Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 87: Beast God Clan

Chapter 87: Beast God Clan

On the western city wall, all the soldiers were cheering wildly. Some of them took out wine, while others danced.

In a corner of the wall, Murong Xingchen looked at the bodies of several Orc soldiers in front of her. These bodies were black all over, and dark blood flowed from their seven orifices.

Her expression was somewhat complicated. She sighed lightly and put her white, tender hand back into her black glove. If it werent for the timely retreat of the Orc army, she was afraid she would have gone on a killing spree. Even if there was no place for her to stay in the world after that

She just didnt want to see anything happen to Qi Bei!

Piao Xue, Murong Xingchen called out softly.

Piao Xue knew what Murong Xingchen wanted, and immediately used her elven magic to turn the corpse into ashes.

Star Master, that shameless guy really has some skills. It seems that he has controlled the leader of this Orc army, Yan Ling said.

He charged in the midst of thousands of Orcs so fearlessly. Qi Bei is so handsome, Ru Feng said with an admiring expression, as though she didnt remember the first time she met Qi Bei, she was scared out of her wits and crying.

Yeah, hes actually quite capable and a good match for the Star Master, Piao Xue also said with wide eyes.

Murong Xingchen glanced at the three girls, and all of them immediately lowered their heads and didnt dare to speak anymore.

Lets go back, Murong Xingchen said. She turned her wheelchair around and left the city wall, with the three girls following closely behind and exchanging glances with each other.

Murong Xingchens beautiful eyes looked somewhat dim. He was destined to receive the cheers of a hero, while she could only hide silently in the shadows forever.

In the central tent of the Orc army, Jin Gang woke up from his unconscious state.

Young Master, the Lion Tribe leader Kero knelt down excitedly and spoke to Jin Gang.

Jin Gang glanced at Kero and ignored him. Instead, he struggled to get up and asked Qi Bei, Young Master, are you okay?

Im fine. You sit down. Your body is already weak after the berserk transformation, and you need to rest for two days to recover, Qi Bei said, putting his hand on Jin Gangs shoulder and pressing him down to sit.

Seeing Jin Gangs attitude towards Qi Bei, Keros face changed slightly, and there was a deep anger in his eyes.

Kero, I remember you, Jin Gang said, staring at Kero. His big copper bell-like eyes were flashing with a fierce light, and he pointed at Keros forehead and said, You used to be my fathers subordinate. When my family encountered a disaster, where were you?

Young Master, Kero will never betray the great Beast God Clan. At the time when His Majesty laid hands on the leader, I was ordered to seek help from Dream Sea, one of the five Holy Lands. I knelt by the seaside for ten days and nights, holding the token, before a disciple from Dream Sea came out. But it was already too late when the elder from Dream Sea arrived Kero knelt on the ground, crying and pounding the ground with his fists.

Qi Bei looked at Kero, and his pain and self-blame didnt seem fake.

Jin Gangs face cleared up slightly, indicating that he also believed Keros words.

I know that the Young Master and Miss have escaped, and I have been sending people to search for them. But the enmity of the leader cannot go unavenged, so I led my tribe to join the Rhino tribe. Kero calmed down a bit and continued.

Revenge? Even if the leader of the Rhino tribe defeats Bimon and the Purple Gold Beast tribe, do you think he doesnt need the support of the Witch God? Although it was the Bimon royal family that took action at the time, it was actually the Witch God who wanted to destroy our Beast God Clan. Jin Gang said coldly. Although he usually stood silently behind Qi Bei like a log, his thoughts were actually very clear.

It was Keros stupidity. From now on, Kero will follow the Young Master and charge into battle. Kero pledged loudly.

Jin Gang looked at Qi Bei, and Qi Bei nodded in agreement.

To pledge loyalty to Jin Gang was equivalent to pledging loyalty to Qi Bei. With the sudden addition of tens of thousands of Orc army, his strength expanded several times over.

Qi Bei rode on the back of the Golden Lion King Jinzi. Jinzi, a level 6 magi beast, was worthy of its name. Although it was stabbed by the Witch Spirit Net causing dozens of small holes in its body, that didnt harm its foundation, and it quickly regained its vitality. If something really happened, Qi Bei didnt know how to explain it to Yan Fangfei.

Fifty thousand Orc soldiers followed behind him and entered the West Spirit City amidst the cheers on the city walls.

Whether they were newly recruited soldiers or adventurers who came to watch the excitement, their eyes toward Qi Bei had completely changed. In their eyes, Qi Bei had single-handedly reversed the situation and recruited a huge force of fifty thousand Orcs.

Amidst thousands of soldiers, I ride alone! Courage!

Talking and laughing, recruiting Orc soldiers, wisdom!

If Qi Beis prestige in the West Spirit City before was only intimidating, then now, his prestige was built on peoples worship of him.

War was always the easiest way to consolidate prestige.

Long live the Lord of the City! Long live the Lord of the City!

Listening to the soldiers and residents of the West Spirit Citys thunderous cheers, Qi Bei felt something stirring in his heart. He liked this feeling.

Part of the Orc army began to set up city defenses, while another part encamped in the open land near the West Spirit City.

Lord, in this battle, 18 members of the Black-Armored troops were killed, 105 were injured, including 30 seriously wounded. The city defenders had a total of 10,053 warriors, with 3,800 injured, including 700 seriously wounded. 63 mages died, including 13 who were killed by the Winged Warrior Squad who rushed in without regard for their own lives, Huolie reported on the casualties of the battle.

Qi Beis heart skipped a beat. 18 of his key Black-Armored soldiers were lost, and the 63 mages who died were a significant loss as well. Compared to the Orc armys casualties of over 10,000, it wasnt much, but he couldnt afford to lose them.

Fortunately, this Orc army had joined his forces. Otherwise, Qi Bei would have been even more heartbroken.

Give our fallen brothers a proper burial and double the compensation for their families, Qi Bei sighed, knowing that the Bimon Tribes pursuit was coming and there would be another difficult battle ahead.

Qi Bei sat alone in the backyard of the City Lords Mansion, staring blankly at the darkening sky, lost in his thoughts.

I need to raise an elite force in a short amount of time. This region is becoming increasingly chaotic Qi Bei said to himself. The internal turmoil of the Orc tribes had brought greater pressure to the Golden Leaf Empire Border, and his northwest city was the first to bear the brunt of it.

An elite force wasnt just about discipline, powerful weapons, and strength. It was fundamentally about instilling a military spirit into the troops.

The Black Armored Armys military spirit was instilled by the Nord family, who were their faith.

My troops can only have faith in me! Their military spirit can only be crafted by me, Qi Beis eyes focused, and he radiated an aura of determination.

At this point, Qi Bei had the desire to break away from the Nord family and establish his own independence.

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