Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 68: Prototype Magical Item: Grimoire

Chapter 68: Prototype Magical Item: Grimoire

Immediately on the next day, or so I planned, we were supposed to start magic training, but since Ada woke up in the middle of the night, she ended up bedridden with a fever. As I thought, post-recovering people shouldnt push themselves. And while I felt sorry about that, I got a fever too and was scolded by Urania again.1

Well, in my case, I quickly healed myself with Cure though. We also considered doing the same to Ada but after looking at her symptoms, it seems that a big part of what caused this is the impact of magic power exhaustion, so weve decided that itll be best to just let her recover naturally. Its better to let the effects of magic power exhaustion heal naturally instead of forcing it and letting the body get used to it. By doing so, the impact of magic power exhaustion gets lighter the next time it happens.

Well, since Ive got some time now, I decided to do something Ive thought of a while ago in the meantime.

Lily, I bought it. Is this enough? Hm, OK OK. Thank you~

What I asked Urania for were some white paper and tanned monster hide. The paper was a bit expensive but it was available in the towns (item) shop. As for the monster hide, I got the one from the big bear monster we hunted at the sacred mountain tanned.

So, regarding what Im going to do with this, Im making a book to put it simply. Of course, its not just any book, while the finished product will be a blank book, I intend on loading every page with my magic power.

I only noticed this after seeing another sorcerer other than me use magic, but magic has a set flow. While magic and magecraft both run on the same energy, that is magic power. The only difference between them is that magic needs the user to manually control it while magecraft behaves in a fixed manner after activation.

And so, making magic move like a set program is the goal of this magical item Im about to make. Its main difference from magecraft is that while the book will assist in the activation and supply magic power to a certain extent, in exchange, the control of the activated magic will be dependent on the user.

I get absolutely no benefit from using this magical item. If I had to point out its only benefit, however, then the part where it can supply magic power would be useful, but this can be done even without it being a book. Rather, gemstones and similar things can hold more magic power in them and theyre easier to use.

This is a magical item for Urania.2 You see Urania cant use magecraft, much less magic, but its not like she doesnt have magic power in her body. In contrast, if Im only judging by the amount, she has a lot more than the average. Its just that the outlet needed to use this magic power isnt there, so to say.

Like a filled water gun with its nozzle plugged up. Shes just like that. In the end, it might be connected to that diseased thing I couldnt ask about but that doesnt matter anymore, and it feels somewhat wrong to ask Urania after being with her so long already.

Anyway, as long as Urania has this magical item, shell be able to use magic too and utilize the magic power idle in her body, killing two birds with one stone.

And then load it with magic power and done! Urania, can I have a drop of blood? Nh, is this enough?

With her dagger, Urania cuts the tip of her thumb, no questions asked. I mean, just a prick of a needle wouldve been plenty enough, thats too much blood.3

Well, having too much isnt really an issue, so I take a small amount and immediately Heal her. The purpose of Uranias blood is to make sure that this magical item cant be abused by other people. Its a magical item that can theoretically let anyone use magic and keeping it that way would cause a ton of problems.4

So, to limit the user to only Urania, as well as to mentally link Urania with the magical item and give her control over it, the catalyst of blood is necessary.

Thats that. The prototype Grimoire is complete. In the meantime, Ive loaded four attribute magic in it. Try using them. Nh, how do I use it? Open the book and chant the name of the magic you want to use. The control will depend on your imagination, so dont forget to have a clear picture of it. Nn, umm Wall.

Urania opened my freshly made book-type magical item, the Grimoire, and chanted the name of the magic as she traced it with her fingertips. As soon as she was done, a wall of earth rose from the floor and ended up dividing the room into two.

Eh? Awahh!5

I hear Urania panicking on the other side of the wall. The magics control is dependent on Uranias imagination, so if she wants it to disappear then it should do so.

Urania, stay calm. Focus, destroy the wall. The control is dependent on you. You can do it. Nh, Ill try.

After saying that, Urania went silent. Shes probably concentrating right now. Soon after, the earth wall dividing the room crumbled and vanished. It seems like Uranias imagination properly managed to make her magic disappear.

Good, for now there doesnt seem to be any problems. Now you just have to get used to it. If I do, will I be able do it like you too? Who knows? But this Grimoire was made so it grows with the user. As you come across more and more magic, the magic registered in the Grimoire will increase too.

Thats right, I installed a magic collection feature in the Grimoire.6 I loaded 5 magics beforehand. The basic four attribute magics Burn, Create Water, Wall and Cut, as well as Light, a magic that produces light.

With this, Urania will be able to join in Adas training as well.7 While the Grimoire does handle the magic power control, the most important factor is Uranias imagination. I was really worried about all the things that happened at first, but its a relief to see things starting to get back on track somehow.8

  1. Lyly: Make your wife worry two days in a row, perfection
  2. Lyly: Gift for the good girl Fire: Best girl
  3. Lyly: Absolutely doggo loyalty
  4. Lyly: Yeah, pretty much a game changer Fire: Too OP, please nerf
  5. Lyly: Cute Urania noises
  6. Lyly: Gotta catch them all Fire: Magic-dex
  7. Lyly: Rivals Fire: I wonder how that will go
  8. Lyly: Yeah, a damn sun running amok really puts a spanner in the works, doesnt it? Fire: Its perfectly normal

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