Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 490:

Chapter 490:

A few hours ago.

Today was Friday and Seo-jun only had one required class in the morning.

“Don't you have an elective class in the afternoon?”

“The elective professor suddenly got a concert. He told us last week.”

The students who were getting up and asking about today's schedule nodded at Seo-jun's words after the required class ended.

“Then what are you going to do today?”

Seo-jun smiled brightly and answered his friends.



“Uh, um. Are you sure it's okay? Team Leader Ahn?”

The employees of Team 2 looked at Ahn Da Ho, who was putting on his coat, with a worried expression and spoke.

“When I saw it on the news, I thought he was good at driving, but… I'm a bit nervous now that he's actually driving.”

It was not an easy thing to ride in a car driven by a novice driver who had just gotten his license a few days ago for more than an hour.

“Haha. I know. But it's the suburbs, so there won't be many cars. I’ll be back soon.”

Ahn Da Ho smiled at the employees’ concern and picked up the car key and a paper printed with ‘Novice Driver’ in large letters.

The eyes of the employees trembled as if an earthquake had occurred.

“Please come back safely and healthy. Team Leader.”

Team 2 felt strangely sentimental.


In front of Korea National University of Arts.

A normal-looking sedan was parked. Seo-jun greeted his friends and got into the passenger seat.

“Da Ho hyung. Are we going in this?”

He looked around the sedan, which he rarely rode instead of the usual van, and asked Ahn Da Ho, who nodded and answered.

“The van feels a bit different, so I thought it would be better to ride a normal car. And how often are you going to drive a van?”

“That's true.”

It meant that he was driving for personal reasons, and there would be few occasions to drive around in a large van that was called a celebrity car for personal reasons.

“Did you eat lunch?”

“No. Let's stop by somewhere on the way. I looked up the route and there's a good place in the middle. How about duck meat?”

“That sounds good. It must be delicious.”

“But Da Ho hyung. When are we switching seats?”

At Seo-jun's words, Ahn Da Ho rolled his eyes and lightly tapped the steering wheel with his finger. It was a strangely nervous movement, but Seo-jun, who was excited about driving, did not notice it.

He had spoken quite casually to the Team 2 employees, but for Ahn Da Ho, riding in a car driven by a novice driver who had just gotten his license four days ago was a bit hesitant.

As the Team 2 employee said, he thought he was good at driving when he saw it on the news, but he felt dizzy when he thought about actually riding with him.

Seo-jun was good at sports and learned things quickly, but driving was different, wasn't it?

He didn't care about the tremendous aftermath, but if Seo-jun got hurt in an accident, he felt like his heart would sink.

‘But I can't not let him practice.’

Seo-jun was not the type to leave his license in the closet. He would drive with his parents, friends, or alone. So it was better to practice with him anyway.

“…Let's get out of here a little more?”

Maybe he could delay it a little bit.

Ahn Da Ho smiled awkwardly and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

“Okay. I got it.”

Seo-jun looked around with a disappointed face at Ahn Da Ho's words. He didn't notice when he always sat in the back seat of the van, but when he sat in the passenger seat, he could see the road situation clearly.

From cars that suddenly cut in, to cars that stopped abruptly.

He simulated while tapping his feet.

The excitement of Seo-jun and the nervousness of Ahn Da Ho filled the car.

After a while, the number of cars on the road decreased a little.

Seo-jun's sparkling eyes touched Ahn Da Ho's right cheek.

He felt like he would be physically hit by his eagerness, and Ahn Da Ho smiled awkwardly and parked the car on the side of the road.

That's how Ahn Da Ho and Seo-jun switched seats.

While Seo-jun was fiddling with the driver's seat, Ahn Da Ho attached the sign that said ‘Novice Driver’ to the back of the car. He wanted to plaster the entire back part except for the window.

“Hurry up and get in. Hyung!”


Seo-jun adjusted the driver's seat to fit his body and buckled his seat belt while humming.

Ahn Da Ho swallowed his saliva and buckled his seat belt in the passenger seat.

