Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 94: High-Tech Communicator

Chapter 94: High-Tech Communicator

Soon, after all the members on the two helicopters had descended one by one, Wang Hongtao took the initiative to say to Lin Weiping, "Professor Lin, you should organize the team to set up camp here. I'll take one team member to check the situation in that wooden house below."

Now, Wang Hongtao and all the members of the research team present knew that there should be no one living inside that wooden house; if there were, they would have noticed it long ago.

A few minutes later, after Wang Hongtao had arranged for two of his subordinates to secure the ropes, he was the first to descend along the mountainside towards the wooden house below.

As Wang Hongtao reached the massive stone platform where the wooden house was located, the two subordinates following closely behind also descended and stood firmly on the platform.

"Boss, who do you think built this wooden house? Judging by its appearance, it seems like it hasn't been inhabited for quite some time." After they pushed open the door of the wooden house, they could see everything inside clearly, and it was evident to them that no one had lived in this wooden house for a long time.

However, just as the group descended from the cliff and landed in the wooden house, their actions were captured by micro-cameras in two corners of the wooden house.

"Foreign invaders detected, beep! Initiating automatic contact with the boss for reporting, beep! Connection failed. Implement surveillance commands! Also, attempt to connect with the boss every 5 minutes." The intelligent program 'Zero' managing the base, located not far from the wooden house within the mountain, instantly executed a series of commands upon detecting the group's entry into the wooden house.

These commands had been set by Wu Hao. Although this wooden house didn't have any security measures, Wu Hao had installed solar panels and surveillance equipment, which were integrated into the base after he completed its construction.

However, currently, Wu Hao was deep within the Shenlong framework, in a natural magnetic field area. Therefore, the intelligent program 'Zero' at the base couldn't immediately contact Wu Hao for communication and reporting; it could only execute the predefined surveillance commands.

The two cameras positioned in the corners of the wooden house were concealed so well that the group hadn't noticed the presence of surveillance in the house.

The solar power system on the roof of the wooden house provided a small amount of power to the surveillance system, but the rest of the electrical resources were used for lighting. Therefore, unless Wang Hongtao's team conducted a careful inspection, it was challenging to detect the presence of surveillance equipment in the wooden house.

Soon, after Wang Hongtao's team had conducted a general inspection of the wooden house, their suspicions deepened. However, they were now absolutely certain that the wooden house was definitely associated with the organization that uploaded videos online.

Their biggest puzzle, however, was how someone could build a wooden house on the steep cliffs in such a primitive forest. The mere transportation of materials to this location presented a significant problem.

It would be no issue for a nation, but in China, aside from the central government, they were unaware of any other organization or force that possessed this capability.

It's essential to know that China has strict controls over various weapons and aircraft. While private aircraft are common in other countries, even some corporate entities have the capability to do such things, it's not feasible in China.

"Boss, what should we do next?" After getting a general understanding of the wooden house's situation, one of the team members asked Wang Hongtao.

Wang Hongtao contemplated for a moment upon hearing this. "We'll set up camp here for a while and immediately report the situation to the Bureau Chief."

On the other side, Wu Hao, who was currently within the Shenlong Framework, couldn't receive the base's information due to signal issues. However, he wasn't idle and quickly engaged in the corresponding filming work.

The wildlife and plant life in the Shenlong Framework were incredibly diverse. Wu Hao had chosen to film species that hadn't been documented before. The specific types of animals or insects depended on the rarity of the species he discovered.

In the late afternoon of that day, after finishing his daytime shooting, Wu Hao flew directly into the sky, ready to see if there were any important people or events trying to contact him.

And just as Wu Hao had flown into the sky for a while, his specially made communicator received a message from the base's intelligent program "Zero" and a call connection, along with two missed calls and several text messages.

Although Wu Hao's primary purpose for this communicator was to maintain constant communication with the base and receive a series of orders, its additional phone functionality was not compromised, and it exuded a strong sense of technology.

Leaving aside other aspects, just the appearance of Wu Hao's communicator was enough to outshine many smartphones currently on the market. Firstly, the size of this communicator was not much different from those large-screen phones on the market, only slightly thicker.

However, due to the three-sided bezel-less design of this communicator, it looked like those transparent phones that are still in the research and development stage when turned on.

Although Wu Hao's communicator didn't adopt a transparent design, its appearance looked just as impressive as those phones in the research and development stage.

Of course, the most important feature of this communicator was not its appearance but its powerful functions and protective capabilities. It could be said without exaggeration that the computing power of Wu Hao's communicator surpassed that of most computers, and it even had virtual projection capabilities.

As for the other small functions, there was no need to mention them. In summary, according to the current level of technological development in the world, it would likely take at least a decade or two to develop a product similar to Wu Hao's communicator.

In other words, if Wu Hao wanted to enter the smartphone market now, all he had to do was take out 10% of the functions of this communicator, and the resulting smartphone product would undoubtedly set a new standard for high-end phones.

However, Wu Hao didn't have any intention of getting into the smartphone production business at the moment because he wasn't short of money. Perhaps in the future, when he needed funds, he might invest some technology into products and industries to make money!

"Oh! The cabin has actually been discovered by someone." When Wu Hao saw the information sent to him by the base's intelligent program "Zero," he was slightly surprised because he had never expected that in the vast Qinling Mountains, someone would come.

Soon, Wu Hao connected to the base and asked the base's intelligent program "Zero," "Zero, where are those people who discovered the cabin now?"

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