Stealing the Yuri Protagonist Harem

Chapter 29: Courtesan Yao Ji

Chapter 29: Courtesan Yao Ji

The Immortal Empress of the Immortal Nation was the most stunning figure among the cultivators of this generation under the age of thirty.

Three years ago, when the former emperor disappeared, the princess, who would later become the Empress, forcefully ascended the throne using the strength of her Nascent Soul cultivation base. She is able to gain the full support of the Taoist sects and silenced all opposition from both the court and the military alike.

But at the time, everyone was puzzled.

Why would a mere princess suddenly possess a Nascent Soul cultivation base, and why would the Taoist sects support a woman to ascend the throne?

Luo Wusheng knew the answer to this question.

It was because the Empress was one of the disciples of the Taoist sects, and she was the current Chief of the Taoist sects, Ji Yanyao. (Tn: Taoist version of Holy Saint/Maiden)

Everyone knew the Empress, but only a few knew her real name, and those who did were either ordered to keep quiet or to be silenced forever.

Of course, if that was all, she would eventually be exposed.

But with her terrifying talent of the peerless divine art that no one in the Taoist sects had cultivated in thousands of years, she had achieved the unimaginable.

One breath transformed into the Three Pure Ones. (Tn: A chinese legend, basically a technique that let a person split themself into 3 different entity)

Since then, the Empress had become three persons with one mind.

One of her alter egos stayed within the Taoist sects, that body cultivated the Dao, staying away from worldly affairs, and used it to solidify her Taoist immortal form.

Another one who is living within the imperial palace, wielding power over the court, appears to possess both emotions and lack of emotions, solidifying the image of an untouchable Empress.

And the last one is someone who is said in the story to be someone who is wandering around within the mortal world, blending in with all living beings, understanding the joys and sorrows of the people, solidifying the image of an ordinary person.

However, the identity of the mortal incarnation remains unknown even to Luo Wusheng, who has read the original work. In the original story, this incarnation became entangled in a chaotic situation that was about to unfold and got killed early on offscreen.

Afterward, the protagonist, Lu Yuliu, helped the empress solve a series of problems, successfully wooed her, and only learned in a great battle that she was actually the same person as the Sect Leader of the Taoist sect, Ji Yanyao.

Now, Luo Wusheng feels that since he has come to the royal city, it is necessary to improve his relationship with this talented empress.

Since he is not qualified to meet the person in the palace and the Taoist Sect is far away, he can only focus on the mortal incarnation.

(Hmm since its said that the third incarnation is living with the mortals together with them, this "Yao Ji" who only entertains guests with music and art and doesn't sell herself is really suspicious)

Moreover, her name coincidentally contains the characters "Yao Ji.", almost like Ji Yanyao only lacking the Yan word.

Suspicious, very suspicious!

Coupled with the strange behavior of the maid who just needed careful observation to notice, there is a faint excitement in Luo Wusheng's heart.

At this point, the maid in front of him stopped walking.

"Sir, this is Yao Ji's room." She looked at the door and smiled. "You are lucky that there are no clients in Yao Ji's room right now. You can leave your name here and enter."

Leave his name?

Luo Wusheng was puzzled and looked at the ink and paper on the table outside the door.

It was like a pledge, stating that he knew the woman inside was not selling her body and would not try to lay a hand on her.

"Is this kind of thing really useful?"

Luo Wusheng was feeling skeptical, the world in which he lives in now is not lacking in brainless perverts, and a promise like this has no binding power at all.

"It's just a formality, the document itself is useless, and there are many people who sign with fake names."

The maid Xiao Guai said, "The formidable one is still Sister Yao Ji. After such a long time, no one has made any improper advances towards her."

Luo Wusheng nodded thoughtfully.

(Well, if she really is one of the Three incarnation of the Immortal Empresses, with her terrifying cultivation level, no one would dare to make any moves.)

Thinking of this, he picked up the ink and signed three large characters on the document.

Long Da Hai.

After all, he didn't want to expose his identity as the Holy Saint of the Demon Sect, so he needed to create a fake identity.

Xiao Guai picked up the signed document and gently placed it on the door. She then lightly knocked on the door.

"Sister Yao Ji, there's a new guest."

"I see, please let him in."

An ethereal female voice came from behind the door.

The door was closed by the maid.

Luo Wusheng finally saw his suspected target.

