Supreme Monarch

Chapter 221 C221. Personal Guards

A 7ft tall skeletal body rose from the long metal table and floated in the air as though it was standing on an invisible board that was suspended there.

Although it was still just a skeleton, the undead creature carried a certain dignity that belonged to high-ranking nobility as it overlooked both Tyler and Z like they were beneath him. A blue flame burnt in its eye sockets as an ash and gold color luxurious robe was slowly being formed around it with its own aura and an illusionary book appeared in front of it.

[Congratulations, Master has successfully created a King class monster, an ArchLich.]

[Warning: ArchLiches are proud creatures that will not hesitate in killing their creators if they deem them weaker than themselves. Appraisal has confirmed a uniqueness in this undead as it possesses an innate ability. Hostile intentions confirmed. A servant cannot look down on their Master, permission to suppress this creature is required.]

'Haha... I mistook you for just an artificial intelligence, I guess this means you really do have a soul doesn't it. To get angry for something like that. Well, I can't exactly allow the reputation that has been forced on me to be sullied after all this time now can I.'

Although Tyler was currently observing the ArchLich, he had been using his magic sense to get a better sense of the creature and hadn't raised his head to look up on it like Z was compelled to do so it could be said that he had refused to meet the creature's gaze.

The ArchLich stood still for a while as he observed the two being beneath him. He could sense the strength from one of them and it was incredibly weak. A creature that wasn't even worth a second thought to a mighty existence like him.

He turned the flames in its eyes and gazed at the second who had resisted the negative divine aura he was emitting and hadn't stared at him in awe. however, although its aura seemed strong, its presence was weak and he was disqualified to be his master but, there was still a connection.

[Source... You're my source? What a weak presence. Do you think you have the strength to command—]

"Be quiet."

He had spoken with a ghastly voice that did not belong to the land of the living and would even drive weak men to the depths of madness.


Without even looking up, the demon Noble he hadn't sensed any presence from cut him off and immediately.

"I can't speak properly to a creature looking down on me so let's fix that.


Without any gap, the massive undead creature that was standing in the air suddenly and rapidly slammed into the hard marble floor like a ton of concrete. Creating weblike patterns in the reinforced and magically enhanced marble floor.

He had failed to defend himself and currently couldn't even lift a finger as his figure was stuck to the cracked floor.

Staring up at the demon in disbelief, he realized his first impression of him had been the furthest thing to the truth.

[What... what is this. Why did I suddenly feel so heavy... Im- impossible.]

Tyler could understand the creature's disbelief. After all, the power of flight was the power to defy gravity so normally, gravity Inducement shouldn't work so effectively.

However, the normal flight spell did not affect the space around it and thus, Tyler had simply dominated the space in this room and nulled the creature's flight spell while using Gravity manipulation to induce a weight that was more than 1000 times Neron's gravity.

In context, the gravity on Neron was twice that of the earth as the planet was at least 1.5 times larger than earth. Moving towards the ArchLich, Tyler crouched before him with a smile on his face.

"We're now in the right position to talk. Now then, I have a question for you and I'll appreciate it if you don't waste my time. Do you think you can do that?"

While he spoke in a polite tone. His eyes exuded a certain dominance that broke through even an Undead Negative status immunity and exerted immense pressure on the King Class Monster.

[Ye- Yes, I can.]

The ArchLich spoke hesitantly as he continued to stare at Tyler in disbelief. After all, his multiple attempts to free himself failed, even when he had tried to escape using teleportation.

"That's good. Let's start with something easy. Do you remember your name?"

Having finally realized the depths to its master's strength, it yielded and answered Tyler's question. At the same time, information about it and its skills entered Tyler's mind.

[I am undead. The name of my life is null. I have no name.]

"I guess that's normal. Do you remember your life before death?"

[I have a vague sense of two lives but I don't have any clear memories.]

"I see.", 'I wonder if this is because his soul was consumed. Perhaps only those undead that turned while they were alive has access to their memories. If that's the case that undead king should have some interesting answers for me.'

Tyler nodded his head as he had come to an understanding. He returned his attention to the ArchLich and spoke:

"I'll give you a name for convenience sake is that fine with you?"

[Your will is my command.]

"Well, you've sure changed your tune haven't you."

[Naturally, a lowly creature as an undead cannot measure up to Master's might.]

'Why are you suddenly acting smug for. I'd love to know where all that confidence is coming from. Well, whatever. What's a good name for an immortal undead anyway.'

Racking his brain for a good idea, Tyler finally settled on something as he smiled and confidently proclaimed.

"From now on. Your name shall be Emrys, the Immortal."

He had said that in such a theatrical manner that he was sure would get a laugh but neither Z nor the undead seems to have gotten it. In fact, they may have thought his movement and speech pattern was natural or even cool.

[I am honored to bear such a mighty name for eternity.]

"Umm, sure I guess. Let's just look at your stats and get on with this."

Saying that after giving up on his jokes, Tyler then focused on the information floating in his head and examined it.


Name: Emrys

Race: Undead King

Class: ArchLich (Tear 7 - Basic)

An incredibly powerful and intelligent undead that had transcended life and attain immortality. A powerful spell caster that had attained dominion over death.

Innate Ability: Archivist.

Magic Type: Darkness, Negative, Fire, Lightning, Chaos, Wind, earth, and Abyss.

