Supreme Monarch

Chapter 191 C191. Force Of Will

As the cold icy words of Snow reverberated in their minds. The temperature in the room rapidly began to drop as even the molecules in the air began to freeze, reducing everyone's mobility by a lot.

"Impossible, you shouldn't be able to use any abilities inside that pod. What the hell is this!?"

Leriol yelled in panic as his fear had unconsciously moved him behind the two pretty girls that had originally been behind him. They could clearly see the restraints that bound her in the pod slowly being frozen and if they allowed such a thing to continue any further, there was no telling what would happen next.

"Increase the Neutralizing agent immediately! And someone please activate the pod's security measure for fuck sake! Don't you dare let her escape you, idiots!!"

He screamed those words with the last of his wits at the frightened assistants that were cowering behind their stations. Still, one of them moved and increased the effect of the pod as well as activated all the security features the containment pod came equipped with.

Upon activation, the temperature in the room slowly returned to normal as the girl's eyes were slowly closed indicating the machine's sleep inducement had finally become effective. Even Leriol was about to sign in relief when suddenly.

*Rumble... Rumble... Rumble...

It happened suddenly and without warning as the entirety of the fortress shook violently. This did not feel like an earthquake of any magnitude. Rather, It was as though the space itself was being ripped apart. Causing ripples that destabilize the structure of their current location.

"This is? Oh my... We may have stepped on the dragon's tail here. In more ways than one. I think it's about time we take our leave. Our job here is done after all, hehe~"

Citrus said in her usual playful tone even though Izabel could see the seriousness in her eyes.

"This is bad."

Izabel suddenly added as that strange phenomenon had caused a ripple effect and the temperature that had been returning to normal immediately shot back down as the pod that held Snow instantly began to freeze from within.

Her already closed eyes were once again forced open as she had somehow resisted the effects of the machine and would soon escape from its clutches.

Seeing this, Citrus sighed disappointedly muttered something under her breath as she walked over to one of the machines and pulled out a small device, placing it in between her bosoms. She then moved back and grabbed onto Izabel, kicking away Leriol who was trying to cling to them either for safety or something perverse.

"Wait, you can't just take the data and leave! You have to stop her! What if the facility is damaged, Lord Malik will not be pleased. I'll report this back to him!"

"Umm... To think a rat like you would have the balls to threaten me. Wanna die?"

The predatory glint in her eyes sharpened as Leriol stumbled back and swallowed back the words he was about to say. His status may have been high but not in front of the two girls before him who were part of the main family and even direct descendants. Leading one of the family's top divisions.

Seeing Leriol cower before her gaze, she smirked and spoke one last word of warning in her usual playful tone~"

"Besides, I think you have a lot more than her to worry about but with that thing behind you protecting you, you should be able to survive right? Though it might be better if you escape~"

As she said her last word, she grabbed onto the amulet around Izabel's neck, and as its former master, she activated the teleportation spell. A magic circle appeared on the ground around them and began its activation. However—

•Ice Domain•

Before the teleportation spell could take effect, the white-haired lady spoke a word without even moving her lips and instantly, their body temperature rapidly began to drop and their kinetic energy was being forced to zero. The entire lab room had also turned into a den of ice as all the other lab assistants had been frozen in place.

However, Leriol had been protected by the specialized Mech golem that had been standing by at the end of the room till now. Its movement speed was insane and it nullified her ice attacks. It also didn't seem affected by the reduced Kinetic force in the air.

"What the, did she just steal my skill after just seeing it once."

Citrus slightly frowned upon realizing what was happening. While fire and ice were the complete opposite, they did have their similarities as both elements could naturally control temperature, and thus, they could sometimes be used to perform similar tasks.

Her skill, •Kinetic infringement• could affect her opponent's Kinetic energy, breaking it or simply reducing it to zero. This was how she had been able to stop Snow who had dominated their innate abilities with hers thanks to Izabel keeping her busy.

However, as the temperature in the lab rapidly reduces, their bodies slowly lost all their kinetic energy and they could barely move. It seems like the white-haired lady had found a way to achieve the same results utilizing absolute zero.

Still, this was not enough to stop her. As someone that had absolute control over her body, Citrus could control her body's temperature with only a thought and thus, broke out from the influence of her ability.

She had been the one to set up several layers of spatial defenses against being followed when they had used a Gate after capturing snow so she was instinctively aware that someone right now had easily broken through her defenses like they were nothing.

This was not an easy feat and anyone that could do it would naturally be you d her capabilities to handle so she had immediately chosen the best option in this situation and that was to retreat.

