his tongue but didn't say a word as he raised an arm to stop his Marquises before they committed a taboo in talking back at Elders.

"Very well. Let's return to the matter at hand here. Lady Izabel, from your report you said you both had retrieved the research data from the Fort before it was destroyed by the intruder right? Where is it?"

While Izabel did not appreciate the tone in which this elder was talking with her. She was still in the presence of her grandfather the demon lord and had to control herself.

"We've handed over the data to the scientists of the intelligence division for dither analysis."

After hearing what she had said, everyone's attention had immediately returned to Aamon who simply walked forward to where Izabel was and replaced her as she moved over to the side of the room.

"According to the report provided by our analysis team. We've determined that the data received was mostly the research data of the lab since it was established. A few details of various side projects and the improved specs of the Mech golems were lost but our other labs already have a base on those. This means our loss from losing the fort is minimal and we should be able to easily establish another research lab."

"And what of the intruder, any data on him? We were told one of his companions had been captured. Did we get any data on them?"

The first Elder to speak up for Aamon asked in interest. He was a tall man with short crimson hair and matching eyes. He looked to be in his thirties but that was obviously not the case.

"Unfortunately Elder Del, we didn't get my data on the intruder but there is some data on his companion. Although no testing was done, initial scan of the subject shows an anomaly in the brainwave function of the girl."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm afraid I cannot explain it in any more details but according to the report. This data is a groundbreaking discovery that could unlock the full potential when using Innate abilities."


"Are you serious?"

"That's amazing."

"Well, that's one good news at the very least."

"What about this behemoth? We haven't come across anyone like him before and don't even know what he's truly capable of. Dismissing him as just an ordinary demon lord-level behemoth was clearly a mistake. He seems to be more than an equal to the seven primordial."

An Elder with a full head of grey suddenly added amid the bantering and everyone immediately stopped and listened to him.

"An equal to the seven primordial?"

"That's not ideal. With the castle under his belt, what happened with the seven could be repeated again?"

"Does the intelligence division really not have anything on him yet?"

While the discussions had taken a turn, it didn't seem like that would stop Tezrian from throwing shades at him at every opportunity he had. It was a good thing Aamon had left his home immediately after he had received that message and had managed to prepare himself for this.

"The team we assigned to the Darknar region to track him separately from Lady Citrus and Izabel is yet to be discovered but we are unable to get much any information with magic as it seems they have improved their anti-surveillance Magic since Mammon's attack."

Taking out a familiar device from his suit pocket, he created a holographic projector on the Darknar forest where a premade marker was visible for all to see.

"With the safe zones also corrupted and the possibility of one of the Great Five working with him, there isn't much we can learn from a distance. However, it seems a town is being built in the Greyad Plains close to the castle. Planting a spy in there may bear fruit."

"Is that so. That complicates things a little but seems promising."

"What about the undead army that was reported to be heading for the castle. What have we done about that."

"They've made considerable progress and should be arriving in about a day or two. The existence of the undead army is sure to be considered a nuisance by this behemoth so we expect he will engage them."

"Why will he do that? Couldn't he just remain hidden in the castle?"

"That's unlikely, if he allows the undead army to take over the Darknar region, he would be gifting one of the great five a perfect opportunity to move against him. That's why he will most likely want to use this battle to make a statement."

"A statement? To whom?"


"Such arrogance."

"Indeed. He surely has the attitude befitting of a primordial. However, Lord Malik had approved the plan to send representatives to infiltrate the undead army. The other Great Five will also be doing the same. It is a way to draw out the behemoth and expose the Family he is working for. Without that information, no it will be impossible to form an alliance with the other family to take back the castle."

"Then we shouldn't have anything to worry about right?"

"That's correct."

"And who will be our representative?"

"We'll be sending the twins."

"What! Why the hell would we do that!"

"Those pair are insane. This will be a disaster. Shouldn't we send someone more discrete?"

"You've lost your mind Aamon. I demand we call them back!"



With the sound of a resounding Boom, Malik who sat quietly on the throne with his eye closed finally spoke and the entire hall suddenly became eerily calm. His aura raised the temperature in the hall several folds as he opened his glowing crimson eyes.

"This meeting was only to inform you of my decision. There is no room for debate. Aamon with informing each of you on what to do next while he leads a surveillance unit to observe the battles. Citrus you're free to do as you wish. You're all dismissed."

His words left no room for arguments as he promptly stood up from his throne and everyone in the hall quickly knelt before him as he walked out of the hall with the two guards that had been standing by the large double doors.

As the doors closed behind him, murmurs arose between the nobles and elders. However, the room soon fell silent as chills ran down their backs. They all simultaneously turned around to look at the corner.

An eerily creepy smile was plastered across the face of Citrus as she seductively licked her lips.

"This should be fun."

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