Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 74: Slave

Chapter 74: Slave

In the end, since its not like I can really object to old man Kents decision, the black-cloaked trespassers were taken away by the guards. Just to make sure, we had a look at their faces but old man Kent, and naturally Urania and I, dont recognize any of them. However, when we took off the black hood-like thing covering their faces, I saw a curious black pattern on their necks.

So theyre slaves eh? Slaves? Thats right. If you remember, there was a black pattern on their necks, correct? Its evidence of a slave contract. Considering that havent been affixed with binding sigils, theyre likely to be illegal slaves.

According to the old man, the pattern on their necks are contract sigils that will make slaves listen to commands. It shows that the individual is a slave while also causing pain when they go against their to-be masters orders. It seems that while it doesnt particularly cause that much pain if the slave only has a light sentence, repeated command violations for major felons and such can be a matter of life or death.

Moreover, in addition to the contract sigil, regular slaves have spell formulas called binding sigils engraved on their limbs as well. This one seems to also have different levels like the previous one and the most severe one can demonstrate so much binding force that it can even stop a fully grown adult from being able to move or so. These two sigils work in synergy, with the contract sigil causing the slave pain while the binding sigil increases the orders compelling force.

However, they didnt seem to have dont have any of these binding sigils on their limbs at all, and in the first place, they were awfully free and agile considering that.1 Slaves legally recognized by this country are absolutely required to have both the contract sigil and the binding sigils on them. From this fact, the three of them are probably illegal slaves.

Come to think of it, slaves do exist. You havent seen a slave before Lily?

Ive sold criminals to slavery before. However, for me, it felt more like I was only handing molesters or ruffians and the like to the police, I didnt really intend to turn them into slaves in the first place.2

After all, I dont even remember seeing slaves at Motsi town, and since weve spent practically most of our stay in Gateskeep only inside this mansion, I barely encounter people that arent house servants, much less would I encounter slaves.3

I personally would most likely never have my own slave. This is because, being a former Japanese, I really dont think that I can accept the existence of slaves after all. Though in my opinion, criminals being obligated to penal labor is absolutely natural. Its an important opportunity for them to reflect and atone for their crimes. Still, on the question of whether theyre a familiar existence to me, Id say no.

Ive never seen one before, and I dont particularly want to familiar with them after all. A wise decision. I too dont particularly have any plans on being familiar with them either.

While I feel like theres probably a discrepancy between what old man Kent is saying and what I meant to say, theres no particular need to point that out. Its only natural that a noble of this country like old man Kent and me who came from another world would have a different way of thinking.4

Regardless, its not something to worry about. Its generally hard to catch sight of slaves, you see? Most especially at Motsi and Gateskeep.

From what old man Kent is telling me, it looks like most slaves are at rigorous mines and pioneer villages. And while there are rare times that nobles make use of them, any noble with decent power and authority wouldnt employ the unreliable and uncertain slaves, but employ competent individuals instead.5

Matching the old mans statement, there are neither slaves nor freed slaves among the servants working in the Iglesio manor. It seems that nearly all servants of the Iglesio household are commoners but some of them come from noble families as well, such as Adans personal attendants. While I think that theres something a bit wrong with a household having the high rank of White Peer mostly hiring commoners, Im told that this is another result of staying away from the political power struggle while not forming a particular faction.

Though the fact that theyre also shunned by the other nobles as a consequence of this still really leaves me speechless.

  1. Lyly: Ninjya
  2. Lyly: Either kill or sell
  3. Lyly: Shut in
  4. Lyly: Actually good that the protagonist views from other angles. Well, she was a writer so
  5. Lyly: Makes sense, dont hire a knight to be a court jester

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