He wondered if he should use the idiom ‘different dreams in the same bed’ for this situation.

“Then let's go! Da Ho hyung!”

Seo-jun started the car as he had learned at the driving school.

He looked very natural, but Ahn Da Ho didn't have the mind to notice that.

He was wondering if he was feeling the vibration of the car starting or his body shaking.

“Don't go too fast.”

“Don't worry!”

…Seo-jun. You seem too excited?

Ahn Da Ho held his phone in his left hand and the handle on the ceiling in his right hand.

He set 119 as the first shortcut on his phone so he could call right away.

He looked out the window and tried to remember where he was.

He lowered the parking brake and changed the gear from P to D. Seo-jun looked around and stepped on the accelerator.

Huh! Ahn Da Ho unconsciously held his breath.

The car moved.


Feeling an unexpected comfort, Ahn Da Ho rolled his eyes and checked the situation inside and outside the car.

For now, it seemed that the cars behind him were a little farther away because they saw the paper that said ‘Novice Driver’, and the sides were peaceful.

‘Seo-jun is also… doing well.’

Seo-jun drove well, contrary to his worries.

There was no rattling like stepping on the brake and accelerator at the same time because he was scared, and his two hands holding the steering wheel were relaxed without any tension.

As he thought that, Ahn Da Ho sighed with relief and let go of the handle he had been holding so hard that it left marks. He leaned back on the backrest.

Seo-jun noticed that and smiled slightly.

“Were you that worried? Da Ho hyung?”

“No, well… Wouldn't you feel the same if Subin or Eun-su were driving?”

Seo-jun laughed at Ahn Da Ho's embarrassed excuse and nodded. He was so relaxed that he could have a conversation while driving.

“That's true. Those little kids driving…”

“That's exactly how I feel.”

Seo-jun and Ahn Da Ho smiled softly.

Ahn Da Ho relaxed and watched Seo-jun drive until they arrived at the duck meat restaurant for lunch.

There were two cases of cars cutting in, but Seo-jun calmly drove without panicking.

He didn't make any noises like Oh? Oh!? that made his heart sink.

He chatted with Ahn Da Ho about this and that, and Seo-jun peacefully drove out of the city and parked perfectly in the parking lot of the duck meat restaurant.

“He's really good.”

At Ahn Da Ho's admiration, seo-jun changed the gear from D to P and lowered the parking brake.

He smiled and spoke.

“Right? I’ll drive for you when you’re tired, hyung.”

“That's not possible.”

The actor laughed at the manager's firm words.

The two people who got out of the car took a seat in the restaurant.

While Seo-jun exchanged messages with his friends, Ahn Da Ho also replied to the message from Team 2.

…Team Leader Ahn. Are you alive?

[Yes. I'm fine.

[Seo-jun is really good at driving.


Ahn Da Ho smiled and sent a reply.

He felt like he could peel off the paper that said ‘beginner driver’.


After having lunch, seo-jun and Ahn Da Ho got back in the car and followed the navigation to the filming site of [Chicks in the Forest].

In the back seat, there was an ice box filled with cold drinks and snacks that they bought at a mart they stopped by on the way.

“There's a parking lot over there.”


Seo-jun smoothly turned the steering wheel and entered the parking lot.

He parked the car in an empty spot without moving several times.

He looked like he had been driving for years.

“Did you practice somewhere?”

“No. Da Ho hyung knows my schedule best.”

Seo-jun said, and Ahn Da Ho laughed and got out of the passenger seat.

Just then, the youngest manager of Blue Moon ran over to them.

On the first and second day of filming, a senior manager came with him, but it seemed that he only sent the youngest manager since Park Ee-deun had adapted and there was nothing problematic.

Ahn Da Ho explained the situation to the youngest manager with a smile.

Seo-jun checked the gear and the handbrake again, unbuckled his seat belt, and opened the car door. The air felt fresh, probably because of the many trees.

“Manager hyung. Is Ee-deun filming right now?”

The youngest manager of Blue Moon, who had become familiar with Seo-jun through [Blue Moon] filming, smiled and pointed to a place with his finger.

