Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 84: Black Magic Power

Chapter 84: Black Magic Power

Its within our sights! What the heck

As we arrived at the mansion, what came to view was a crowd of people scrambling up not only the gates, but the fences and the walls as well. The mansion itself wasnt untouched, there are holes here and there, and the windows are broken all over.

The Thunder Balls1 fried the people approaching nearby, but there were so many people that it could barely keep them at bay. The guards usually watching the gates, as well the servants patrolling around, have joined along the crowd.

Theyre being controlled? Controlled? Yeah, I see some sort of magic power. Some black magic power.

I switch on my magic eyes and examine the horde of people.2 With my eyes accidentally unsealed, I can now see the flow of mana, which I could only feel before, and the color of magic power. I deliberately turned that effect off since its too much information for everyday use. If I wasnt capable of doing that, just living normally day to day might have been questionable.

What reflected on my eyes was a black magic power that seemed to coil around the heads of the swarm. An awfully unpleasant, pulsating magic power.

Its a spell, no, magic? Its a magic I dont know. Magic even you dont know? Yeah.

Considering that it uses magic power, Im certain that its either some magecraft or magic. Judging from its scope and the amount of magic power it uses, it should be magic. However, I have no idea about what it does. Since its coiling around the head, its probably brainwashing or mind control magic. However, theres nothing like that among my magic.

Since Im a succubus, I should have at least Charm magic but when I checked, it was a Skill, not magic. It uses life essence, not magic power.

Even I have a few magic that I would never use.3 However, magic that I have absolutely no knowledge of is pretty rare.

For now, lets hurry to the mansion! Urania, use this! Hans, head to a safe place! Nn. Understood.

I gave Urana a ball with the magic Bind loaded into it. Its a magical item that, when thrown, activates Bind and restrains the target it hits.4 Since I imagine that Uranias Grimoire still doesnt have Bind magic recorded on it yet, she might need it to capture and incapacitate the enemies.

I had Hans evacuate. While the enemy is a complete mystery, from the fact that the servants of the Iglesio mansion are with them, theres a possibility that, in the worst case scenario, it can also assimilate other people. In that case, itd be safer to have him evacuate. Although he seemed displeased about it, understanding that hell be a burden, Hans backed down and agreed.

Well, everything in sight is going to be swept clean, so staying around here should be good enough. Ha? Just now, what? Showing it would be faster.

Ive already gathered my magic power. We dont have any time to handle them one by one, but with the servants mixed in with the swarm, I cant just use combat magic in a wide area. Rather, its probably made up of regular people. I dont know if theyre brainwashed or mind controlled, but theyre innocent.

Now, lets do this. Water then Bind!

The magic Im using is Water. However, I charged it with ten times more magic power than necessary. And to each drop of this, I loaded Bind magic. Lets see, if I had to name it

Bind Rain should work for now, I guess.

The rain of magic power pouring from the sky changes its form as it touches the mob crowding the mansion, restraining them one by one. Similar to fire, water has no fixed shape. Unless it touches a living creature, this water just stays as regular water. I wont let the mansion, as well as its beautiful courtyard, get damaged any more than it already is.

Its nothing but numbers, huh. Lets go, Urania! Nn, going ahead!

The mob outside should be fine with just being restrained by Bind Rain. Luckily, these people dont seem to have enough strength to break out of my Bind.

Leaving the firmly closed doors as it is, we enter through the broken window. Crackle. The sensation of glass breaking under my feet feels gross.

AaAaah, UuUggh Uwah, so they really did end up getting inside.

The place we entered was the corridor area on the first floor. Its the corridor connecting the dining hall to the entrance hall, but there were five men inside. How should I describe it? I guess hopping corpses?">5 Zombies? Or maybe ghouls fit them closest? I lightly used Lewd Dream on them, but it seems like theyre devoid of reason, so it doesnt take effect.6

Well, who cares about names right now. Bind.

With only five people, theres no need to use magic fusion. I simultaneously cast multiple Binds and restrained them. This much is no match for me, but it was probably too much for old man Kent and Adan to handle. The difference in numbers alone is troublesome. Naturally, if they didnt take these peoples life in consideration, then this shouldnt be any actual problem for the two of them, but with the servants and regular people mixed into the crowd, that likely made things complicated.

The fact that I dont see the enemy caster7 is bothering me. Did they go inside or are they watching from a safe distance?

I tried coming into contact with the magic power on one of them. Since the caster is controlling them, there should be a magic power path connecting them. If I can trace it backwards, I should be able to figure out where the caster is.

Tsk. Whats this, some sick joke?

I swiftly swing my arm to shake the magic power away.

This damned magic power, it was trying to eat me.8

The instant I came in contact with the black magic power, it absorbed my magic power while trying to encroach me. From how it moved, it was likely aiming for the brain. This magic power probably infects people through touch, taking hold of the brain and brainwashing or controlling them.

The problem about this is that it absorbs the magic power it needs from the person it infected. With magic power from a regular person, it can probably dominate about five people. If this magic ever spreads out, the number of victims would increase like multiplying rats. Moreover, this magic works fine even without the presence of the caster. At worst, even if the caster dies, this magic would remain, continuing to infect more and more people.

Damned cheeky magic.

A magic that isnt controlled by people, but one that controls people instead. If this isnt cheeky, then I dont know what to call it. Knowing how it works, Im not just slightly irritated, Im absolutely pissed.9

Youre magic, so just obediently, let people control you!

I poured my own magic power into the black magic power. It tried absorbing my magic power, but in the end, its just some magic power acting in some fixed way. Theres absolutely no way it can go against my level of magic power control. Using my magic power, I devour the magic power attempting to encroach me.10 Considering the large number of victims outside, theres barely any meaning in me saving the five men here.

Its just for my own self-satisfaction but for some reason, I couldnt stay calm enough to just leave this magic power as it is.

  1. Lyly: *Uncontrollable chuckling
  2. Lyly: Man, Id like to switch on/off my eyes too. Just sleep without any chance to be distracted
  3. Lyly: And cant use yet
  4. Lyly: Gotta * them all! Also, thats absolutely useful. Literally could make bank if sold to the government. Like pokemon, but criminals Silva: Theres awfully lots of Pokemon references lately. Go Lily, use Thunder Ball Fire: Stop with the Pokemon
  5. Silva:
  6. Lyly: Cant horny the brainless?
  7. Lyly: Shes not sure if its a mage or a magic user. However, it is a caster, lol.
  8. Lyly: Excuse me?
  9. Lyly: Kek, why?
  10. Lyly: Damn, all of this is just giving Lily more knowledge to supplement her already monstrous magic control Fire: Lily is becoming more and more OP every chapter

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