Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 66: “Corona Burn”

Chapter 66: “Corona Burn”

Id like to explain about the magic Corona Burn once again. Ive only used it twice and the first was during that particular Roper battle. The second time was when I used it to offset the weather manipulating magics Blizzard and Tornado earlier.

Corona Burn is the fire attributes strongest, a more powerful version of the combustion-type Burn magic, should be how I explained it before but to be exact, thats not completely right.

The thing that burned the Ropers flesh and offset the giant tornado and blizzard earlier was nothing more than the heatwaves of Corona Burn.1 And it was only just for three seconds. The heatwaves alone that existed for that short amount of time already had that much power.

The nature of the magic Corona Burn is the condensation of large quantities of magic power to create an artificial sun.2 And while it may be artificial, a phenomenon similar to nuclear fusion3 is occurring inside of it and its temperature likely reaches more than 1,000,000 degrees celsius. The artificial sun itself is practically impossible to use to attack, controlling the heatwaves is the most one can do.

Even I dont know what will happen if I use the true power of Corona Burn. Only that pig god probably knows what would happen if an artificial sun, that takes even me 10 seconds to charge up with magic power, was released without anyones control.

Because of that, the instant that thing exited Adas hand, I reached out for it without any hesitation.

Lily! Lily! u- -a Lily!

As I opened my eyes, Uranias face was right before me. Her tear-drenched face reminds me of what happened at the Abyssal Forest and its a bit painful. I ended up making Urania cry again.

It seems like Im resting on Uranias lap4, so I tried getting up for now and pushed my right arm to help lift me off the floor, when I noticed something. My right hand isnt moving at all.

Say, Urania? What, Lily? I know its a weird question, but Is my right hand, still there?5 !!

From her reaction, I realized what happened. Well, what I did was pretty crazy after all. Its not just that I cant move it, but I cant feel my right hand at all. It feels like theres nothing from my shoulder and beyond.

I cant move my neck too much, but since I really need to confirm the situation, I forcibly turn my head.

My right arm is still there. Just up until the elbow that is. However, even that is burnt into a pure black charcoal and might just crumble away from a simple touch.

Ahh, this is pretty tough. I was ready for it, but still Lily Urania, are you okay? Do you have any burns? Im alright. It was a little bright, thats all.

As she said so, Urania showed a small smile.6 Shes still crying but she probably did so to make me feel relieved. It doesnt look like she has any injuries, though the black things on her sleeves is likely a result of her attempting to carry me.

What about Ada? Out of magic power. Dont worry, shes unscathed.

I can feel a slight sting from her tone. It might be from Ada trying to use magic that she cant control, but Im sure that its because Urania cant forgive her because I got hurt. Still, if I didnt stop it, theres a possibility that not only this mansion but the whole town of Gateskeep will be wiped from the map.

While Ada will probably get a scolding later, she likely wont wake up today with her magic power exhaustion. Considering her age, she might stay unconscious for a few days.

The Corona Burn that Ada cast was in a berserk state, out of control from the moment it was activated. If it wasnt that hot, I couldve managed it by creating a large amount of water using Dream Fabrication but with something hotter than 1,000,000 degrees, even a steam explosion would look cute compared to what would happen.

No matter the cost7, there was a need to remove the magic power from the raging artificial sun, extinguishing the energy sustaining its heat, or else it wouldnt stop. Im quite confident with my magic power control. After all, even in my current state, this body that pig god gave me already has high specs in that regard.

Still, the magic I can control from a distance is only my own. Its pretty obvious but theres no way magic made by other people would be easy to control. Even still, everybody would die if I didnt do it, so I was really desperate.

Even if its impossible to do from a distance, as long as I can directly touch its magic power, I should be able to pour my own and hijack the control. Thinking so, I extended my arm to directly touch the artificial sun. The moment I touched it, what I felt first was not heat nor pain, but just freezing cold. It was probably because my nerves were burned off before I could touch it or even feel the heat, making me artificially experience the sensation of cold.

The next thing I felt was a tremendous amount of energy. Since Ada can already produce this much magic power at present, theres no doubt that shell be an amazing sorcerer in the future. It was just that tremendous. At the same time, this meant that it would need an equally large quantity of magic power to hijack that energy, so I had a lot of trouble with controlling it.

If not for that, I probably wouldnt have been injured to this extent. I only did it since I thought it was possible, but it actually wasnt that difficult to hijack other peoples magic.8 Still, since youll need to use more magic power than how much the other party uses to control their magic, its just a bit inefficient.

Urania, would you mind helping me up? Just, sleep for now No, well, if I do, I wont be able to do anything else, see. Nh.

Although reluctant, Urania still helped me up. Without my right arm, my sense of balance is out of whack. I just sat up and yet, I was so unsteady that I ended up needing to have Urania to support me.

Thank goodness that Im a sorcerer. If I happened to be a swordsman or a brawler, I wouldve had no other choice but to retire from adventuring. For now, since Im scared that keeping my carbonized arm like this might cause some infections, well have to do something about it.

We can get things like bandages, crutches, and wheelchairs from Dream Fabrication but the problem is the medicine and the likes. Theres no other choice but to rely on magic, but the fact that theres no specific painkiller magic is another headache. I just hope that theres morphine in the world or something

  1. Lyly: Hmmmm
  2. Lyly: Hm?
  3. Lyly: HMMMMMMM?????????
  4. Lyly: As expected of best girl. There arent any rivals, but still best girl Or are there? Fire: Not possible
  5. Lyly: Good question
  6. Lyly: Ugnhhhh! Best girl
  7. Lyly:Ave-ger tune plays
  8. Lyly: Its cuz youre broken sis

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