Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 71: Training Scenescape

Chapter 71: Training Scenescape

Two weeks have passed since we started the training. In the end, they did the ball passing training 10 times with Urania winning 7 times earning her a complete victory. This was already a somewhat expected result, so it wasnt that surprising.

Since Adan only had a crude control over her magic power up until now, she still hadnt completely gotten rid of her bad habits. In contrast, while Urania is a beginner at controlling magic power, shes practically a master at the art of moving her body like stamina management and muscular tension control.1 According to Urania, since magic power control is similar to these, its not that difficult to do, it seems.

Still, while Adan had a hard time at first, she is now capable of juggling the small ball more than 100 times without any issues and can now pass the big ball around like shes playing dodgeball thanks to daily repetition.

Uranias reward is currently on hold. Well actually, she asked for a date for one whole day but I dont really want to go outside much until my arm heals, so I requested for a delay to a later time.2

Speaking of my arm, my wound is getting pretty stable now. And with my magic power almost fully recovered as well, I could probably heal it as early as tomorrow. However, if I do heal my arm, Ill end up exhausting both my magic power and bodily strength and I wont be able to move for the whole day. I feel bad for Urania, but Ill have to stay like this until Adans training reaches a good pausing interval.

Adans training is now in the fourth phase. The first phase is consistent magic power control through juggling. The second stage is using fluctuating amounts of magic power with the ball pass. The third phase is training to sustain an amount of magic power. Consistently sustaining a certain amount of magic power is surprisingly difficult.3

This time around, I used a trump-like card game for training. The magical item is made so that patterns only appear when its loaded with magic power, theres a need to continuously supply magic power while playing. At first, the cards kept on turning blank, barely allowing them to play, but as they got used to it, they gradually started to put up a good match.

All of these are still being done before we move on to the actual training of the day. Their results for both charging fixed amounts of magic power and sustaining it are now at a passable level to move on to the next phase, but theres still a long way to go. These still need to be done daily to increase precision and accuracy.

And at present, were at the fourth stage: a mock battle utilizing magic.

Come on! With your weird magic power distribution, its too easy to hijack! Focus more on control! Like hell! Youre the one being weird!4 Nh, thats true.

Even Urania agreed with Adans words. Is what Im saying really that weird? Im just doing it because I can and in fact, Adans magic power control really does lean too much on strength, with her magic control becoming lax as a result. With what shes doing, shes practically begging me to hijack it. I absolutely dont want to see Adan self-destructing after getting her magic hijacked in the future, so Ill have to correct this no matter how harsh it gets.

Speaking of which, what were using in this training is the magic Light Ball that simply creates a ball of light. Since it moves to the casters will to some extent, using this ball of light, we simulate a magic battle by hitting the opposing party. After all, if we use real combat magic, although I can use Heal, accidents are pretty scary. Moreover, losing another arms going to be a problem and it really hurts like hell.

If you get hijacked again, this will happen! Eh?Gyaa!!

Taking control of Adans light ball, I shot it back to Adan. Not only did I steal it from her control, but I also overwrote the property of that magic as well, so upon impact, it made a Snap! and assaulted Adan with the pain of a rubber band snap.5 It seems like a bit of pain will be necessary to keep a suitable level of tension.

Why did the magic even change Its because you didnt control it properly.6 I know already Teachers definitely the weird one here Youre wide open!! Light Ball

While she continued grumbling so, she made a new ball of light and tried hitting me with it.

Like I am. Gyaa!?

I held my hand out against it and checked the magic power distribution. Hm, its a bit better than before, but since it was made hastily, the balance leans too much on control now. In this case, just being hit with magic power from the outside would break it easily. In an actual fight, being hit with a different magic would erase it without any resistance.

With that in mind, I shot a light ball myself which erased Adans light ball as it flew directly towards her. After another loud snap, Adan shrieks once again. while it sounds pretty loud, it shouldnt be that painful.7

This time youre too focused on the control side. Balance remember, balance. Dammit

Adan looks quite frustrated about it, but theres a remarkable improvement compared to her first time. Since Adan gets cocky and loosens up control when praised too much, being strict should do her better. The maids and old man Kent are praising her anyways.

Incidentally, Uranias not joining in the fourth phase. Its because she still cant produce her own light ball. While I did drill the fundamentals of magic into her to some extent, Urania can only use the magic registered in the grimoire. Moreover, it seems like theres also attribute affinities. While Urania can use Wall without any problems, she cant use Cut to the same level. And as for Burn, she cant even activate it.8

This is probably the operable attribute thing Ive heard before. In my case, its probably all attributes. For Adan, from her lineage, she should be able to use the four attributes. Urania probably has a high affinity with earth and bad compatibility with fire. Light Ball itself is a light attribute, so generally anyone should be able to use it I think.

Actually, she is capable of producing a light ball, all thats left is to learn how to move it. This can only be solved by repeated practice and it also depends on Uranias imagination. By the time Urania learns Light Ball, Adans training should be already on the next phase.

  1. Lyly: Ninja dog scout?
  2. Lyly: DAte daTe DatE!
  3. Lyly: Learn by Play
  4. Lyly: Kek, more protagonist call outs plz
  5. Lyly: Elementary flashbacks
  6. Lyly: Its because you didnt brush your teeth Jabs the dentist thing to your gums causing you to bleed
  7. Lyly: Lol, loud things are scary, ever heard of a jumpscare?
  8. Lyly: Doggo on sideline

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