Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 85: Attack

Chapter 85: Attack

Lets go! Qi Bei shouted loudly. He summoned the Golden Lion King and rode it toward the direction of the city gate.

On the city wall, the battle was extremely intense. Tens of thousands of Orc soldiers surged toward the top of the wall like a tide, their roaring sounds shaking the sky.

Fortunately, Qi Bei recruited tens of thousands of city guards. Although they had only been trained for a few days, they were all desperados, brave and powerful.

Together with the people of Starfall and Bloodwolves, they managed to withstand several waves of attacks from the Orc army.

Die! Qi Bei swung his black sword, emitting a huge golden light, and instantly cut more than ten Orc soldiers who had just climbed onto the city wall in half.

Lord! Iron Head, who was directing the defense, saw Qi Bei and hurriedly saluted.

Enough, skip the nonsense and tell me whats going on? Qi Bei frowned as he looked at the fearless Orc army below.

I dont know either. This Orc army suddenly appeared outside the city, and then the city guard sounded the alarm. Who knew these bastards would start attacking straight away!? Iron Head spat out a mouthful of blood and said.

At this time, Fire Wolf ran over, holding a huge wolf-toothed club, and said to Qi Bei, Lord, if I guess correctly, this is the Orc army under the command of the leader of the Rhino Tribe. This is just a remnant, probably fled here after losing in the war with the Bimon Tribe.

Qi Bei nodded. Previously, the Bimon Tribe had unified the entire Orc Race and established the Orc Empire. However, thirty years ago, the emperor of the Bimon Tribe passed away, and his several sons fought for the throne, resulting in the fragmentation of the Orc Empire.

Currently, there were three forces vying for the imperial throne of the Orc Empire. The first was the third son of the former Bimon Emperor. He killed several brothers who were vying for the throne, gathered loyal tribes, and had an army of several million Orcs under his command.

The second was the leader of the Rhino Tribe, who was previously oppressed by the Orc Emperor. When the Orc Emperor died, he became restless and split off to establish a new Orc Empire while the Bimon brothers were fighting for the throne.

The third was the Purple Gold Beast tribe, which also has ambitious plans to contend for the throne.

Lei Ming, one of the eight Star Generals of Starfall, and his wife, Xiya, the leader of the leopard tribe, also walked over.

My lord, Fire Wolf is right. According to the Orc merchant caravan that entered the city, the army of the Rhino Tribe is currently fighting the army of the Bimon Tribe on the Emerald Grassland three thousand miles away. The leader of this Orc army is carrying the banner of the Lion Tribe leader, Kero. The Lion Tribe is subservient to the Rhino Tribe, so it is very likely that in the battle on the Emerald Grassland, the Rhino Tribes army lost and this remnant was chased here by the Bimon army.

To the west is the border of the Golden Leaf Empire, which has heavy troops stationed there. This remnant army does not want to go and die, so they have set their sights on West Spirit City. West Spirit City has high walls, thick defenses, and complete military facilities. Once the regular army takes over this place, it can play a huge role. As long as they hold on until the reinforcements arrive, they can break out of their predicament. Lei Ming spoke. This Star General who was usually very afraid of his wife, was now speaking confidently with extraordinary insight.

At this moment, in the tent of the Orc army, the Lion Tribe leader Keros face was extremely ugly, and the lion fur on his neck was standing up, a sign of his extreme anger.


Kero slammed the stone table in front of him into pieces and roared, What the hell is going on? Its just a group of ragtag soldiers from West Spirit City, without a coordinated army, and we havent been able to defeat them after three hours!?

Leader, the situation in West Spirit City is not right. There are hundreds of Black-Armored soldiers guarding the city, and they have many mages. We have suffered heavy losses. One of the Lion Generals replied.

Black-Armored soldiers? The invincible Black-Armored troops of the Golden Leaf Empire? Keros eyelids jumped.

Yes, they are wearing the standard armor of the Black-Armored troops and using standard magic weapons. Judging from their terrifying combat power, it cant be fake. The Lion General said.

Kero fell into silence. The Golden Leaf Empire had essentially given up control of West Spirit City, so how could the Black-Armored troops appear here?

But Kero didnt think about it anymore. The army of the Bimon Tribe was right behind them. If they couldnt capture West Spirit City, their army of 50,000 would be completely wiped out here.

Deploy the Winged Warrior Squad. Even if its a suicide attack, we must destroy their magic fortresses. Sound the attack horn at full force. We must capture West Spirit City. Kero shouted sternly.

Yes, Leader. The Lion General left to carry out the orders.

On the walls of West Spirit City, colorful magic spells were being cast from the magic fortresses on the two corners, reaping the lives of Orc soldiers.

In war, the killing power of mages was extremely shocking. Therefore, even low-level mages were like treasures in various countries, which was also the main reason why the mage profession was highly respected.

Qi Beis face didnt look good, his valuable Black-Armored troops had already suffered casualties, which were all his favorite soldiers. For every one of them that died, it was like a part of him died too.

Lord, look, its the Winged Clan, Fire Wolf said.

The Winged Clan was one of the few flying tribes in the Orc Race, and they were the fastest and strongest. They had sharp and powerful claws, were formidable in melee combat, and were skilled in the use of spears and bows for ranged attacks. They were the elite forces of the Orcs, but their numbers were small, and they rarely appeared unless it was an emergency.

Sharp spears rained down on the city walls, and screams were heard as over a hundred defending soldiers were pierced.

The archers on the city walls retaliated, but other than the Black-Armored soldiers, who managed to take down dozens of Winged Clan warriors, most of the other archers missed because of the Winged Clans speed.

At this moment, a Winged Clan member flew in front of the magic fortress, abandoning his spear and using his strong and sharp claws to grab a mage and crushed his head.

Attack! Fire Wolf shouted as a fierce flame burst out, and he jumped up and beheaded the Winged Clan member.

They are heading towards the magic fortress. Teams five, six, and seven, protect the magic fortress! Fire Wolf commanded the soldiers to separate into three teams and protect the magic fortress.

Looking at the bodies on the city walls, Qi Beis heart was bleeding. West Spirit City could not withstand this kind of assault.

Jin Gang, come up, Qi Bei shouted.

Yes, young master, Jin Gang, who smashed the head of an Orc captain with a punch, jumped onto the back of Qi Beis mount, the Golden Lion King.

Follow me to take the head of the Orc commander, Qi Bei shouted. With a thought, the Golden Lion King leaped off the city wall, and a golden blade of light shot out of its mouth, killing dozens of Orc soldiers at the landing site.

Lord! Fire Wolf and the others were shocked. If they didnt have to command the city walls, they might have followed Qi Bei and Jin Gang down.

On the other side of the city wall, Yan Ling, Ru Feng, and Piao Xue widened their eyes and looked back at their Star Master sitting in a wheelchair.

Murong Xingchen was tracking Qi Beis figure as he disappeared into the Orc army. Her hands, wearing black gloves, suddenly clenched, and a terrifying gray light flickered in her eyes.

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