A woman wearing a light red veil knelt in the center of the room, her hand caressing a seven-stringed ancient zither. Her face was lightly powdered and slightly raised, looking at him with clear eyes.

This woman gave Luo Wusheng a strange feeling.

For a moment, Luo Wusheng felt as if he was looking at the most beautiful woman in the world, but the next moment he felt that her appearance was nothing special.

After considering everything, she became a beauty second only to Bai Xiaoyao and Lu Yuli's level of high appearance.

If she was really the mortal body of the Empress, and this was not just his imagination, then perhaps this was one of her special abilities?

This kind of sensory change was very subtle, and if it weren't for Luo Wusheng's habit to carefully observe everything and his own experience, he wouldn't have felt this subtle change at all.

It seems that the possibility of him finding the right person in one go is getting higher and higher.

However, even if she's not one of those more physical courtesans like the other girls, just like the rest of the Red Blossom Pavilion courtesans, her dress is daring.

The dress that she wore revealed what it should, but covered up the part that it shouldn't.

Looking at those white thighs, Luo Wusheng couldn't help but sigh.

But how could he confirm whether she was the target he was looking for?

Luo Wusheng was lost in thought, but he heard the woman named Yao Ji laugh lightly on the opposite side.

"Why does this young master keep staring at me? Could it be that you have forgotten the contract you just signed?"

Yao Ji, who was playing the zither, smiled.

She doesn't seem nervous at all, nor is she afraid that I'll make a move

Luo Wusheng's eyes flickered, but his face also smiled, "Of course not. It's just that I'm surprised to see the rumored courtesan Yao Ji for the first time."

"Are you surprised that I'm not as beautiful as the rumors say?"

Yao Ji laughed indifferently.

"I'm surprised that you're even more charming than I thought."

In a sense, this statement was also true.

After all, those guys had told him that Yao Ji's appearance was far inferior to Bai Xiaoyao, but now it seemed that although there was a gap, it wasn't as bad as he had thought.

After considering everything, she became a beauty that was only second to Bai Xiaoyao and Lu Yuliu's level.

If she was really the mortal body of the Empress, and this was not just his illusion, then perhaps this was one of her special abilities?

The sensory changes were extremely subtle, and unless Luo Wusheng observed and experienced them with his cultivation level, he wouldn't feel these subtle changes at all.

It seemed that the possibility of finding the right person was getting higher and higher.

But it was not surprising that she was a girl from Hongyan Pavilion. Even though she sold her art and not her body, her clothes were still quite bold.

She revealed what she should reveal, but covered up what she should not.

Looking at those white thighs, Luo Wusheng couldn't help but sigh.

But how could he determine if she was the target he was looking for?

As Luo Wusheng pondered, he heard the woman named Yao Ji lightly laugh.

"Why is this young master staring at me? Have you forgotten the contract you just signed?"

Yao Ji, who was playing the zither, laughed.

(She doesn't seem nervous at all, nor is she afraid of me getting handsy)

Luo Wusheng's gaze flickered, but his face also smiled, "Of course not, it's just the first time I've seen the legendary courtesan Yao Ji, I'm a little surprised, that's all."

"Are you surprised that I'm not as beautiful as the rumors say?"

Yao Ji said nonchalantly.

"Not at all, rather, I'm surprised that the girl is even more beautiful than I imagined."

In a sense, this statement was true.

After all, those guys had told him that Yao Ji's appearance was far inferior to Bai Xiaoyao's.

But now, although there was some difference, she wasn't as bad as he had thought.

Yao Ji was slightly stunned after hearing his words, but quickly regained her smile.

"You're quite good at flattery, young master. You must have won over many women with your words, right?"

Luo Wusheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In this life, the only two women he had been a bit closer to were his junior sister, Bai Xiaoyao, and the Miss sword immortal, Miss Lu Yuliu.

They were both the result of his hard work to improve his favorability.

But Yao Ji clearly didn't believe him, however, she didn't point it out, but instead quietly changed the subject.

"I don't know what song you want to hear today, young master. You seem unfamiliar with this place and its music"

"If that's the case, please play a song that you're good at."

Luo Wusheng didn't know what songs were in this world, so he left the choice to the lady in front of him, while he thought about how to improve her favorability.

Although he couldn't be sure yet if she was the person he was looking for, it wouldn't hurt to gain some favorability points.

At worst, he would have another beauty from the brothel.

Yao Ji nodded lightly upon hearing his word.

"I see that you're new here, so I'll play one of my best songs for you."

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