Super Spender

Chapter 524: 518: Style

Chapter 524: Chapter 518: Style

Of course, after the death of Mr. Cooper, the reputation of A Company’s mobile phones somewhat declined. For many people, the technology inside is a mystery; what they comprehend is only the appearance. For instance, regarding laptops, can someone explain why the ones from A Company can be sold at such high prices? Place the other laptops from similar companies beside those from A Company. Although each device from A Company looks identical, one glance will leave you awestruck, right?

Finn Lewis felt that he definitely had to take part in the mobile market. Even if he didn’t get involved directly, he couldn’t ignore this massive market. So, the question is, either he chooses A Company, or he would rather start a new brand than choosing Planet. Once an impression has been formed, it can be challenging to change it.

Mobiles significantly impact us in so many ways. To put it bluntly, this item is spoken of as something that possesses the potential to influence the world’s situations, which is pretty right, considering that the future will be a world dominated by wireless communication. Whoever first gains the right to pioneer this domain, will, in fact, seize control of the world.

“It will take at least one or two months,” replied Levinson Wesley after some thought. Other shareholders didn’t object.

“I guess you’ll need some time to discuss it.” Finn glanced around, then stood up smilingly, “I’ll go take a look around A Company’s headquarters. I’m quite intrigued.”

After leaving these words, Finn Lewis headed straight for the exit of the boardroom. No one else had come in with him; they were all waiting outside. After Finn Lewis left, and the door had been shut, the director who had just had a clash with him burst out angrily, “What an attitude! He’s so cocky!”

“If you could achieve his successes, you could be cocky too. I’m sure all present understand the position that we are currently in.” Levinson Wesley glanced at the director and spoke calmly.

However, the implications of his words were anything but calm, “He clearly doesn’t want to cooperate, so what do we do?” Another director chimed in.

“I think it’s not that he doesn’t want to cooperate, but instead wants to swallow A Company up entirely.”

“If it were me, I’d want to swallow it too. The issue is, we don’t own many shares. Even with proportionate investments, each of us would have to give up a third of our shares to make up enough for his ownership to surpass thirty percent,” another director spoke thoughtfully.

“It’s simple: leak some information to make our shares drop a little, then buy some from the outside and finally sell them to him.” Another director suggested. In contrast to domestic businessmen, these people sitting here believed that no company was indispensable. They only cared about whether the company was worth continuing to invest in or not.

None of these individuals were founders of the company. Every director present joined A Company later as an investor. It didn’t matter to them whether it was A Company, G Company, WT, or IM as these were simply their investment companies. They would invest in whichever one was profitable. There wasn’t any company they couldn’t afford to let go of.

Therefore, they didn’t much care about how many shares Finn Lewis could acquire. While domestically, many emphasize absolute control over a company, assuming that a company isn’t theirs without such control.

Things aren’t like that overseas. Take A Company for example, these board members own the majority of the company’s shares and therefore they can decide its future path. However, they seldom interfere with the company’s decisions, letting professional managers like Greg handle A Company’s operations. All they want is the benefits, that’s all.

“But how quickly can we do it? The other party seems to be running out of patience?” Another director cautiously asked.

“Since he’s come all this way, I think his patience won’t easily run out. It’s a negotiation tactic. Mr. Greg, Mr. Lewis is in your hands. I hope to see him waiting here for our decision,” another director turned his head and addressed Greg.

“I’ll try my best.” Greg nodded.

Outside, someone led Finn to tour the current A Company headquarters. However, A Company’s new spaceship headquarters, reportedly designed by the late QB himself, was soon to be turned over for use. The move should happen next year or the year after. There wasn’t much to look at inside these headquarters. Like most tech companies, the only difference was that the company’s whole décor leaned towards A Company’s style—minimalist and simple.

The board meeting of A Company took longer than expected, so Finn Lewis stayed in a hotel overnight. However, instead of a decision from the A Company board, he got news of another press conference led by the North Federation government.

Finn Lewis’s eyes immediately narrowed.

He immediately contacted Greg. When Greg hurried over, he found Finn, ready to leave with his luggage. Seeing Finn’s appearance, Greg immediately became anxious, “Mr. Lewis, we are on the verge of a decision. The board has even reached a resolution that agrees with your preconditions. Moreover, Mr. Lewis, if you can provide some technical support, A Company can still exchange shares for technology.”

Greg’s words put a smile on Finn’s face. Finn slightly shook his head and said, “Mr. Greg, I’m a very busy man; I don’t have the time to wait here. As for cooperation, we can discuss that later. But for now, I’ve got some matters that need attending. I’ve already sold all my 4.8% stake in A Company.”

Greg was stunned and didn’t know what to say. Could Finn’s actions be any faster? Before he was able to say anything, Finn had already sold all of his stocks, not even giving them the chance to react.

After a handshake and laugh with Greg, Finn Lewis got straight into a car heading to the airport. As soon as he got in, his expression cooled down, and said in a flat voice, “Fishy, contact Hanson Lee. Tell him that I’ll be visiting Southland Country in the next few days to tour the Planet Group.”

“Yes, sir,” Fishy Wells nodded in response.

“Sir, are we going to cooperate with Planet?” asked Ruby Frank hesitantly from the side.

“What do you think?” Finn asked back after a moment.

“I think A Company seems more in line with your personal style.” Ruby Frank replied confidently. This nearly made Finn Lewis burst out laughing. It seemed even his subordinates knew about the high standards he maintained.

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