Supreme Monarch

Chapter 184 C184. Self-Reflection

Although the genderless voice rang out in his mind, again and again, providing him with some kind of information. Tyler's mind did not process it as he could hardly care what the fuck it was saying. His mind was calm yet raging and he was only focused on one thing. That was simply to kill every one of the impudent intruders without fail.

He had no intentions of letting them escape, neither did he plan to even give them a chance to revive. For what they've done here today, only one thing kept repeating itself in his head over and over and over again. Such that it was beginning to shape his mindset.

'Make them suffer, make them wish they were dead. Then, grant their wish in the most pain-filled way possible.'

He didn't know whose voice that was but it seemed like it might've been his own inner thoughts. Was his mind this warped and far gone that he had lost most of his humanity? Or was this something that had always been inside him all along and he had just been too afraid to let it out?

He wouldn't know.

Now, however, all he could think of was ways to make these three suffer. He lacked the power to absolutely dominate them. To show them fear the likes of which they would never recover from. This was why he still needed to remain calm and calculating.

He couldn't let his rage prevent him from killing these vermins, after all, one of them was quite strong and had a strong soul that indicated he possessed a countless number of skills. To achieve what he aimed to do, he needed more power. Not in the form of skills that he couldn't understand fully, but raw and absolute power that would blow away any form of resistance. Power that would drive men insane.

'Yes, that's it. More, just a little more.'

Tyler's eyes suddenly widened as he just heard his own inner voice mumble something that didn't sound like him: 'What was that.' His heart suddenly skipped a beat as he was wondering why it felt like he had been constantly sinking into the abyss ever since he had seen Erin in that state.

Then again, did this really start there? It felt like it had been awakened a while back. He had a nagging sensation in the back of his mind but couldn't quite place his finger on the root of it.

Was this okay? Should he not focus on quickly eliminating his opponents without wasting time. While most of the people here were dead, many were still alive albeit injured and weak. Would it not be better to handle his fight quickly and attend to them first rather than dragging this out to inflict despair on the enemy as they steadily realize they couldn't win and would die in this place.

He could see it working, the twisted and dumb expression on Mammon's face as he realize his trump cards had all failed to affect Tyler. It was a surprise even for him as he had no ideas how he was able to resist the Martial law and teleported away from Mammon's soul attack.

Mammon seem to be angry and frustrated as he screamed profanities at Tyler. A pitiful sight that his generals hadn't seen from him before and were staring at them in disbelief. They did not expect for anyone in this world to be capable of pushing him so far. Mammon seems to be asking how Tyler did it but Tyler would not engage him in a dialogue.

He may be calm, but he was furious. His soul yearned for absolute power but perhaps he was thinking about this all wrong. Perhaps this was his own fault. Perhaps everything had occurred this way because of his own ineptitude.

Since he came to this world, he had constantly been underestimating himself. Still trapped in his past weakness, he kept restraining his pride and never once considered himself extremely powerful.

However, here he was now standing before an actual primordial behemoth and he was completely unaffected by his attacks. And, yet, all he could think of was that he wanted more power. All he could do was wish to trample over them with absolute power. However, perhaps he was wrong and his mindset was the problem.

At this point, he was still unaware of the true source of his power so why did he think this was his limit. The last time he tried to gauge his magic potential from the crystal ball, it exploded. With his restrained thoughts and slight inferiority complex thanks to the three years, he had spent in the human continent being an absolute trash, he hadn't understood what an exploding Crystal ball had meant.

So why did he think this was the limit of his strength, he did not know, but as he stared at the screaming Mammon who seems to still be talking to him. He wanted to find out. Was he only at this level? Or did he really have no limit?

"You bastard! How the fuck did you do that? Answer me dammit! How dare you ignore ME!!"

As his thoughts came to an end, Tyler finally heard what the fool was saying. It would seem he was trying to restrict his skills and magic as he was confident in melee combat or something ridiculous like that. But If that was what he wanted then, all he needed to do was ask as even though the mental torture was working, something like a plain old physical beating was a welcomed change.

Tyler saw the Dark Garuda move to attack Mammon from behind but he stopped him with a thought as Tyler finally spoke directly to this fool while looking him directly in the eyes.

"It matters not."

'Huh... What do you mean?"

"As I said before, you'll be dead soon. So what does it matter what I did. However, I'm yet to decide on what kind of death would cause you the maximum pain so I'll humor you."