She didn't even try to waste any time in attempting to figure out who this person was as that didn't really matter to her. They obviously came for the white-haired girl and if things with her didn't seem dangerous as well, she would've just killed her before taking her leave.

However, she could not afford to be that carefree right now as that would be too dangerous and would even endanger Izabel's life. That was something she couldn't allow to happen especially after she had gone this far to also spend time with her even if it was only temporary. Not wasting time, she quickly finished the teleportation and they both disappeared from the lab room.

Leriol watched the girls leave with wide eyes as he could not understand why. They were the strongest beings he had met face to face so why would they be afraid of a single demoness they had already captured once before. It didn't make sense but he knew now was not the time to panic if he wanted to survive.

"Activate the energy suppression field!"

He yelled but no one moved to obey his command as he cursed at his assistants only to turn around and realize that they had all died in the ice that encased them. A thrill of terror coldly washed over him as though a bucket of cold water was dumped on his head.

The white haired lady that seemed to be angry by the disappearance of the two girls glared fiercely at him. Although she was still trapped in the pod, it didn't seem to stop her as a barrage of spiked ice shot towards him but was intercepted by the red Mech Golem.

Realizing he still had Vizer, his new biologically modified Mech golem with complete ice and fire immunity to protect him even from a noble from the Brimstone family, his senses finally came back to him as he rushed over to a station and activated the suppression field himself.

That should be enough for now until he figures out how to knock her out again right?

Just as he was thinking he should be able to handle this fairly easily without the help of the two girls, the Magic security alarms for the fortress suddenly went off as it seems someone had infiltrated the facility.


He rushed over to a holographic screen to see who it was that was foolish enough to infiltrate a facility belonging to one of the Great Five and send some golems to dispose of him immediately.

Upon getting there, he clearly saw space distort and warp in the the teleportation transit room. The same white room Izabel and Citrus had appeared in earlier.

Soon, a single man with one arm walked out of thin air and suddenly appeared in the room. He waited to see how many intruders had come but it seemed like it was only one. It was mostly a fool who couldn't even comprehend what he had gotten himself into. Sending a handful of golems should be enough if that was the case.

However, as he thought that, the man suddenly turned his head slightly and stare up at the direction the holographic display view was. His eyes stared coldly through the screen and it immediately gripped his soul.

Leriol almost had a heart attack from just that as sweat profusely ran down his back even in such a cold environment.

'What the hell was that!'

He didn't understand neither could he, a non-combatant ever comprehend what had happened in that instance but he immediately and instinctively knew that man was extremely dangerous and could not be taken lightly.

He immediately sent more than half of the entire fortress Mechanical golems to kill him as well as activate all the traps along the way. His heart still beating like a drum even after dining all that. Not able to relax, he was just about to send every single golem but his action was immediately halted by a loud shattering sound as though a massive glass bottle had been smashed on the ground.

As though the situation with the man wasn't bad enough, it seems the pod that held the white-haired lady had been shattered into a million pieces.

She had completely frozen the pod and shattered it like it was nothing. Although she fell on the floor clearly exhausted after using her innate ability so many times in a day. Leriol still hesitated in ordering Vizer in to finish her with off as her aura gave him chills.

He didn't know why so many things had gone wrong today when he had finally just been given a Beaty he could experiment on but he couldn't just stand here and do nothing. Gritting his teeth in frustration he slammed a bottom on the station he was currently on and more than ten Mechanical golems fell from the ceiling as he ordered them with forced determination.

"Damn it! Kill her!"

His order was given to both the specialized Mechanical Golem and the other ten and as they all moved in to attack. The Mech golems he had called all wielded long spears and moved in perfect sync as they closed in on the panting Snow.

The specialized golem also moved but it didn't char in like the others as its main directive was to first and foremost protect Leriol and thus could not stray too far away from him. It also didn't look similar to the other white Mech Golems. It was a 7ft tall machine that looked more like a deadly beast instead of just a golem made of metal.

It was a mixture of black and red and like the others had a slender humanoid shape. It seems to have more of a humanoid build that made it seem more like an android than a type of metal golem. It held no weapons and moved with great movement techniques as though it was a martial arts master.

Snow who was still kneeling on the ground after finally escaping her golfing pod panted heavily. For someone to be able to endure the amount of pain she had been subjected to and remain conscious even after using her innate ability several times now was amazing.

They needed to have ab unbreakable will that even those at a higher level than her did not have. She struggled to stand on her feet with a determined gaze as the Mech golems surrounded her. Holding onto her consciousness with all she had, she cast a spell.

"Volatile Ice Wave."

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