“Yeah. They’re shooting over there.”

Seo-jun turned his head and looked that way. A little above the slope, he saw cameras and people. Seo-jun smiled brightly.


Seo-jun and Ahn Da Ho, who came with a snack box with the Blue Moon manager, greeted the production staff and cast members.

The production staff looked excited, and the cast members welcomed Seo-jun with a happy expression.

“Why did you come here!”

Seo-jun laughed at Park Ee-deun, who almost ran up to him with joy.

“I had some time.”

“People don't usually come here just because they have time.”

Seo-jun shrugged at Park Ee-deun's words.

The children who were staring blankly at Seo-jun suddenly came to their senses and clung to Heo Un-sung, Jung Na-hee, and Kim Ja-young.

“Teacher. Teacher! Who is he?”

“He's so handsome! Cool!”


“What? Is he more handsome than teacher?”

“Yes! Yes!”

“As much as the sky! As much as the earth!”

Heo Un-sung collapsed with a groan at the children's honest answers.

The children laughed out loud.

Seo-jun smiled as he watched them. They reminded him of Eun-su and Subin.

“Did you come to film?”

“If I came to film, I would have contacted you in advance.”

Park Ee-deun nodded at Seo-jun's words.

That's true.

If Seo-jun said he was filming, the entertainment section would have been full of promotional articles by now, and the advertising, PPL, production cost, etc. would have increased several times, making it noisy in many ways.

Seo-jun continued with a smile.

“But I'm not completely out of ideas… I'm still thinking.”


“I'm wondering if I should just say hello and leave if the kids ate well, or help them a little if they didn't. Did the kids eat well? It's past lunchtime.”

Park Ee-deun shook his head with a bitter smile at Seo-jun's words.

“No. I guess the effect of Cheongryong wore off. I searched the internet and found out that a lot of parents and kindergartens use Cheongryong's method, so the kids get used to it quickly.”

“I was worried about that too, so I came.”

Seo-jun had looked up mukbang for the first time in a long time, but he didn't know that there were so many and diverse stories.

Quite a lot of children were not eating.

But he thought that the [Chick Class] kids would have a longer effect since they talked to Cheongryong directly, so he came with a light heart, but Park Ee-deun's expression didn't look good.

‘There is a solution, but…’

There was also a problem.

‘I don't know how long it will work.’

Seo-jun didn't know that [(Sun) Fairy's Glitter] worked until 20 months old. It was because the description of the ability was not very detailed.

[(Sun) Fairy's Glitter-Lowest Grade]

It is glitter produced by fairy wings.

You can attract the attention of those who can see fairies by glittering.

Some of those who can see fairies will follow your actions if you shake the glitter and act.

Unlike abilities that have a precise description like [(Sun) Orchestra Conductor's Connection], which increases by several times, there were also abilities that were vaguely written like [(Sun) Fairy's Glitter]'s ‘those who can see fairies’ or [(Sun) Generous Baby Angel's Feather]'s ‘small blessings’.

The ability he found this time might also have an effect only on younger children than he thought.

‘I hope it works until elementary school lower grades…’

Because they could understand what he said from upper grades.

So Seo-jun thought today, if the [Chick Class] kids couldn't eat well, he would try to test the range of his ability while feeding them.

He thought he could test it on Eun-su and Subin, who he would meet on Sunday, for elementary school lower grades.

‘But I wish they ate well…’

He felt heavy-hearted that the kids couldn't eat well.

The kids’ health was more important than testing the ability range.

If the kids ate well and Seo-jun's ability was not needed, it would have been a bit hard to find out the range of his ability, but Seo-jun would have felt much better.

‘He could find another way, and he could think that he just came here to play as a drive since he had time today.’

Seo-jun smiled bitterly, and Park Ee-deun also smiled with a similar expression.

“Then help me a little. Maybe the kids will eat better since a new person came.”

“Yeah. I hope they eat well.”

The production staff, who heard the story from Ahn Da Ho, nodded their heads with an expression that they didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

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