The veins on Mammon's head seems to budge as his complexion was getting redder but the second. However, Tyler didn't pay that any thought as he continued on.

"Since you seem to think you can win as long as my skills are sealed then come. I won't be using them anymore, feel free to attack me any way you can."

Was this arrogant. Yes, indeed it was but so what. He could no longer live solely based on the principles he had set for him when he had been a lowly adventurer in the human continent. He was currently no longer there and most of all, he was no longer human and thus, needed to push everything that held him back out of his head.

He was currently responsible for a lot of lives and because he clung to being absolutely cautious and afraid, he let them down. So this fight right now would be the birthplace of his resolve. He would no longer hold himself back.


Madness flashed in the eyes of Hemei Sakaguchi, a being that had always been looked down upon by others even though he was strong. He was disgraced by his family because he didn't share their weak innate ability and even when he became a primordial, he was still looked down upon by the other primordial behemoths due to his lack of a strong physique even though his ability was the strongest of them all. Or so he was told.

Frankly speaking, he knew he had only been able to kill the former behemoth of greed due to a series of fortunate coincidences that allowed him to take advantage of the situation he had been presented with. After all, just gaining the skills of a behemoth was not enough to defeat a primordial and he was just about to learn why.

He flared up in pure rage as he used his final trump card. 36 floating weapons of light appeared all around him and his body was immediately covered in pure white armor that glowed in a divine light and emitted a pressure the likes of an actual divine being while runes of light adorned his skin.

•Divine Armament•

His final God Tier skill that served as his ultimate skill. It tremendously increases his abilities as well as completely negates magic attacks. The divine armor around him also protected his soul from direct attacks and his mind from metal attacks. It also gives him access to divine-type skills that could completely wipe out a city with ease and the floating swords around him would attack on their own with power equal to his current self.

It was truly a trump card capable of turning the tides in battle. A power strong enough to actually destroy the entire continent if that was what he wanted. With this, he had won this fight.


As he lowered his head to glance at his opponent, expecting to relish in the look of terror and despair in the behemoth's face as he realizes his place was beneath him. A surprising thing occurred as he was unable to find him. The man that stood before him just a second ago was gone.

'Cowardly Bastard!'

Not wanting to let the coward escape, he instantly accelerated his thoughts in order to track down the fiend that was most definitely scared off by his immerse presence.

In this state, his skill Thought Acceleration was amplified a million times and as such he shouted to be able to locate the bastard quickly. However, as he turned his head slightly to the side, his vision was instantly filled with a fist that covered his entire field of view.

He had made a big mistake accelerating his thoughts as his body was unable to keep up with his mind and thus, he couldn't move out of the way and had to watch the fist slowly being planted on his face as a stream of pain assaulted his mind. This, however, was only the beginning of his suffering as he would then endure the next few seconds of hell for hours on end as one could not deactivate or activate a skill when they were in physical duress.

Tyler had moved in an instant and appeared before the so-called primordial behemoth as he clenched a tight fist, using the spell 'Touch of Despair' to coat his fist, he threw the punch without holding back. If it wasn't for the divine helmet he wore that protected his head, the power behind his fist was more than enough to blow off Mammon's head.

Still, the negative energy that coated his fist drove immeasurable amounts of pain directly into Hemei's brain and while his negative corruption worsened, Tyler didn't pay any attention to it and didn't even feel the pain.

He also had no intentions of just stopping after a single punch. He grasped the right hand of Mammon whose feet had left the floor and was about to shoot backward like a cannon and pulled him back towards him. Letting go almost immediately and with the same hand, another punch slammed into the exact same spot in Mammon's face.

Not satisfied yet, he chased after his punching bag who was sent flying once more and as he easily kept up with the flying body, blows after blows in a furious combo attack that made it seem like he was spamming buttons on the controller of an older fighting game. Tyler completely disfigured the handsome face of Hemei and his punches rapidly shattered the so-called divine armament.

Mammon's two remaining generals that stood at the side anxiously observing their master and hoping he would win, had been unable to follow Tyler's movements and hadn't even seen what had happened before they suddenly saw the body of their master being slammed into the ground in a devastating impact that created a massive crater. His appearance was completely disfigured.

They had wanted to move in to help and Ovil had raised his wand to heal him when the Dark Garuda had suddenly appeared in front of them, his presence alone completely immobilized them as their faces went pale in despair.

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