Stepmother: I Am Asked To Give A Kidney To My Half-Brother

Chapter 441 - Appearance

Chapter 441: Appearance

He hoped that this young man could see reality sooner and let them live. It would be even better if Lu Ming could listen to him. This way, he wouldn’t have to think of all kinds of ways to make him retreat. However, his rationality told him that if Lu Ming was really that easy to deal with, he would have listened to him the first time they met instead of inviting them again.

How tricky!

Chen Jianxin’s right hand, which was placed under the table, rubbed the fabric of his pants. He inadvertently showed a troubled expression, mixed with some impatience. If it were any other company, he wouldn’t be so careful. However, Lu Ming Corporation was not only a big company, but it also had a good reputation in the outside world. Moreover, the Tang family was behind it!

It was not that they had not heard of some rumors, such as the Tang family having an old leader standing behind them, but they weren’t so sure. After all, if they were really in cahoots, why did Mr. Fang specially intercept the review of This Place No. 1? Was it just because there was no bribery?

Mr. Fang was definitely the person who knew the situation the best among them. Wasn’t he afraid that he would anger Tang Mingkun and cause him to complain to the old leader? After so many days of silence, they felt that the Tang family might not have anything to do with the old leader. Even if they did, they would have long fallen out!

Therefore, they finally heaved a sigh of relief after coming to this conclusion. Lu Ming Corporation and the Tang family were already difficult to deal with. If they had to deal with the old leader, wouldn’t they have no way out? As long as the latter was on Mr. Fang’s side, they would still have a chance to turn the situation around.

Thinking of this, Chief Zhao said exasperatedly, “I think we’ve already made it clear enough. It’s useless for you to make things difficult for us. Why don’t you let us go back? We might even be able to get you approved earlier. Otherwise, if we continue to be in a deadlock like this, even a rabbit will bite when it’s forced into a corner.”

“Are you two rabbits?”

Lu Ming said with a smile. They were clearly high-ranking chiefs, but they insisted on acting pitiful in front of him. They were not afraid of being laughed at if word got out! He took a sip of tea unhurriedly. “I know you guys are very busy, and I’m also very busy. However, I still have to find time to look for you guys every once in a while to ask about your progress. Moreover, the answer is similar every time! There’s no problem with my medicine, so why don’t you approve it?”

They couldn’t answer that because there was no proper reason.

Lu Ming put down his cup and said, “My request is very simple. I only hope to send a third-party organization to conduct a spot check on Xingwei Preventive Medicine. Then approve and import This Place No. 1 lawfully. If there are any problems, I can make changes immediately.”

It was not that he was in a hurry, but that all the medicine submitted later than his had entered the review process. Only This Place No. 1 did not move at all. He felt that he was already reasonable enough. If it were anyone else, they would have already made a fuss! Without the old leader around, this might be a good solution.

Chief Zhao and Chen Jianxin looked at each other. Did he not take their words to heart at all? The former’s tone also became firm as he said, “Then why don’t you take This Place No. 1 back and see if there are any other problems? This will speed up the approval process.”


“Chairman Lu, it’s not that I want to say this, but didn’t you see the previous press conference? The Xingwei Preventive Medicine has released their drug test reports. The numbers are all above the passing mark, and that organization is quite famous in the country. Are you suspecting that there’s something wrong with them? Besides, you’re not an expert in this area. How can you be so sure?”

Chen Jianxin asked all the questions directly. He was not as polite as before. All he wanted now was to end the battle as soon as possible.?Does Lu Ming really think that I could talk to him all day long? I’m also very busy!

Just as he was about to continue, he accidentally met the young man’s gaze. The coldness in Lu Ming’s eyes was like cold water that had poured down from the sky, causing the little flame that he had ignited to instantly disappear without a trace. He had to admit that he, the chief of the Import Bureau, was actually afraid of a young boy in his early 20s!

He had only seen such an aura from the old leader.?This child… is definitely not an ordinary person!

Subconsciously, he looked at the chief of the Drug Administration, who was slightly higher in status. Unexpectedly, the other party was similar to him. He looked stunned in his seat. He couldn’t tell what he was thinking! He couldn’t help but think to himself, It’s really hopeless! I thought that Chief Zhao would be better than me, but now it seems that we’re birds of a feather.

“I’m sorry, but we… can’t agree to your terms.”

Just as the atmosphere became awkward, Lu Ming suddenly changed the topic and said, “Shall we order? You guys wouldn’t have eaten breakfast yet. Let’s get something to fill your stomachs first. Don’t worry, it’s my treat this time. You guys can eat whatever you want. Take it as a reward for talking.”

Chief Zhao’s throat moved, but he still said firmly, “It’s useless even if you treat us to a meal! No matter what you say, we won’t agree. This is what the old leader wants…”

“What I want? When did I make things difficult for Lu Ming Corporation? When did I make you guys sell inferior medicine in the market?!”

The unfamiliar voice caught them off guard. Lu Ming was still watching the show leisurely, while Chen Jianxin had yet to react. He instinctively blurted out, “Who do you think you are? Do you know that the old leader is our superior? Defying his orders is…”

“Do you want to die?!”

However, before he could finish speaking, his legs almost went limp and he knelt on the ground when he saw the other party’s face! Chief Zhao also looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief! He saw the old leader walking out through the small door with the old fox, Tang Mingkun!

Who could tell them why these two people were here?! Could it be that all of this was planned by Lu Ming? They looked at Lu Ming with deep fear! How could he be a simple person if he could call the old leader here? Their previous guesses were all wrong!

Despite the huge waves in their hearts, they still forced themselves to come back to their senses and said in unison, “Old leader.”

The old leader snorted and sat down at the head of the table. He said, “So you still have me in your hearts. I thought you had long treated me as if I didn’t exist! Otherwise, why would you do such a stupid thing! I can’t stand it anymore!”

Chief Zhao and Chen Jianxin looked at each other. At first, they wondered why Lu Ming wasn’t sitting in the main seat, but they didn’t think too much about it. Perhaps they were thinking too much. Now… They realized they were short-sighted!

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