Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 5: Ghost

Chapter 5: Ghost

Qi Bei coughed as he climbed up from the ground and said with a bitter face, Hey, I dont think its necessary to be so violent. You hypnotized me without my consent. Cant I even make a joke?

Yao Rao stared at Qi Bei deeply for a while before a single word left her mouth: Monster.

Fairy! Qi Bei smiled, showing his white teeth. He put his left hand to his nose and sniffed, lost in ecstasy.

Yao Raos pretty face was a little feverish. She almost wanted to use the Wind Blade technique to cut him into pieces.

Its almost getting dark. Do you know any good place to hide? Also, Im lost. Meeting each other like this can be considered fate. You wont leave me behind, will you? Qi Bei asked jokingly.

I never help people for free. What can you offer me? Yao Rao smoothed her hair and coquettishly asked.

Wellhow about offering myself? Qi Bei had a look of desire on his face.

Okay, but can you do it? Yao Rao bent her finger slightly, and a breeze bound Qi Bei and pulled him to her side. Her beautiful eyes stared at him as if she wanted to see through him.

What? Do you doubt me? Thats ridiculous. Let go of me, and well fight for three hundred rounds right now! Qi Bei yelled as if her words hurt his pride.

Yao Rao glanced at Qi Bei and suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the blood river. A hint of joy appeared in her eyes. Then, she extended her slender jade finger and touched his lips, exhaling a fragrant breath, Shh, you can trust me right? But youll have to endure it for a while.

Qi Beis heart suddenly jumped, not only because of Yao Raos soul-stirring charm but also because of the feeling of being surrounded by great danger.

Damn it! Qi Bei found that he couldnt move. He made up his mind and stuck out his tongue, licking Yao Raos jade finger.

Yao Rao recoiled her jade hand as if electrified and scolded him, Bastard.

A fairy was a fairy, and even when she cursed people, she looked no less tempting.

However, after taking advantage of Yao Rao, Qi Bei did not feel relaxed. That feeling of danger had made every hair on his body stand on end.

Yao Rao put her finger on Qi Beis throat to silence him, then quickly took out a crystal core and began to set up a formation around him.

In an instant, the formation was set up and the she flicked two drops of blood from her fingertips, chanting a few obscure incantations. The blood-colored light of the formation flickered and disappeared without a sound.

Then, Yao Raos body distorted like ripples in water, and she disappeared as well.

I cant believe this demoness used me as bait, Qi Bei cursed in his heart, realizing what the enchanting woman had been up to.

Suddenly, whirlpools appeared in the streaming blood river.

Shortly after, hundreds of small whirlpools appeared within a kilometer of the river. In each whirlpool, fragmented faces appeared.

The already thick deathly aura in the air suddenly became more than ten times stronger.

The gloomy air whistled like thousands of crying children, sending chills down Qi Beis spine.

Qi Beis internal energy slowly flowed in his dantian and the wind magic that had bound him started to dissolve slowly.

At this moment, wisps of almost translucent smoke emerged from the hundreds of whirlpools in the blood river. They gathered and condensed above the blood river, forming a semi-transparent ghost that exuded a faint golden light.

The ghosts two eyes glimmered with a greedy light as it stared fixedly at Qi Bei, who was unable to move as if he were the most delicious delicacy in the world.

Qi Beis pupils shrank in disbelief as he recognized the ghost.

Ghosts were not ordinary spirits. Regardless of whether they were the spirits of humans or beasts, they were all governed by the legendary God of Death. The God of Death would never allow any spirit to linger in the world. Even if some spirits managed to escape the grasp of the God of Death, they would eventually disappear after a period of time.

However, if a spirit not only escaped the God of Deaths grasp but also did not disappear, it would become a ghost.

During his eight months in the Undead Mountain Range, Qi Bei had only seen a handful of low-level ghosts.

This ghost was partly translucent and had a glass-like appearance. According to the power levels of the undead, it was almost halfway to the realm of the Undead King.

Regardless of the type of undead, they were divided into low-level, intermediate-level, and high-level undead. Above the high-level undead were the Undead Kings, such as the Zombie King, Skeleton King, and Ghost King.

The Undead Kings already possessed considerable intelligence and could summon countless undead.

Provoking an Undead King was equivalent to provoking an army of undead.

Although this ghost in front of Qi Bei had not yet become the true King of the Undead, its hard to say whether it will have a group of underlings. Moreover, even without any underlings, its own strength is already something that Qi Bei can only look up to for now.

When that silver zombie was only left with half of its body and only had 20-30% of its peak strength, it still pushed Qi Bei to the brink of desperation. If it werent for his good luck, he would have died a long time ago.

In addition, among the advanced undead, the strength of the silver zombie is only in the middle. If it were a stronger gold zombie, it could kill Qi Bei with just one glance.

Although this ghost coveted Qi Bei, it didnt immediately pounce on him. Instead, it circled around him several times, seeming to sense that something was amiss.

Although the scent of living beings is an excitant for undead creatures, it shouldnt make this ghost so covetous. It must be that enchantress who had done something tricky.

After hesitating for a while, the ghost couldnt resist the temptation and lunged toward Qi Bei.

And at this moment, the wind magic on Qi Beis body was finally completely dissolved by his internal energy.

Just as Qi Bei was about to dodge, a magic circle emitting a dazzling blood glow lit up around him, trapping the ghost inside.

Qi Bei held back from dodging. He wanted to see just how strong that woman was. Perhaps he could benefit from the conflict between the two.

Leekahlo, hedokimo $#&*% Yao Rao appeared outside the magic circle, holding a magic wand, and rapidly reciting an incantation in a hurried tone.

Blood-red vines suddenly sprouted from within the magic circle, tightly wrapping around the ghost inside.

The ghost let out a sharp scream, which shook Qi Beis head and made him dizzy, but it was blocked by the magic circle.

The ghost began to struggle violently, with a golden and lustrous light flickering on its body.

The blood-red vines were broken one by one, but new vines appeared and wrapped around the ghost again.

Qi Bei noticed that every time a vine was broken, Yao Raos face would turn paler, but the light on the ghosts body would also dim slightly.

Qi Bei could tell that without this miraculous magic circle, Yao Rao was no match for this ghost.

The ghosts scream just now was probably a call to its underlings. If it really summoned a group of undead, Yao Rao would definitely flee, and Qi Bei, who was in the magic circle, would be torn to pieces by the undead.

The current situation is at a stalemate, and it remains to be seen who will persist until the end.

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