Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 83: Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 83: Ancient Battlefield

Nightfall came early, and the wind had become much colder.

The streets of West Spirit City were empty and quiet. As soon as the winter night fell, those with leisurely minds were all reveling in the bars. No one was wandering aimlessly on the cold streets.

In the sky, a star suddenly shone brightly while vague shadows flashed and disappeared on the streets.

A slightly tipsy adventurer came out of a small bar, holding a bottle of wine, rubbed his eyes, and muttered, What the hell were those just now?

But he soon forgot about it and headed towards a brothel next to the bar. His mind was filled with the thoughts of beautiful women. He had no spare energy to think about what he had just seen.

Qi Bei sat cross-legged on the ground, his internal energy circulating. The seventh cyclone was slowly taking shape in his lower dantian.

Suddenly, Qi Beis lower dantian expanded, and his internal energy surged to his middle dantian, stimulating the six cyclones to spin frantically. The seventh cyclone became clearer and clearer.

Senior Warrior!

Qi Bei opened his eyes, and his surging internal slowly subsided.

After reaching the Senior Warrior level, all aspects of his bodys quality had improved. However, he wasnt too excited because his Divine Dragon Art had already reached the critical point of the peak of the first level. He was about to enter the second level.

Although entering the second level of the Divine Dragon Art did not mean reaching the second transformation of the Divine Dragon, the extreme Yang energy in his body had become increasingly concentrated recently. It had been a long time since he had merged the extreme Yin with the extreme Yang energy. This made the extreme Yang energy in his body unstable like an explosive bomb, which could erupt into a terrifying Yang Fire at any time.

Just then, Qi Bei suddenly felt a palpitation, and his black sword trembled slightly beside him.

Qi Bei stood up quietly, holding the sword, and slipped out of the room without making any noise.

At this moment, the backyard of the City Lords mansion inexplicably became colder. This coldness was entirely different from the usual cold, but ordinary people usually wouldnt pay too much attention to it.

Qi Bei hid behind a pillar, his eyes glowing with a faint golden light, and he saw through the transparent souls hovering above the small stream in the backyard. Occasionally, one of them found the spring by the creek and suddenly plunged into it.

These were not ghosts but souls.

Master. Thirteen appeared behind Qi Bei and called out.

Do you see these souls? Qi Bei asked softly.

Occasionally I can see faint shadows. They should be souls that have just died recently. Normally, they would dissipate quickly, Thirteen replied.

But Qi Bei knew that these souls were attracted to the unknown place under the spring by the creek.

Lets go check it out, Qi Bei said as he flashed out. They were just unconscious souls, and normal people didnt need to be afraid of them.

The extreme Yang energy on Qi Beis body frightened these souls, but obviously, there was something extremely attractive to them under the spring. They scattered around but didnt leave.

Some souls rushed towards the spring, but as they approached Qi Bei, they were turned into Yin energy and dissipated.

Thirteen, go get the tent that can block out aura from the Goth people, Qi Bei ordered.

Thirteen obeyed and soon brought the tent over, covering the creek as directed by Qi Bei.

The souls outside could not feel the aura that attracted them and gradually drifted away. Soon, they would dissipate from this world.

Wait outside and dont let anyone near this tent, Qi Bei said as he went inside. He thought for a moment and took out a belt from his spatial ring. This was also something he had taken from the body of the Dark Saint Mage Wutian. According to the information provided by the black sword, it contained the Ghost Escape Technique, which could tunnel through the ground and walls without any problem.

Qi Bei released the Ghost Escape Technique and was immediately enveloped in a layer of black light. With a thought, he went into the ground along the spring.

The spring twisted and turned, intersecting with many underground waterways. If it werent for the black swords guidance, Qi Bei would have been lost.

Qi Bei didnt know how deep he had gone, but he finally came to an underground river as directed by the black sword.

The direction of his sensing was upstream of the underground river. Qi Bei swam upstream, searching for the source that caused the Dragon Seal and the black sword to react.

At this moment, the black sword suddenly lit up.

Qi Bei lifted the sword and picked up a piece of broken armor from the underground river.

As he held it, he felt a faint dark energy, and the pattern on the armor was very strange.

Qi Bei continued forward, occasionally picking up some armor fragments, clothing fragments, and even weapon fragments from the underground river, all of which had a common feature: a faint dark energy that looked very ancient.

Qi Beis expression gradually became serious. With so many fragments with dark energy and such an ancient appearance, he could almost guess where these things came from.

Only when the gates of the Netherworld were wide open and the dark army invaded the world 100,000 years ago could these things have been left behind.

So, this place is very likely an ancient battlefield.

The vicissitudes of the sea have buried these things deep underground for tens of thousands of years.

Qi Bei continued to go against the current, and the dark aura became stronger and stronger. The black sword greedily absorbed this kind of aura.

Gradually, the water level of the underground river became lower and lower, revealing a spacious underground space in front of him.

In the muddy water, all kinds of half-exposed bones were densely packed.

Qi Bei walked among them, feeling only waves of deafening screams and killing intent ringing in his ears, with a heavy smell of blood rushing towards him.

Suddenly, the black sword buzzed and rang. Qi Bei looked back abruptly and saw ghosts flashing towards him.

But these were just low-level ghosts, and Qi Bei was not afraid. He slashed the black sword in his hand which flashed with a golden light.

These ghosts disappeared instantly and were then absorbed by the sword.

The atmosphere of this ancient battlefield was extremely gloomy, and the existence of ghosts was not surprising.

However, since there were low-level ghosts here, there would definitely be higher-level ghosts as well.

This battlefield might not be the battlefield of the gods, but there were definitely countless powerful beings here. Their souls were more likely to become high-level ghosts, and their bodies were also more likely to become high-level zombies.

Going deeper, he might even encounter a Ghost King or a Zombie King. Such undead creatures were definitely not something he could handle right now.

However, compared to the danger, Qi Bei was also extremely excited about the treasures that could be excavated here.

The bodies of some Heaven-grade powerhouses, or even the bodies of Saint-grade powerhouses, were all priceless treasures.

At the thought of this, Qi Beis mouth watered.

In his eyes, this ancient battlefield appeared to be a huge treasure trove.

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