Racial Skills: DarkVision; Drain Touch; Negative Aura; True Death; Summon Undead; Animate Dead; Spirit Summoning.

Skills: Death Grip; Necrotic Bolt; Despair Aura; Darkness Manipulation; Soul Absorption; Negative Shield; Flight; Undead Legion.

Resistances: Darkness Damage Resistance High; Negative Energy Immunity; Immortal; Magic Resistance Mid; Physical Damage Resistance High; Negative Status Immunity; Corrosive Damage Resistance Mid.


'Hmm, I can't exactly tell what spells it can use but with his skills alone it's already plenty strong isn't he. Not to mention it has quite the OP innate ability doesn't it? Not bad. I wonder if that's a result of the body or the spell. I should test it.'

Thinking that Tyler then ignored the ArchLich prostrating on the ground and went to another corpse. He used the same spell and boosted it similarly as the last but since this was Tier 2 magic caster. He was only able to get a Tier 3 Lich.

'Well the spell power is a factor but the course's quality is also important else I'll just be wasting energy.'

After coming to that conclusion, Tyler moved to the male general of greed whose face had been smashed in by Mammon himself and replicated his spell with near perfection.

The results were as expected and an Eldar Lich was created. Unlike the ArchLich that was made of pure glistening black bones, the elder Lich still had some rotting skin attached to its normal-looking white bones.

"A tier 6 Eldar Lich Huh. Nice. Let's call you Bones from now on."

Watching the Lich with a luxurious but tattered black robe— who hadn't tried to challenge him— kneel before him. Tyler nodded in satisfaction. With just this two his forces had grown tremendously.

Both of them also had the ability to create more undead and Tyler could think of no other place than the labyrinth to keep them until he had use for them. He would have them make their lairs in different sections of the labyrinth and summoned undead to patrol the tunnels.

Although summoned undead was temporary, they could do it on a daily basis until he got corpses for them to use.

After thinking of what to do with these two powerhouses, Tyler then moved on to the female general of greed Albert had killed. Her body was still perfectly intact so Tyler thought he would get something new out of her.

However, after using the create undead spell, she had instead awakened as a Tier 6 Shadow rogue with similar abilities to Zelda but with minute differences as she wielded a black blade instead of daggers.

Her appearance remains the same with her skin becoming paler and cracks of negative corruption appearing on her skin as she oozed a faint layer of dark fog like aura and glowing eyes.

'Umm... the appraisal did say her name was Nessi right? Like the lockness monster? Well whatever. Since her appearance didn't change much I guess I'll keep the name.'

As Tyler decided on a name for his new rogue, he thought about how strong she could become if he were to enhance her core as she was already a Tier 6 monster.

Nessi who received the order to stand by then sank into his shadow and Tyler could almost swear that he had felt a disturbance in the force. Thinking of his personal guards who were the rogues. He decided to copy Mammon's generals of greed and gain one more shadow rogue to make his guards five.

He remembered the corpse of one of those scouts Rain and Liz had killed. There was still one of them left so Tyler thought she ould be perfect to join Zelda.

Although he would rather have the big breasted General of Greed in his entourage. He had noticed that he could only create shadow rogues from the bodies of actual rogues and assassins and not only was that girl still alive (albeit in a vegetative state) but, she was not a rogue.but a witch.

He would have to think about what to do with her soon.

Moving on from his day dreaming he located the body of that said scout and cast the same spell on her. Surprisingly, she had turned into what was called a Shadow Mage.

"Huh! I guess the class difference didn't mean much. Is it the gender? I suppose there's a lot to necromancy I can't learn in a day. As for you... I guess I'll call you Maeve."

•Divine Appraisal•


Name: Maeve.

Race: Undead.

Class: Shadow Mage - Tier 5 (Peak)

A powerful, intelligent and immortal undead mage that was created in the depths of negative energy, grasping the secrets of the shadows and Darkness.

Magic Type: Darkness, Shadow, Lightning, Abyss, Chaos, Wind.

Racial Skills: Shadow Dwelling; Invisibility; Shadow Movement; Silent Magic; Darkvision; Magic Sense; Mark Soul; Darkness Aura; Summon Shadow Familiars.

Skills: Dark Lightning(A); Abyssal Bind(A); Dark Wisdom(D); Shadow Flught(N); Shadow Cloak(A); Death Claw.(D).

Resistances: Darkness Damage Resistance High; Negative Energy Immunity; Immortal; Magic Resistance Mid; Negatuve Status Immunity.



Tyler smirked at the information he had just received. A shadow Mage was not that different from a shadow rogue with slight different skills and a lot more magic types.

It could also use and abundance of dark spells and seems to be on par with a normal Lich. However, shadow mages were limited to their elements and unlike Liches that loved to amass more knowledge. Shadow rogues lived to serve their masters and could not develop on their own.

Just like what had happened to Zelda, shadow mages could not be born on their own and if they ever found themselves without the guidance of their masters, they would end up becoming useless until their consciousness fades away and they disappear.

Well, that's fine I guess.

Moving on from Maeve who had sunk into his shadow as well. Tyler then proceeded to create more undead with the rest of the corpses he had on hand while experimenting with various methods of creation.

In the end, he finished with a total of more than 200 hindered new undead creatures.

Of course, not all these were humanoid creatures as most were made from the corpses of monsters. He had only wanted to perform a few experiments while increasing his forces but had ended up getting carried away and going through the motions.

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